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 Guts by Chuck Palahniuk
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 8:50 am   Post subject: Guts by Chuck Palahniuk

This deserves an introduction. Guts is a surrealistic short story by Chuck Palahniuk, and perhaps the most disturbing thing that I've ever read. A count of 60 have fainted at book readings of it according to Wikipedia. If you're easily offended, or in a place where someone can read over your shoulder easily, don't click this link. Also, if you're epileptic - there's a blinking banner at the top (maybe 50x200 pixels), and DEFINITELY don't go to the top domain. Otherwise, enjoy Guts.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 10:50 am   Post subject: (No subject)

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to hate you or hate myself. That was truly... well, the description fits.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:56 am   Post subject: (No subject)

haha yeah i read this a while back.. perl diving.. gross Puppy Dog Eyes

PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 1:12 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

I thought the author of Fight Club had to be a little messed up... but this is... ummm... no comment.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 2:55 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

that poor poor bastard

I hope this guy never got any awards for ummm, errr, ahhh 'inventive' as it is

PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 3:30 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

wow thats pretty sick... im gonna go throw up now, well maybe not but still, the things people will do Sad

PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 10:46 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

this needs no introduction, OR any tipe of media attention whatsoever. Sure, im all for free speech and whatnot, but c'mon. if anything entertaining can come out of this article, it is
As the French would say, Who doesn't like getting their butt sucked? Still, one minute you're just a kid getting off, and the next minute you'll never be a lawyer.
that made me laugh just a little, the rest just explains why there are warning labels on things.

[edit] i couldnt finish it btw ...[/edit]

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 5:33 am   Post subject: (No subject)

CompWiz333 wrote:
this needs no introduction, OR any tipe of media attention whatsoever. Sure, im all for free speech and whatnot, but c'mon. if anything entertaining can come out of this article, it is
As the French would say, Who doesn't like getting their butt sucked? Still, one minute you're just a kid getting off, and the next minute you'll never be a lawyer.
that made me laugh just a little, the rest just explains why there are warning labels on things.

[edit] i couldnt finish it btw ...[/edit]

You're missing out. It ends in a perfect circle.

As for it not having literary value, that's total crap. It's out there and quite disturbing, but that it brings out those emotions is reason enough for it to be considered of value.

And apparently 500 - 2000 teenagers in the US kill themselves (accidently) by means of autoerotic asphyxiation.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 5:42 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

well that was an interesting story.. it's kind of weird at first... but then the real stuff hits you like a bag of bricks. And at that point you're already into the story enough to not be able to stop.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:39 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

It defatly has literary value in how it draws peoleop in with the 1st half and will read anything affter that.

Also since i blive in free speeh as long as it is not hate speeh, i say he has every right to publish it how ever he whonts.

Perosanly i question if the story is true. It all seems posiable how ever unlikey intill you see the last scentec where it talks about his "sister's abortion". I am 99.5% shure that it is imposablie to get pregenet that way even if she was in the poll with him. Even if a women was to have intercore with no proction well ovulating it is still not a 100% chance to get pergenet, so take in to acount the fact the sprem can not surive in water long if at all never mind highly cloernated water you could not have them last for the time it whould take for some one to come home and get in the pool. Also take in to acount that by then what sperm dead or alive will have a very low constartion in the water and the odds of them geting in to....that area whould be exteramly low.

Tho this dose not nessarly chage the turth of the above story it at least puts the vaildity of the authers writings in to question. It is compeny posaible that the sister got pergent in a noraml way and the faimly blamed it on him, allready being shunded and ashemed of him whould a litte more hurt?

I guse it whould be rather easy to find out the truth value by reashing the author if he exists tho the realy intresting thing in all of this is the method by witch he got peoleop to read somthing like this. Noramly no one whould read that if they knew what it was about. But by adding the storys to the top and adrertsiing it right it is no problem.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:47 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Although it is rare, there have been some circumstances where girls have gotten pregnant in a pool. I read a story on it somewhere (can't remember where right now Confused). This story may or may not have been true, however, if it is true, he may have added that little bit about his sister getting pregnant to make the story sound more... sickening. I don't know, it just seems a little farfetched, and I think that it was added for "flavour" in the story.
cool dude

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 9:43 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

The sperm would have died by then and i'm almost positive. This story was written by some sick author and there's no proof of it being true, although i'm sure things similar to this do happen. Now my question is Martin how in the world did you find such an article?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 9:59 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

SuperFreak82 wrote:
Although it is rare, there have been some circumstances where girls have gotten pregnant in a pool. I read a story on it somewhere (can't remember where right now Confused). This story may or may not have been true, however, if it is true, he may have added that little bit about his sister getting pregnant to make the story sound more... sickening. I don't know, it just seems a little farfetched, and I think that it was added for "flavour" in the story.

I know of no such case to be proven. I realy do not think it is posible for sprem to live out side the body, just minutres affter sprem is expoised to air bactirorea eats away the tail and slow desotrys the rest of it. Also sprem is exteramly sesntive to tempacher, everiment and many other things.

I think much of this myth is spread by the idea that sprem could swim in water and some how can think about where they are going. This not true at all and most of the control over the movemnt of sprem during intercores is done by the musles in side the vangual area. The sprems movemnt comes in to plany more when they are closer to the egg.

Once sprem hits water, epstaly colinated water it whould almost instealy die. And even the dead sprem could not travel threw the needed "paths" with out ininteal help.

Also the more i think about the posiably of one losing there "guts" in the way described the more i find it unlikey. Yes, it is posiable in women who have had parts of there viggian removed threw that opening and in some rare cases threw the anal passage but i blive in all thess cases there was somthing wrong inintrealy that cuased it and not exteranly.

P.S. i did not use any out side sorces for the above post but here are some to pove that sprem can not surive in a pool: (this one says it is extreamly unlikey, but anything is posiable given absulte realtiviesm and they do not whont to get sued if it could, for example they say it is more likey to be killed by a falling moose.)
(this one says it is extreamly unlike in general to get pregent affter sprem has left due to master bastion in general)
(note that they say it is only posible if they are having sex in the pool)
(about sprem in noraml water, not pool with cemicals. Still extreamly unlikey to live at all never mind any matter of time.)

It should be noted that YOU CAN get pregent if you have sex in a pool, it is almost as likey as noraml sex. However masterbting in a pool is compently diffrent then having sex in one.

Also should be noted that sprem can live up to 5 days in the humman vigian. This means that some forms of proction maynot cover some one the hole time. But the vigian is made (by some super integentn force of evelition depedning on your view point) to prolong sprems life. it is very rare for it to live this long by cahce out side of the human body.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 10:15 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Hacker Dan wrote:
I know of no such case to be proven. I realy do not think it is posible for sprem to live out side the body, just minutres affter sprem is expoised to air bactirorea eats away the tail and slow desotrys the rest of it. Also sprem is exteramly sesntive to tempacher, everiment and many other things.

Maybe your sperm can't survive to accomplish such a heroic deed. I know mine can.

Heh... please don't ban me. Laughing

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 10:19 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Cervantes wrote:

Maybe your sperm can't survive to accomplish such a heroic deed. I know mine can.

Well maybe if you are not human, but most of our readers are.....or at least i think......
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