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 WII: To get, or not to get...
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 10:46 am   Post subject: WII: To get, or not to get...

So iv'e been hearing some good things about this new system, but the controllers and type of game play, etc have me scratching my head.

Would this system be worth getting? I am looking for an alternitive for my never ending game World of Warcraft untill the expantion comes out.

If i do pick one up im most definantly going to get Zelda. Which other games would you recommend? I enjoy RPG, and good Multiplayer games, and i love RTS. Current comuter games i play, WoW/ CS/ BW. I hate racing games.

Anyways, if anyone got one, please share your experiance and thoughts, and ofcourse anyone who's been thinking about it, feel free to post aswell.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 10:51 am   Post subject: (No subject)

If I was to get one current gen console, Wii would be it. It's cheap, it's actually feasable to get (unlike PS3)

Though most importantly it offers a revolutionary new gaming style. Xbox360, PS3 - it's just the same games, just better graphics with faster hardware. Gameplay is lacking.

Very appealing about Wii is that it would play all the classic Nintendo games.
Latest from Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 11:38 am   Post subject: (No subject)

Tony wrote:
Though most importantly it offers a revolutionary new gaming style. Xbox360, PS3 - it's just the same games, just better graphics with faster hardware. Gameplay is lacking.
I wouldn't to so far as to say gameplay is lacking. Though, there is sadly little innovation.

Tony wrote:
Very appealing about Wii is that it would play all the classic Nintendo games.
To be fair, my old Xbox can play all the classic Nintendo games as well Wink.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 11:49 am   Post subject: (No subject)

rdrake wrote:
Though, there is sadly little innovation.

That is exactly it.

The new DOAX game looks like one long CG, though I think they've reduced the controls from 2 buttons down to just 1 - "start". Laughing

I'm just looking for something new to play, and I think Wii would be it.
Latest from Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 11:53 am   Post subject: (No subject)

I've actually given Wii a try at a coworkers place. It was a lot of fun.
I tried out skiing, bowling and tennis. All were good.

The tennis was especially cool: you could practically hit the ball based on how you moved your hands (i.e. move upwards for a lob, swing faster for a harder shot...) The problem is that you don't control where your character moves, you just control his/her racket.

In terms of graphics, it looked good, but the games I tried were relatively cartoony, so I can't really compare how it looks to how ps3 will look.

Overall, the system is VERY entertaining with a group of ppl (we were 4 at the time playing doubles tennis). That being said, I can see myself getting bored after a while, so I'm not sure about the Wii's replayability. (However, that, along with cost, are the the reasons I'm not a console gamer anyway so...)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 1:13 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

I am actually looking forward to my Wii for Xmas (well, my sisters Laughing ) Concidering the fact that it can play every game released by nintendo for its own consoles, i cannot wait for it. And the price is amazing for a first month release, compared to other systems (Xbox 360 is $550 right now, PS3 is $600+, Wii is $275ish).

I am also looking forward to the new 'nunchuku' controller. They allways seem to get the good stuff first, like the first ever 3D(kinda) games from the Visual Boy, the crappy and clunky analog controller for N64 (or does the Sega Dreamcast get that one?), Touch Screen for the DS, 'nunchuku' controller for the Wii.

As for the graphics of it, i think that will be decently represented in the Zelda: Twilight Princess game. Can't wait to try that out.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 2:41 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

What he said. (ZeroPaladn)

I am definately looking foward to the Wii for many reasons. One, the price is great, as Zero said, only ~$275, unlike the other next-gen consoles that run at least $500. Second, the nunchuk (however you spell that, i think i got it right...). Red Steel looks like an amusing game and might actualy give you sik Ninja-swords-skillz if you keep at it for a while. Also, it adds to the fact taht you must be steady, not jsut your character, adding an element of physical skill instead of "character skill". Also, I am a gheto gamer, I still play FFIII for the NES (emulated of course...) and it could be great to play it on the big screen again... and in HD (how pointless is that???)

But to choose between the Next-gen consoles, Wii is definately worth every cent. As long as they keep up with the great games selection, and avoid the Gamecubes downfalls, they will surely win out the Console race. Second up is the PS3, sure it's expensive, but from what i've been eharing about the games that are coming out, it should do fine. here is where the 360 gets the short end of the stick, at launch, there were glitches, bugs, faults, you name it. I'm sure you've heard it, if you haven't, get away from your computer and crawl out of your internet accesible hole (no offence... hopefully...). I will not be buying the 360...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 3:05 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

War_Caymore wrote:
unlike the other next-gen consoles that run at least $500.
Xbox Core system is $400 regular price.

War_Caymore wrote:
here is where the 360 gets the short end of the stick, at launch, there were glitches, bugs, faults, you name it. I'm sure you've heard it, if you haven't, get away from your computer and crawl out of your internet accesible hole (no offence... hopefully...). I will not be buying the 360...
Not to say that the 360 had a flawless launch, but the PS3 had its faults too. They should have studied the 360 launch from a year earlier and fixed the flaws which followed. Having an extra year should be plenty of time to fix the flaws which it was still launched with.

Background downloading, HD cables, and playability right out of the box should be a must. Users had to first download an update (not being able to do anything in the mean time), sign up for an account, then finally go out and buy HD cables to support their TV. For such an expensive system, HD cables should be included. I should note that the 360 apparently did not allow for background downloading either at first launch. Should Sony not have learned from their mistakes?

They went with a risky hardware setup... they should have expected issues. Six years should have been enough to get everything working.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 6:07 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

war_crymore, have you even played the ps3? it has far more glitches than the 360.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:08 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Wii > PS3 > Xbox

Wii is the best

PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:16 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Personally i relay wont to get the wii however i have not been able to get my hands on one. There is alot of underhanded dealings going on in thunder bay where employees are buying there stores hole stock out and putting it on ebay. Just the other day i saw a sell from thunder bay that had 15 wiis for sale and about 15 to 20 of every game. The recents (witch you have to show pics of acording to ebay rulles) showed he bougth them all at the same zealors at the same time.

I have seen the same thing with ebgames and a few others tho not with so many of them. Form what i can tell about 75% to 85% of the Wiis in thunder bay are going to ebay. Futureshop is better then most places since they do not let employs buy them and only alows one percostumer, but i am rather pissed that some of there empolys lied to me about how many they have in stack and when they are geting more (nintdeno ships weekly, they claimed they whould not get ones till late jannuray).
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 10:48 am   Post subject: (No subject)

The big problem with the Wii right now is the same one that the DS had at launch - there aren't any good games for it, beyond Zelda. Wii sports is fun when you get the console, but there isn't much depth there. And then you have Zelda and... that's it. I have no doubt that there'll be some great games for it in the future, but until then I'm going to wait. The nice thing about the Wii is that hardware wise, it's essentially just a faster Gamecube, so it's probably pretty solid in terms of hardware.

The XBox 360 has some really great games on it right now, and XBox live is really fun. Gears of War is an adaptation of The Odyssey, and is by far one of the best games that I've ever played. If RPGs are your thing, there's Oblivion, which will cost you many a night's sleep.

As for the PS3, it doesn't matter. You can't get one. Reviewers don't seem to impressed though, which is kind of sad. Plus I'd generally recommend against getting first run hardware - if there's anything to be learned from the XBox, PS2 and XBox 360 launches, it's that there will be bugs to be worked out.

EDIT: And to add, the Wii's graphics suck. This shouldn't be the reason NOT to buy the console - Goldeneye and Perfect Dark are great games, in spite of their dated graphics - but it's still something to keep in mind. I'm still pretty wowed by the 360's graphics, and I imagine the PS3 will be even better, and looking at the Wii is kind of painful.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:54 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Martin wrote:
And to add, the Wii's graphics suck. This shouldn't be the reason NOT to buy the console - Goldeneye and Perfect Dark are great games, in spite of their dated graphics - but it's still something to keep in mind. I'm still pretty wowed by the 360's graphics, and I imagine the PS3 will be even better, and looking at the Wii is kind of painful.

Thus returning to the long argument of which is more important, gameplay or graphics? Each has its own place in every game, and it all depends on the persons style of playing. whether you care that the graphics look like it was ripped off the N64 is completely up to you.

I don't mind much about the graphics, and the Wii is slightly less gifted than its competition.

I played a demo of Twilight Princess at an EB Games near my school, it aws pretty good. The one thing that amazed me was the sensitivity of the controller, how you could aim a bow just by moving your hand. It was real akward a first, but i got used to it (eventually).

PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 1:36 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Martin wrote:
And to add, the Wii's graphics suck. This shouldn't be the reason NOT to buy the console - Goldeneye and Perfect Dark are great games, in spite of their dated graphics - but it's still something to keep in mind. I'm still pretty wowed by the 360's graphics, and I imagine the PS3 will be even better, and looking at the Wii is kind of painful.

The Wii will be capable of hi def graphics, just not as great as either the 360 or PS3. Personaly, i still play quake (if you want to see outdated graphics, play quake) and enjoy the game very much. To me, it's all about the gameplay, not the graphics. it's good if the graphics "fit" the game, but it isn't really all that important.

Even if the Wii is running only a 700 or 800Mhz core, it is stil capable of delivering good graphics that are idealistic for the Next-Gen consoles. But if youre really picky about graphics, stick with your PC.

Andy wrote:
war_crymore, have you even played the ps3? it has far more glitches than the 360.

btw, it's caymore... secondly, i have not heard about any glitches from the PS3 due to the fact that it was just released. also, have you played it? Only 300,000 were constructed for launch and nearly every one of those were pre-sold. if i hear about any glitches, i will simply wait a year to buy the console.

Oh, and wasn't this a opinionable thread? it seems that youre hard on those who have thier own opinion...

PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 1:37 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

ok ill think ill pick one up...

does it come with a controller? Do i need a memery stick?
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