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 Particle System
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 11:13 am   Post subject: Particle System

I remember making a particle system earlier and it sucked. This one however is amazing. Right now the current effect has the particles orbiting the mouse but it is very easy to extend another particle system class with its own unique features. It is running off my MouseOrbitalSystem which inherits the ParticleSystem. I will probably release the source code later today when I finish my TrailingMouseOrbitalSystem. After that I will post a rain system in the Turing help forum using this engine in the "rain code" topic.

When the source is released I will make some documentation to show you how to make your own particle system using this engine.

By the way. The main program running the system is only 11 lines long so it is very easy to implement into programs.

You should note that this is only a preview. It has much more potential and effects. It is also 1000 particles running.

Edit: It only took me 10 minutes to create the TrailingMouseOrbitalSystem.

particle system
The is the system.

 Filename:  particle system
 Filesize:  278.88 KB
 Downloaded:  189 Time(s)


PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 12:02 pm   Post subject: Re: Particle System

Looks cool, i like how the particles end up fixing themselves and continue to orbit, gj.

ericfourfour wrote:
Edit: It only took me 10 minutes to create the TrailingMouseOrbitalSystem.
Its good to know you took the time to edit and tell us how humble you are Confused.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:15 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

I was trying to point out the fact the particle engine is easy to work with, it is extremely easy to make your own systems, and that the source was released, not that I'm amazing or anything.
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