var winID : int %id of window
var accelrate : int %rate of accel
var accelrate2 : int %memory
var speed : int %speed of movement
var speed2 : int %memory
var ypos : int %where the dot is
var ypos2 : int %memory
var mx : int %mouse x position, useless
var my : int %mouse y position, useless
var mbutton : int %mouse button up or down
const maxspeed1 := 20 %maximum speed
var lose : int := 0 %if you lose, this is 1, the purpose is to stop "process getmousebutton"
var obsposx1 : int %obstacle
var obsposx2 : int := 750 %mem
var obsposx1a : int %obstacle
var obsposx2a : int := 750 + 375 + 50 %mem
var obsposx3 : int %obstacle
var obsposx4 : int := 750 %mem
var obsposx5 : int %obstacle
var obsposx6 : int := 1500 %mem
var obsposx7 : int %obstacle
var obsposx8 : int := 750 + 375 %mem
var obsposx9 : int %obstacle
var obsposx10 : int := 1500 + 375
var obsposx11 : int %obstacle
var obsposx12 : int := 1500 + 375 + 375
var obsposx13 : int %obstacle
var obsposx14 : int := 1500 + 375 + 375
var obsposy : int := Rand.Int (150, 350)
var obsposya : int := Rand.Int (150, 350)
var score1 : int := 0
var score2 : int := 0
var hiscore1 : int := 0
const narrowfactor := 75 %difficulty
const speedfactor := 125 %difficulty
var randomlower : int
var randomhigher : int
var font : int
var endl1 : int := 0
font := Font.New ("serif:25")
winID := Window.Open ("position:center;center,graphics:750;500;nobuttonbar;offscreenonly") %opens the window
%Draw a heli
%Draw.Box (43, 86, 131, 124, black)
colorback (black)
color (white)
%Draw.FillBox (50 - maxspeed1 * 2, 86 - maxspeed1 * 2, 138 + maxspeed1 * 2, 124 + maxspeed1 * 2, black)
Draw.FillOval (107, 100, 15, 10, grey)
Draw.FillBox (57, 105, 107, 110, grey)
Draw.FillOval (57, 107, 6, 6, brightblue)
Draw.FillOval (107, 115, 30, 8, brightblue)
Draw.FillBox (88 + 7, 90, 112 + 7, 87, grey)
% Create the picture
var pic := Pic.New (50, 86, 138, 124)
%var pic2 := Pic.New (250, 251, 250, 251)
const xpos := 50 % x always here
%this detects mouse button
% process getmousebutton
% loop
% Mouse.Where (mx, my, mbutton)
% if lose = 1 then
% exit
% end if
% end loop
% end getmousebutton
procedure lowuhigh1
if randomlower < randomhigher then
obsposy := Rand.Int (randomlower, randomhigher)
elsif randomlower >= randomhigher then
obsposy := Rand.Int (randomhigher, randomlower)
end if
end lowuhigh1
procedure lowuhigh1a
if randomlower < randomhigher then
obsposya := Rand.Int (randomlower, randomhigher)
elsif randomlower >= randomhigher then
obsposya := Rand.Int (randomhigher, randomlower)
end if
end lowuhigh1a
procedure procobs1
obsposx1 := obsposx2 - (15 + (score2 div (speedfactor)))
obsposx2 := obsposx1
Draw.FillOval (obsposx2, obsposy, 47 + Rand.Int( -3, 3), 47 + Rand.Int( -3, 3), brightgreen)
Draw.FillOval (obsposx2, obsposy, 47 + Rand.Int( -3, 3), 47 + Rand.Int( -3, 3), brightgreen)
if obsposx2 < -50 then
obsposx2 := 800
obsposx2a := 375
randomlower := 50 + 50 + 50 + (score2 div narrowfactor)
randomhigher := 450 - 50 - 50 - (score2 div narrowfactor)
end if
end procobs1
procedure procobs8
obsposx1 := obsposx2 - (15 + (score2 div (speedfactor)))
obsposx2 := obsposx1
Draw.FillOval (obsposx2 + Rand.Int (-2, 2), obsposy + Rand.Int (-2, 2), 20 + Rand.Int (-5, 5), 20 + Rand.Int (-5, 5), brightred)
Draw.FillOval (obsposx2 + Rand.Int (-2, 2), obsposy + Rand.Int (-2, 2), 20 + Rand.Int (-5, 5), 20 + Rand.Int (-5, 5), brightred)
if obsposx2 < -50 then
obsposx2 := 800
obsposx2a := 375
randomlower := 50 + 50 + 50 + (score2 div narrowfactor)
randomhigher := 450 - 50 - 50 - (score2 div narrowfactor)
end if
end procobs8
procedure procobs9
obsposx1a := obsposx2a - (15 + (score2 div (speedfactor)))
obsposx2a := obsposx1a
Draw.FillOval (obsposx2a, obsposya, 47 + Rand.Int( -3, 3), 47 + Rand.Int( -3, 3), brightgreen)
Draw.FillOval (obsposx2a, obsposya, 47 + Rand.Int( -3, 3), 47 + Rand.Int( -3, 3), brightgreen)
if obsposx2a < -50 then
obsposx2 := 375
obsposx2a := 800
randomlower := 50 + 50 + 50 + (score2 div narrowfactor)
randomhigher := 450 - 50 - 50 - (score2 div narrowfactor)
end if
end procobs9
procedure procobs10
obsposx1a := obsposx2a - (15 + (score2 div (speedfactor)))
obsposx2a := obsposx1a
Draw.FillOval (obsposx2a + Rand.Int (-2, 2), obsposya + Rand.Int (-2, 2), 20 + Rand.Int (-5, 5), 20 + Rand.Int (-5, 5), brightred)
Draw.FillOval (obsposx2a + Rand.Int (-2, 2), obsposya + Rand.Int (-2, 2), 20 + Rand.Int (-5, 5), 20 + Rand.Int (-5, 5), brightred)
if obsposx2a < -50 then
obsposx2 := 375
obsposx2a := 800
randomlower := 50 + 50 + 50 + (score2 div narrowfactor)
randomhigher := 450 - 50 - 50 - (score2 div narrowfactor)
end if
end procobs10
procedure procobs2
obsposx3 := obsposx4 - (15 + (score2 div (speedfactor div 2)))
obsposx4 := obsposx3
Draw.FillOval (obsposx4, 450 + 25 - (score2 div (narrowfactor - 1)), 750, 50 + (score2 div (speedfactor div 0.5)), brightgreen)
if obsposx4 < -750 then
obsposx4 := 750 + 750
end if
end procobs2
procedure procobs3
obsposx5 := obsposx6 - (15 + (score2 div (speedfactor div 2)))
obsposx6 := obsposx5
Draw.FillOval (obsposx6, 450 + 25 - (score2 div (narrowfactor - 1)), 750, 60 + (score2 div (speedfactor div 0.5)), brightgreen)
if obsposx6 < -750 then
obsposx6 := 750 + 750
end if
end procobs3
procedure procobs4
obsposx7 := obsposx8 - (15 + (score2 div (speedfactor div 2)))
obsposx8 := obsposx7
Draw.FillOval (obsposx8, 50 - 25 + (score2 div (narrowfactor + 1)), 750, 50 + (score2 div (speedfactor div 0.5)), brightgreen)
if obsposx8 < -750 then
obsposx8 := 750 + 750
end if
end procobs4
procedure procobs5
obsposx9 := obsposx10 - (15 + (score2 div (speedfactor div 2)))
obsposx10 := obsposx9
Draw.FillOval (obsposx10, 50 - 25 + (score2 div (narrowfactor + 1)), 750, 50 + (score2 div (speedfactor div 0.5)), brightgreen)
if obsposx10 < -750 then
obsposx10 := 750 + 750
end if
end procobs5
procedure procobs6
obsposx11 := obsposx12 - (15 + (score2 div (speedfactor div 2)))
obsposx12 := obsposx11
Draw.FillOval (obsposx12, 450 + 25 - (score2 div (narrowfactor + 1)), 750, 70 + (score2 div (speedfactor div 0.5)), brightgreen)
if obsposx12 < -750 then
obsposx12 := 750 + 750
end if
end procobs6
procedure procobs7
obsposx13 := obsposx14 - (15 + (score2 div (speedfactor div 2)))
obsposx14 := obsposx13
Draw.FillOval (obsposx14, 50 - 25 + (score2 div (narrowfactor + 1)), 750, 70 + (score2 div (speedfactor div 0.5)), brightgreen)
if obsposx14 < -750 then
obsposx14 := 750 + 750
end if
end procobs7
procedure checkhs
if score2 > hiscore1 then
hiscore1 := score2
score1 := 0
score2 := 0
put "high score: ", hiscore1
put "high score: ", hiscore1
end if
end checkhs
%this checks if speed is over the limit
procedure checkspeed1
if speed > maxspeed1 then
speed := maxspeed1
end if
end checkspeed1
put "Any Key to Play"
exit when hasch
end loop
score1 := 0
score2 := 0
accelrate := 2
accelrate2 := accelrate
speed := 1
speed2 := speed
ypos := 250 %start from here
ypos2 := ypos
lose := 0
% fork getmousebutton
%level 1
randomlower := 50 + 50 + 50 + (score2 div narrowfactor)
randomhigher := 450 - 50 - 50 - (score2 div narrowfactor)
Mouse.Where (mx, my, mbutton)
%checks for direction
if mbutton = 0 then %this one is for gravity
speed := speed2 + accelrate %speed increase
elsif mbutton = 1 then %going up
speed := speed2 - accelrate %speed decrease
end if
speed2 := speed
checkspeed1 %checks if speed is over the limit
ypos := ypos2 - speed %going down
ypos2 := ypos
Pic.Draw (pic, xpos, ypos, picMerge) %draws the heli
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, 1000, 50 + (score2 div narrowfactor), brightgreen) %bottom border
Draw.FillBox (0, 450 - (score2 div narrowfactor), 1000, 500, brightgreen) %top border
if score2 <= 1500 then
elsif score2 > 1500 then
end if
Draw.Text ("Score: " + intstr (score2), 2, 10, font, brightred)
if score2 > hiscore1 then
hiscore1 := score2
end if
Draw.Text ("High Score: " + intstr (hiscore1), 300, 10, font, brightred)
% Draw.Text (intstr (obsposx2a - obsposx2), 300, 150, font, brightred)
% Draw.Text (intstr (obsposx2 - obsposx2a), 300, 300, font, brightred)
delay (66) %delay for speed adjustment
score1 := score2 + 1
score2 := score1
%collision detection using colour detection on edges and corners of heli pic
if whatdotcolor (xpos + 10, ypos + 5) not= black then
elsif whatdotcolor (xpos, ypos + 38) not= black then
elsif whatdotcolor (xpos + 88, ypos) not= black then
elsif whatdotcolor (xpos + 88, ypos + 38) not= black then
elsif whatdotcolor (xpos + 44, ypos) not= black then
elsif whatdotcolor (xpos + 44, ypos + 38) not= black then
elsif whatdotcolor (xpos, ypos + 19) not= black then
elsif whatdotcolor (xpos + 88, ypos + 19) not= black then
end if
end loop
setscreen ("nooffscreenonly")
Pic.Draw (pic, xpos, ypos, picMerge)
Draw.Oval (xpos + 52, ypos + 19, 5, 5, brightred)
delay (50)
Draw.Oval (xpos + 52, ypos + 19, 6, 6, brightred)
delay (75)
Draw.Oval (xpos + 52, ypos + 19, 8, 8, brightred)
delay (100)
Draw.Oval (xpos + 52, ypos + 19, 11, 11, brightred)
delay (125)
Draw.Oval (xpos + 52, ypos + 19, 15, 15, brightred)
delay (150)
Draw.Oval (xpos + 52, ypos + 19, 20, 20, brightred)
delay (175)
Draw.Oval (xpos + 52, ypos + 19, 26, 26, brightred)
delay (200)
Draw.Oval (xpos + 52, ypos + 19, 33, 33, brightred)
delay (225)
Draw.Oval (xpos + 52, ypos + 19, 41, 41, brightred)
delay (250)
Draw.Oval (xpos + 52, ypos + 19, 50, 50, brightred)
delay (275)
Draw.Oval (xpos + 52, ypos + 19, 60, 60, brightred)
delay (2000)
obsposx2 := 1000
obsposx2a := 1000 + 375 + 50
obsposy := Rand.Int (50 + 50 + 50, 500 - 50 - 50)
put "try again"
put "score: ", score2
delay (3000)
score2 := 0
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
end loop