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 Teacher changed final project need new ideas. Please help!
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 7:57 pm   Post subject: Teacher changed final project need new ideas. Please help!

So A while ago I made a topic on ideas for my final project. But now my teacher changed what the final project is going to be. Now we have to find someone to make a project for, a customer and I've already got my parents for that. The project must include the following

- a user defined type
- a search routine
- a sort routine
- use of files (save & load)
- arrays
- functions / procedures
- a timed event
- stacks / queues
- recursion

I really need help on ideas for my final project because my parents don't know what they want, I barely know what half the things are above and we have to submit what the customer wants by Friday. Help would really be appreciated. Thanks in advance and I'll give all the bits I have to the person who comes up with the best idea.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 8:05 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

excellent job

Bits: -3

You need to find yourself a better customer.

Make a cook-book app. It's pretty simple, and covers all but the last 3 points.

You can extend it to include a cooker-timer (timed event)

And you could use queues to keep track of the ingredient lists.

I don't know how recursion would fit in, but you can always put together some useless feature for bonus marks.
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