Little game i made
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Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 3:14 pm Post subject: Little game i made |
heres a little game i made, basically there are a bunch of balls floating around, your job is to click on them to make them disappear before time runs out, the object of the game is to get as high of a score as you can, to make more balls press enter on the keyboard, but beware, if you dont clear all of the balls before time runs out you lose, any suggestions would be appreciated
Turing: |
class balls
import Draw, Mouse
export initialize, move, draw, draw_, check_clicked
var size, x, y, colur : int
var x_vel, y_vel : int
var draw_ : boolean := true
proc initialize (x_, y_, size_, color_, xVel, yVel : int)
x := x_
y := y_
size := size_
x_vel := xVel
y_vel := yVel
if color_ >= 1 and color_ <= maxcolor then
colur := color_
colur := brightred
end if
end initialize
proc move
x + = x_vel
y + = y_vel
if x + size >= maxx then
x := maxx - size
x_vel * = - 1
end if
if x - size <= 0 then
x := size
x_vel * = - 1
end if
if y + size >= maxy then
y := maxy - size
y_vel * = - 1
end if
if y - size <= 0 then
y := size
y_vel * = - 1
end if
end move
procedure check_clicked (mx, my, mb : int)
%check to see if the ball has been clicked
if mx > x - size and mx < x + size and my > y - size and my < y + size and mb >= 1 then
draw_ := false
draw_ := true
end if
end check_clicked
proc draw
if draw_ then
Draw.FillOval (x, y, size, size, colur )
end if
end draw
end balls
View.Set ("offscreenonly,graphics")
type bouncy :
instance : ^balls
points_taken : boolean
end record
var ball : flexible array 1 .. 0 of bouncy
var elements_to_be_removed : flexible array 1 .. 0 of int
var mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_buttons, oldbutton : int := 0
var points, ball_amount : int := 0
var keys : array char of boolean
const ball_color : int := brightblue
const min_size : int := 10
const max_size : int := 20
const timer : int := 60000 %60 seconds (60 * 1000 ;) )
var tim : int := Time.Elapsed
var tim2 : int := Time.Elapsed - timer
procedure lose
var font : int := Font.New ("times new roman:20:bold")
Font.Draw ("You Lose!!", maxx div 2 - 100, maxy - 25, font, brightred)
locatexy (maxx div 2 - 100, maxy - 50)
put "You created ", ball_amount, " balls, however you had ", upper (ball ), " ball(s) left"
end lose
procedure win
var font : int := Font.New ("times new roman:20:bold")
Font.Draw ("You Win!!", maxx div 2 - 150, maxy - 25, font, brightblue)
locatexy (maxx div 2 - 150, maxy - 50)
put "You created ", ball_amount, " balls and clicked all of them in 60 seconds"
locatexy (maxx div 2 - 150, maxy - 75)
put "giving you a score of ", points, " points, Congratulations."
end win
procedure check_click
Mouse.Where (mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_buttons )
if mouse_buttons = 1 and oldbutton = 0 then
for i : 1 .. upper (ball )
oldbutton := 1
ball (i ).instance -> check_clicked (mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_buttons )
end for
elsif mouse_buttons = 0 and oldbutton = 1 then
oldbutton := 0
end if
end check_click
procedure delete_ball (object_to_be_deleted : int)
var temp : bouncy
for lp : object_to_be_deleted .. upper (ball ) - 1
%for loop pushes the ball to be deleted to top of array to be deleted
temp := ball (lp )
ball (lp ) := ball (lp + 1)
ball (lp + 1) := temp
end for
free balls, ball (upper (ball )).instance
new ball, upper (ball ) - 1
end delete_ball
procedure new_ball (x, y, size, colur : int)
new ball, upper (ball ) + 1
new balls, ball (upper (ball )).instance
ball (upper (ball )).points_taken := false
ball (upper (ball )).instance -> initialize (x, y, size, colur, Rand.Int (1, 7), Rand.Int (1, 7))
ball_amount + = 1
end new_ball
%Main Program
new_ball (maxx div 2, maxy div 2, 20, ball_color )
tim2 := Time.Elapsed - timer
put "Balls: ", upper (ball ), " Points: ", points, " Time: ", round ((tim - tim2 ) / 1000)
put "Button: ", mouse_buttons, " Old Button: ", oldbutton
Input.KeyDown (keys )
%create more balls by holding down the enter key
if keys (KEY_ENTER ) then
new_ball (Rand.Int (max_size, maxx - max_size ), Rand.Int (max_size, maxy - max_size ), Rand.Int (min_size, max_size ), ball_color )
end if
Time.DelaySinceLast (30)
new elements_to_be_removed, 0 %start an empty array
for j : 1 .. upper (ball )
%move and draw the ball
ball (j ).instance -> move
ball (j ).instance -> draw
%the if not ball (j).instance -> draw_ is if the balls have been drawn and clicked on
if not ball (j ).instance -> draw_ and not ball (j ).points_taken then
%do this to stop points to keep being gained every iteration of the loop
ball (j ).points_taken := true
%used for the delete_ball procedure because it screws up if i have delete_ball(j) in here
new elements_to_be_removed, upper (elements_to_be_removed ) + 1
elements_to_be_removed (upper (elements_to_be_removed )) := j %removes ball j in next for loop
points + = 10
end if
end for
for i : 1 .. upper (elements_to_be_removed )
delete_ball (elements_to_be_removed (i ))
end for
exit when tim - tim2 <= 0
end loop
if upper (ball ) >= 1 then
end if
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Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 7:20 am Post subject: (No subject) |
Hmm, Have it so you cant hold down the click button and shake the mouse around to clear them all.
Also, maybe have it in a level sequence.
Level one = 1 ball, Each progressing level can have +2 balls?
good tho |
Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 11:29 am Post subject: (No subject) |
ok so what could you do so that you cant just hold the mouse down? ive been trying to use the Mouse. commands but they arent getting me anywhere (specifically Mouse.ButtonMoved, and Mouse.ButtonChoose), as for the level thing thats what i was planning on doing, this is just a kind of basic engine for the game, im still kind of thinking about where to go with it from here:D |
Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 1:48 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
SuperFreak82 wrote: ok so what could you do so that you cant just hold the mouse down? Add a new variable called mouse_buttons_2 or something, write "mouse_buttons_2 := mouse_buttons" right before your Mouse.Where procedure, and everywhere you're checking for whether the mouse is being clicked, just use "if mouse_buttons = 1 and mouse_buttons_2 = 0 then" |
Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 3:01 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
Ok, some people are gonna probably yell at me for saying this but anyhow...
You Should check to see when they click and when they do click run collision detection, its probably more effective then checking everytime.
If you would like me to make a coded example ask i will whip it up as fast as i can.
also are you removing the balls from the flexible array ? like after they have clicked on them or are you still running them through your loop?
the easiest way to remove the ball is do a main loop with quit like so...
(if this is confusing ill try to explain just give me a message)
code: |
var ball : flexible array 1 .. 0 of boolean %Declaring the Flexible Array
%Create Random Information For Flexible Array
new ball, upper (ball) + 1
ball (upper (ball)) := true
new ball, upper (ball) + 1
ball (upper (ball)) := false
new ball, upper (ball) + 1
ball (upper (ball)) := true
new ball, upper (ball) + 1
ball (upper (ball)) := true
new ball, upper (ball) + 1
ball (upper (ball)) := false
new ball, upper (ball) + 1
ball (upper (ball)) := false
new ball, upper (ball) + 1
ball (upper (ball)) := false
new ball, upper (ball) + 1
ball (upper (ball)) := true
var currentBall : int := 1 %Declare The Start of Array
var maxBall : int := upper (ball) %Get Top Of Array
if (currentBall > maxBall) then %If The Upcoming check is out of range
exit %Exit Out Of Loop
end if
if (not ball (currentBall)) then % if is false then [Add and Remove The not, you will notice that it works]
ball (currentBall) := ball (upper (ball)) %Put the Top Ball In Its Location
new ball, upper (ball) - 1 %Decrease Array Size (Deletes Duplicate Ball)
maxBall -= 1 %Decrease Loop By 1 so it wont be array out of bounds
else %this is added so that it will check the ball it moved to the one you overwrotes position (checks same number twice in reality)
currentBall += 1 %add 1 to currentBall (To Go Check Next Ball In Loop since current number was satisified)
end if
end loop
for i : 1 .. upper (ball)
put "", ball (i)
end for
^ that code is untested btw, but it should work... ive written it many times lets just say |
Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 3:24 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
Ok, i got lazy and actually got around to writing a click point routine also, so when you click it adds up the clicks inside the area specified...
at the same time i noticed your collision detection is for squares instead of circles so i decided to help you there also, the first one is using your detection (i drew the square to prove the point)
code: |
var circleClickCount : int := 0
var prevmb : int := 0
var r : int := 50 %radius
var cx, cy : int := 150
var mx, my, mb : int
Mouse.Where (mx, my, mb)
Text.Locate (1, 1)
put "button Status: ", mb, " at: ", mx, ",", my
put "circle has been clicked ", circleClickCount, " times"
drawfillbox (100, 100, 200, 200, brightred)
drawfilloval (cx, cy, r, r, red)
if (prevmb = 0) and (mb = 1) then
if (mx > cx - r) and (mx < cx + r) and (my > cy - r) and (my < cy + r) then
circleClickCount += 1
end if
end if
prevmb := mb
delay (50)
end loop
And here is it with proper collision detection
code: |
var circleClickCount : int := 0
var prevmb : int := 0
var r : int := 50 %radius
var cx, cy : int := 150
var mx, my, mb : int
Mouse.Where (mx, my, mb)
Text.Locate (1, 1)
put "button Status: ", mb, " at: ", mx, ",", my
put "circle has been clicked ", circleClickCount, " times"
drawfilloval (cx, cy, r, r, red)
if (prevmb = 0) and (mb = 1) then
if (Math.Distance (150, 150, mx, my) < r) then
circleClickCount += 1
end if
end if
prevmb := mb
delay (50)
end loop
Take what you will from it. any questions ask right ahead! |
Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 4:43 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
i click it at 56 seconds and then i have to wait a whole minute fer the next ball |