%name block ICS ICS ICS ICS ICS
%name - James Nguyen
%date - September 18, 2006
%program description - air hockey game using input keydown
%A set of instructions in order, used to pre-plan a program
%1. Tells the players the controls and what the scores up to [using put]
%2. Game begins while players try to score on each other [using ifs to check if anything touches]
%3. Game ends when either player hits 5 points [checks with ifs]
%Variables Dictionary
%declare variable by name and type
var chars : array char of boolean %....used for the input keydown
var x1 : int := 325 %..................x location of gamepiece
var y1 : int := 150 %..................y location of gamepiece
var compscore : int := 0 %.............comp score
var playerscore : int := 0 %...........playa score
var x2 : int := 325 %..................x location of ball
var y2 : int := 250 %..................y location of ball
var r : int := 25 %....................radius of the paddle
var r2 : int := 25 %...................radius of the ball
var xchange, ychange : int := 2 %......changes position of puck
var xchange2, ychange2 : int := 15 %...changes position of puck
var enemyx : int := 325 %..............player 2 x coordinates
var enemyy : int := 380 %..............player 2 y coordinates
var enemyr : int := 25 %...............player 2 radius
var font1 : int
font1 := Font.New ("serif:30")
assert font1 > 0
%do each seperatly in a block
%<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>THE SCREEN BACKROUND
proc backround
drawfillbox (0, 0, 639, 479 - 30, red) %........border
drawfillbox (10, 10, 639 - 10, 479 - 10, brightblue) %......backround
drawfillbox (270, 0, 400, 20, black) %..........net
drawfillbox (270, 450, 400, 430, black) %.......net
drawfillbox (0, 445, 639, 450, red) %...............line
drawfillbox (0, 245, 639, 255, red) %...............border
drawfilloval (639, 250, 25, 25, red) %......,...trap1
drawfilloval (639, 250, 15, 15, brightblue) %....trap1
drawfilloval (0, 250, 25, 25, red) %............trap2
drawfilloval (0, 250, 15, 15, brightblue) %.....trap2
drawfilloval (325, 250, 55, 55, red) %..............circle in the middle
drawfilloval (325, 250, 45, 45, brightblue) %.......middle
drawfillbox (0, 110, 639, 120, red) %...............draws lines around border
drawfillbox (0, 390, 639, 380, red) %...............draws lines around border
drawfilloval (120, 0, 50, 50, red) %................draws half circles around border
drawfilloval (120, 0, 35, 35, brightblue) %.........draws half circles around border
drawfilloval (525, 0, 50, 50, red) %................draws half circles around border
drawfilloval (525, 0, 35, 35, brightblue) %.........draws half circles around border
drawfilloval (120, 449, 50, 50, red) %..............draws half circles around border
drawfilloval (120, 449, 35, 35, brightblue) %.......draws half circles around border
drawfilloval (525, 449, 50, 50, red) %..............draws half circles around border
drawfilloval (525, 449, 35, 35, brightblue) %.......draws half circles around border
drawfillbox (0, 450, 639, 479, white) %.....top
locate (1, 30) %................................locates the put
put "Player 2 score: ", compscore .. %..........shows the score
locate (1, 1) %.................................locates the put
put "Player 1 score: ", playerscore .. %........shows the score
end backround
%<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>GAMEPIECE OF THE PADDLE
proc gamepiece
drawfilloval (x1, y1, r, r, 71) %...............draws the main part of game piece
drawfilloval (x1, y1, 20, 20, yellow) %.........draws the handle of the paddle
drawfilloval (x1, y1, 18, 18, brightblue) %.....draws the handle of the paddle
drawfilloval (x1, y1, 15, 15, black) %.......draws the handle of the paddle
drawfilloval (x1, y1, 12, 12, grey) %....draws the handle of the paddle
drawfilloval (x1, y1, 10, 10, 6) %.......draws the handle of the paddle
drawfilloval (x1, y1, 8, 8, 10) %....draws the handle of the paddle
drawfilloval (x1, y1, 6, 6, 13) %...draws the handle of the paddle
end gamepiece
%<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>THE BALL
proc puck
drawfilloval (x2, y2, r2, r2, black) %..........draws the ball
end puck
%<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>COMPUTER PADDLE
proc comp
drawfilloval (enemyx, enemyy, enemyr, enemyr, 13) %...parts of the computer paddle
drawfilloval (enemyx, enemyy, 20, 20, 14) %...........parts of the computer paddle
drawfilloval (enemyx, enemyy, 18, 18, 46) %...........parts of the computer paddle
drawfilloval (enemyx, enemyy, 15, 15, 54) %...........parts of the computer paddle
drawfilloval (enemyx, enemyy, 12, 12, 64) %...........parts of the computer paddle
drawfilloval (enemyx, enemyy, 10, 10, 66) %...........parts of the computer paddle
drawfilloval (enemyx, enemyy, 8, 8, 71) %.............parts of the computer paddle
drawfilloval (enemyx, enemyy, 6, 6, 55) %.............parts of the computer paddle
end comp
%<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>CONTROLS TO THE GAME
proc controls
loop %.......................................repeats forever
colourback (white)
cls % ...................................clears screen
locate (10, 17) %........................locates put
put "Welcome to Air Hockey! Use the keydown keys to move." %intro
locate (11, 12) %........................locates put
put "Controls are the keydown for player 1 and w,a,s,d for player 2." %intro
View.Update %............................puts things into memory
locate (12, 15) %........................locates the put
View.Update %............................puts things into memory
put "First to 5 points wins! Press any keydown keys to continue." %intro
View.Update %............................displays the intro
exit when hasch % .......................exits the loop when any key is pressed
end loop
end controls
%<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>INTRO SCREEN
proc intro
loop %...............................................repeats forever
for c : 1 .. 255 by 2 %..........................makes fancy border
drawbox (0 + c, 0 + c, 639 - c, 479 - c, c) %draws border
delay (10) %.................................delays how fast border is drawn
View.Update %................................shows the border
end for
locate (20, 29) % ...............................locates put
colourback (yellow) % ...........................changes backround colour
Font.Draw ("Air Hockey", 230, 270, font1, brightred) %draws font
put "Press any key to continue" .. % ............tells playa to hit any key
exit when hasch % ...............................exits the loop when any key is pressed
end loop
end intro
%step by step enter the program
setscreen ("offscreenonly") %............puts things into memory
intro % .....................................shows intro
controls % ..................................shows controls
backround %..................................draws backround
gamepiece %..................................draws gamepiece
puck %.......................................draws ball
comp %.......................................draws computer
loop %.......................................repeats forever
backround %..........................puts backround up again
gamepiece %..........................puts gamepiece on screen
puck %...............................puts ball on screen
comp %...................................draws computer
% locate (5, 1) %....................locates the put
% put x1 : 5, y1 : 5 .. %............shows where x and y coordinates are
% locate (6, 1) %....................locates the put
% put x2 : 5, y2 : 5 .. %............shows where x and y coordinates are
% locate (7, 1)
% put enemyx : 5, enemyy : 5 ..
Input.KeyDown (chars) %..................checks for what characters are touched
if chars (KEY_UP_ARROW) then %...........checks if the player touches up key
delay (2) %..........................slows the game
View.Update %........................puts things into memory
y1 := y1 + 2 %.......................moves the gamepiece
end if
if chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then %........checks if player touches right arrow
delay (2) %..........................slows the game
View.Update %........................puts things into memory
x1 := x1 + 2 %........................moves the gamepiece
end if
if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then %.........checks if player touches left key
delay (2) %..........................slows the game
View.Update %........................puts things into memory
x1 := x1 - 2 %.......................moves the gamepiece
end if
if chars (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then %.........checks if player touches down key
delay (2) %..........................slows the game
View.Update %........................puts things into memory
y1 := y1 - 2 %.......................moves the gamepiece
end if
%............................................checks if gamepiece touches the puck
if Math.Distance (x1, y1, x2, y2) < r * 2 and x1 > x2 then
x1 += xchange %......................changes position of puck
x2 -= xchange2 %.....................changes position of puck
end if
%............................................checks if gamepiece touches the puck
if Math.Distance (x1, y1, x2, y2) < r * 2 and y1 < y2 then
y1 -= ychange %......................changes position of puck
y2 += ychange2 %.....................changes position of puck
end if
%............................................checks if gamepiece touches the puck
if Math.Distance (x1, y1, x2, y2) < r * 2 and y1 > y2 then
y1 += ychange %......................changes position of puck
y2 -= ychange2 %.....................changes position of puck
end if
%............................................checks if gamepiece touches the puck
if Math.Distance (x1, y1, x2, y2) < r * 2 and x1 < x2 then
x1 -= xchange %......................changes position of puck
x2 += xchange2 %.....................changes position of puck
end if
% drawfillbox (270, 0, 400, 20, black) %..........net
% drawfillbox (270, 450, 400, 430, black) %.......net
%bottom net
if x2 > 245 and x2 < 425 and y2 > 0 and y2 < 45 then %checks if the puck touches net
compscore := compscore + 1 %....................adds points
for c : 1 .. 150 %..................................makes colours
drawfillbox (270, 0, 400, 20, c) %..............flashes net
locate (1, 30) %................................locates the put
colour (c) %....................................changes text colour
put "Player 2 score: ", compscore .. %..........shows the score
View.Update %...................................text will show
delay (10) %....................................slows how fast colours go on
end for
x2 := 325 %.........................................reset values for the puck
y2 := 250 %.........................................reset values for the puck
x1 := 325 %.........................................reset values for the playa 1
y1 := 150 %.........................................reset values for the playa 1
enemyx := 325 %.....................................reset values for the playa 2
enemyy := 380 %.....................................reset values for the playa 2
end if
%top net
if x2 > 245 and x2 < 425 and y2 > 410 and y2 < 421 then %checks if the puck touches net
playerscore := playerscore + 1 %.................adds points
for c : 1 .. 150 %...................................adds fancy colours
drawfillbox (270, 450, 400, 430, c) %............flashes net
locate (1, 1) %..................................locates the put
colour (c) %.....................................changes colour of text
put "Player 1 score: ", playerscore .. %.........shows the score
View.Update %....................................shows the text
delay (10) %.....................................you can see the colour
end for
x2 := 325 %..........................................reset values for the puck
y2 := 250 %..........................................reset values for the puck
x1 := 325 %..................................reset values for the playa 1
y1 := 150 %..........................................reset values for the playa 1
enemyx := 325 %......................................reset values for the playa 2
enemyy := 380 %......................................reset values for the playa 2
end if
%............................................checks if gamepiece touches the puck
if Math.Distance (enemyx, enemyy, x2, y2) < enemyr * 2 and enemyx > x2 then
enemyx += xchange %..................changes position of puck
x2 -= xchange2 %.....................changes position of puck
end if
%............................................checks if gamepiece touches the puck
if Math.Distance (enemyx, enemyy, x2, y2) < enemyr * 2 and enemyy < y2 then
enemyy -= ychange %...................changes position of puck
y2 += ychange2 %.....................changes position of puck
end if
%............................................checks if gamepiece touches the puck
if Math.Distance (enemyx, enemyy, x2, y2) < enemyr * 2 and enemyy > y2 then
enemyy += ychange %..................changes position of puck
y2 -= ychange2 %.....................changes position of puck
end if
%............................................checks if gamepiece touches the puck
if Math.Distance (enemyx, enemyy, x2, y2) < enemyr * 2 and enemyx < x2 then
enemyx -= xchange %..................changes position of puck
x2 += xchange2 %.....................changes position of puck
end if
%........................................prevents game piece from goin left off screen
if x1 < 30 then %....................checks if gamepiece goes too far left
x1 := x1 + 2 %...................makes sure gamepiece doesn't go off screen
end if
%........................................prevents game piece from going off screen
if y1 > 420 then %...................checks if game piece goes too far off screen
y1 := y1 - 2 %...................makes sure gamepiece doesn't go off screen
end if
%........................................prevents game piece from going off screen
if x1 > 610 then %...................checks if game piece goes too far off screen
x1 := x1 - 2 %...................makes sure gamepiece doesn't go off screen
end if
%........................................prevents game piece from going off the screen
if y1 < 30 then %....................checks if game piece goes too far off screen
y1 := y1 + 3 %...................makes sure gamepiece doesn't go off screen
end if
%........................................prevents game piece from goin left off screen
if x2 < 30 then %....................checks if gamepiece goes too far left
x2 := x2 + 75 %..................makes the ball bounce back
end if
%........................................prevents game piece from going off screen
if y2 > 420 then %...................checks if game piece goes too far off screen
y2 := y2 - 75 %...................makes the ball bounce back
end if
%........................................prevents game piece from going off screen
if x2 > 610 then %...................checks if game piece goes too far off screen
x2 := x2 - 75 %...................makes the ball bounce back
end if
%........................................prevents game piece from going off the screen
if y2 < 30 then %....................checks if game piece goes too far off screen
y2 := y2 + 75 %...................makes the ball bounce back
end if
%........................................makes sure enemys paddle doesn't move off screen
%........................................prevents game piece from goin left off screen
if enemyx < 30 then %................checks if gamepiece goes too far left
enemyx := enemyx + 2 %............makes sure gamepiece doesn't go off screen
end if
%........................................prevents game piece from going off screen
if enemyy > 420 then %...............checks if game piece goes too far off screen
enemyy := enemyy - 2 %............makes sure gamepiece doesn't go off screen
end if
%........................................prevents game piece from going off screen
if enemyx > 610 then %...............checks if game piece goes too far off screen
enemyx := enemyx - 2 %...........makes sure gamepiece doesn't go off screen
end if
%........................................prevents game piece from going off the screen
if enemyy < 30 then %................checks if game piece goes too far off screen
enemyy := enemyy + 2 %............makes sure gamepiece doesn't go off screen
end if
if chars ('w') then %...........checks if the player touches up key
delay (2) %.....................slows the game
View.Update %...................puts things into memory
enemyy := enemyy + 2 %..........moves the gamepiece
end if
if chars ('d') then %...............checks if player touches right arrow
delay (2) %.....................slows the game
View.Update %...................puts things into memory
enemyx := enemyx + 2 %...........moves the gamepiece
end if
if chars ('a') then %...............checks if player touches left key
delay (2) %.....................slows the game
View.Update %...................puts things into memory
enemyx := enemyx - 2 %..........moves the gamepiece
end if
if chars ('s') then %...............checks if player touches down key
delay (2) %.....................slows the game
View.Update %...................puts things into memory
enemyy := enemyy - 2 %...........moves the gamepiece
end if
%............................................checks if player 2 touches player 1
if Math.Distance (enemyx, enemyy, x1, y1) < enemyr * 2 and enemyx > x1 then
enemyx := enemyx + 2 %...................changes position of player
x1 := x1 - 2 %...........................changes position of player
end if
%............................................checks if player 2 touches player 1
if Math.Distance (enemyx, enemyy, x1, y1) < enemyr * 2 and enemyy < y1 then
enemyy := enemyy - 2 %...................changes position of player
y1 := y1 + 2 %...........................changes position of player
end if
%............................................checks if player 2 touches player 1
if Math.Distance (enemyx, enemyy, x1, y1) < enemyr * 2 and enemyy > y1 then
enemyy := enemyy + 2 %...................changes position of player
y1 := y1 - 2 %...........................changes position of player
end if
%............................................checks if player 2 touches player 1
if Math.Distance (enemyx, enemyy, x1, y1) < enemyr * 2 and enemyx < x1 then
enemyx := enemyx - 2 %...................changes position of player
x1 := x1 + 2 %...........................changes position of player
end if
%............................................exits after 5 points
exit when playerscore = 5 or compscore = 5
end loop
%................................................checks if either player hits 5 points
if playerscore = 5 then
cls %........................................clears screen
locate (11, 35) %............................locates put
put "Player 1 has won." %....................tells player who wins
View.Update %................................makes sure everything is shown
locate (12, 40) %............................locates put
put "Credits" %..............................displays credits
locate (13, 33) %............................locates put
put "Made by James Nguyen" %.................displays credits
locate (14, 26) %............................locates put
put "With help from Cody Beckett Patterson" %displays credits
end if
%................................................checks if either player hits 5 points
if compscore = 5 then
cls %........................................clears screen
put "Player 2 has won." %....................tells player who wins
View.Update %................................makes sure everything is shown
locate (12, 40) %............................locates put
put "Credits" %..............................displays credits
locate (13, 33) %............................locates put
put "Made by James Nguyen" %.................displays credits
locate (14, 26) %............................locates put
put "With help from Cody Beckett Patterson" %displays credits
end if