% Bryan's World Of FF06
var numFrames : int := Pic.Frames ("M:/TIK/11.gif")
var pics, pics1 : array 1 .. 16 of int
var delayTime, delayTime1 : int
var keys : array char of boolean %using keys
var x, x1, y1, y, xSize, ySize : int
var font, font2 : int
var position : int
var name : int
var number1, number2, number3, number4 : int
var characterHP, character2HP, character2MP, characterMP, characterTP, character2TP : int
characterHP := 9999
character2HP := 9999
characterMP := 100
character2MP := 100
characterTP := 100
character2TP := 100
x := 10
y := 10
x1 := 10
y1 := 10
xSize := 10
ySize := 10
number1 := Rand.Int (50, 100)
number2 := Rand.Int (800, 1500)
font := Font.New ("serif:15")
font2 := Font.New ("serif:85")
View.Set ("offscreenonly")
put "**********************************************************************"
put "** Welcome to the World Of Final Fantasy 06. **"
put "** The game you are about to play is based on the 11 Final Fantasy. **"
put "** The Main story line for this is Cloud is looking for Magus the **"
put "** bad end boss on his way he must fight and level his way throught **"
put "** different areas. **"
put "** hit 'o' if your a new player **"
put "**********************************************************************"
Draw.Text ("Final Fantasy", 20, 170, font2, black)
delay (6000)
% var picID : int
% var x2, y2 : int
% picID := Pic.FileNew ("M:/TIK/worldmap.gif")
% for i : 1 .. 50
% x2 := Rand.Int (0, maxx)
% y2 := Rand.Int (0, maxy)
% Pic.Draw (picID, x2, y2, picCopy)
% end for
% Pic.Free (picID)
% delay (8000)
% Load the picture
Pic.FileNewFrames ("M:/TIK/11.gif", pics, delayTime)
%Pic.FileNewFrames ("C:/Documents and Settings/Mom_2/Desktop/Turing/cloud.gif", pics, delayTime)
Pic.FileNewFrames ("M:/TIK/cloud.gif", pics1, delayTime1)
%Pic.FileNewFrames ("C:/Documents and Settings/Mom_2/Desktop/Turing/magus.gif", pics1, delayTime1)
% Draw the background black
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, green)
% Create the sprite
var sprite, sprite1 : int
sprite := Sprite.New (pics (1))
sprite1 := Sprite.New (pics1 (1))
Sprite.SetPosition (sprite, 0, 100, false)
Sprite.SetPosition (sprite1, 0, 100, false)
Sprite.Show (sprite)
Sprite.Show (sprite1)
Draw.FillOval (57, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (110, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (240, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (240 + 70, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.Oval (280, 222, 10, 10, green)
Draw.Oval (88, 222, 10, 10, white)
%Move the sprite across the screen
Sprite.Hide (sprite)
Sprite.SetPosition (sprite, +x1 + 50, y1 + 100, false)
Sprite.SetPosition (sprite1, +x + 250, y + 100, false)
Sprite.Show (sprite1)
Sprite.Show (sprite)
Input.KeyDown (keys)
drawfilloval (42, 60, 5, 5, blue)
drawfilloval (42, 85, 5, 5, blue)
Draw.FillBox (638, 400, 458, 303, white) %TP window
Draw.FillBox (638 + 8, 400 + 8, 458 + 8, 303 + 8, blue) %TP window
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, maxx, maxy div 4 + 8, white) %select window
Draw.FillBox (8, 8, maxx - 10, maxy div 4, blue) %select window
Draw.ThickLine (170, 100, 170, 5, 5, white)
if keys (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
drawfilloval (42, 60, 5, 5, blue)
drawfilloval (42, 85, 5, 5, white)
position := 1
end if
if keys (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
drawfilloval (42, 85, 5, 5, blue)
drawfilloval (42, 57, 5, 5, white)
position := 2
end if
if keys (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
drawfilloval (42, 85, 5, 5, blue)
drawfilloval (42, 57, 5, 5, blue)
drawfilloval (26, 40, 5, 5, white)
position := 3
end if
if keys (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
drawfilloval (42, 85, 5, 5, blue)
drawfilloval (42, 57, 5, 5, blue)
drawfilloval (26, 40, 5, 5, blue)
drawfilloval (42, 25, 5, 5, white)
position := 4
end if
if keys (KEY_ENTER) then
if position = 1 then
character2HP := character2HP - number1
characterTP := characterTP + 10
Draw.ThickLine (255, 117, 307, 188, 10, black)
Draw.ThickLine (255, 117, 307, 188, 10 - 5, brightred)
delay (800)
Draw.ThickLine (310, 115, 250, 176, 10, black)
Draw.ThickLine (310, 115, 250, 176, 10 - 5, brightred)
Draw.Text (intstr ((number1)), 265, 203, font, white)
delay (800)
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, green)
Draw.FillOval (57, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (110, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (240, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (240 + 70, 322, 55, 50, white)
elsif characterHP < 1 then
Draw.Text ("Game Over", 350, 280, font, white)
exit when character2HP < 1
elsif position = 2 and characterMP > 1 then
character2HP := character2HP - number2
characterMP := characterMP - 10
exit when character2HP < 1
delay (200)
Draw.FillOval (285, 145, 50, 50, black)
Draw.FillOval (285, 145, 50 - 10, 50 - 10, purple)
delay (800)
Draw.ThickLine (285, 145, 288, 106, 5, black)
delay (100)
Draw.ThickLine (285, 145, 240, 150, 5, black)
delay (100)
Draw.ThickLine (285, 145, 326, 148, 5, black)
delay (100)
Draw.ThickLine (285, 145, 283, 194, 5, black)
delay (100)
Draw.ThickLine (285, 145, 317, 119, 5, black)
delay (100)
Draw.ThickLine (285, 145, 245, 123, 5, black)
delay (100)
Draw.ThickLine (285, 145, 252, 180, 5, black)
delay (100)
Draw.ThickLine (285, 145, 315, 180, 5, black)
Draw.Text (intstr ((number2)), 265, 203, font, white)
delay (1000)
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, green)
Draw.FillOval (57, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (110, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (240, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (240 + 70, 322, 55, 50, white)
elsif characterHP < 1 then
Draw.Text ("Game Over", 350, 280, font, white)
exit when character2HP < 1
elsif position = 3 and characterTP > 99 then
character2HP := character2HP - characterTP * 10
characterTP := characterTP - characterTP
Draw.Text (intstr ((characterTP * 10)), 350, 280, font, white)
delay (800)
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, green)
Draw.FillOval (57, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (110, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (240, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (240 + 70, 322, 55, 50, white)
elsif characterHP < 1 then
Draw.Text ("Game Over", 350, 280, font, white)
exit when character2HP < 1
Draw.ThickLine (255, 117, 307, 188, 10, black)
Draw.ThickLine (255, 117, 307, 188, 10 - 5, brightred)
delay (800)
Draw.ThickLine (310, 115, 250, 176, 10, black)
Draw.ThickLine (310, 115, 250, 176, 10 - 5, brightred)
delay (800)
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, green)
Draw.FillOval (57, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (110, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (240, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (240 + 70, 322, 55, 50, white)
elsif position = 4 and characterMP > 0 then
characterHP := characterHP + 1000
characterMP := characterMP - 15
Draw.Text ("+1000", 60, 203, font, white)
delay (800)
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, green)
Draw.FillOval (57, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (110, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (240, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (240 + 70, 322, 55, 50, white)
end if
end if
var width : int := Font.Width ("Attack", font)
var height, ascent, descent, internalLeading : int
Draw.Text ("Attack", 50, 80, font, white)
Draw.Text ("Magic", 50, 57, font, white)
Draw.Text ("Weapon Skill", 38, 37, font, white)
Draw.Text ("Healing", 50, 18, font, white)
Draw.Text ("Magus", 250, 80, font, white)
Draw.Text ("HP", 310, 80, font, white) %HP
Draw.Text ("HP", 310, 57, font, white) %HP
Draw.Text (intstr (characterHP), 350, 80, font, white)
Draw.Text ("Cloud", 250, 57, font, white)
Draw.Text ("/9999", 400, 80, font, white)
Draw.Text (intstr (character2HP), 350, 57, font, white)
Draw.Text ("/9999", 400, 57, font, white) %end of HP
Draw.Text ("MP", 550, 57, font, white) %MP
Draw.Text ("MP", 550, 80, font, white) %MP
Draw.Text (intstr (character2MP), 470, 57, font, white)
Draw.Text ("/100", 500, 80, font, white)
Draw.Text (intstr (characterMP), 470, 80, font, white)
Draw.Text ("/100", 500, 57, font, white) %end of MP
Draw.Text ("/100", 600, 380, font, white) %end of TP
Draw.Text ("/100", 600, 339, font, white) %end of TP
Draw.Text ("Cloud", 490, 380, font, white)
Draw.Text ("Magus", 490, 340, font, white)
Draw.Text (intstr (characterTP), 570, 380, font, white) %TP
Draw.Text (intstr (character2TP), 570, 339, font, white) %TP
var x6, y6, button : int
Mouse.Where (x6, y6, button)
Text.Locate (1, 1)
if button = 0 then
put x6 : 4, " ", y6 : 4, " button up"
end if
end loop
Draw.FillOval (57, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (110, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (240, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (240 + 70, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.Oval (88, 222, 10, 10, green)
Draw.Oval (280, 222, 10, 10, white)
%Move the sprite across the screen
Sprite.Hide (sprite)
Sprite.SetPosition (sprite, +x1 + 50, y1 + 100, false)
Sprite.SetPosition (sprite1, +x + 250, y + 100, false)
Sprite.Show (sprite1)
Sprite.Show (sprite)
Input.KeyDown (keys)
drawfilloval (42, 60, 5, 5, blue)
drawfilloval (42, 85, 5, 5, blue)
Draw.FillBox (638, 400, 458, 303, white) %TP window
Draw.FillBox (638 + 8, 400 + 8, 458 + 8, 303 + 8, blue) %TP window
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, maxx, maxy div 4 + 8, white) %select window
Draw.FillBox (8, 8, maxx - 10, maxy div 4, blue) %select window
Draw.ThickLine (170, 100, 170, 5, 5, white)
if keys (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
drawfilloval (42, 60, 5, 5, blue)
drawfilloval (42, 85, 5, 5, white)
position := 1
end if
if keys (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
drawfilloval (42, 85, 5, 5, blue)
drawfilloval (42, 57, 5, 5, white)
position := 2
end if
if keys (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
drawfilloval (42, 85, 5, 5, blue)
drawfilloval (42, 57, 5, 5, blue)
drawfilloval (26, 40, 5, 5, white)
position := 3
end if
if keys (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
drawfilloval (42, 85, 5, 5, blue)
drawfilloval (42, 57, 5, 5, blue)
drawfilloval (26, 40, 5, 5, blue)
drawfilloval (42, 25, 5, 5, white)
position := 4
end if
if keys ('o') then
put "Welcome to FF2006, using your up arrow key to attack, down to use magic, right to use tp moves, and left to heal yourself"
end if
if keys (KEY_ENTER) then
if position = 1 then %atttack
characterHP := characterHP - number1
character2TP := character2TP + 10
delay (200)
Draw.ThickLine (57, 116, 121, 173, 10, black)
Draw.ThickLine (57, 116, 121, 173, 10 - 5, brightred)
delay (800)
Draw.ThickLine (120, 114, 51, 175, 10, black)
Draw.ThickLine (120, 114, 51, 175, 10 - 5, brightred)
Draw.Text (intstr ((number1)), 60, 203, font, white)
delay (800)
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, green)
Draw.FillOval (57, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (110, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (240, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (240 + 70, 322, 55, 50, white)
elsif characterHP < 1 then
Draw.Text ("Game Over", 350, 280, font, white)
exit when characterHP < 1
elsif position = 2 and character2MP > 1 then
characterHP := characterHP - number2
character2MP := character2MP - 10
exit when characterHP < 1
delay (200)
Draw.FillOval (88, 140, 35, 35, white)
Draw.FillOval (88, 140, 35 - 10, 35 - 10, blue)
delay (800)
Draw.FillOval (46, 173, 23, 23, white)
Draw.FillOval (46, 173, 23 - 5, 23 - 5, blue)
delay (800)
Draw.FillOval (130, 150, 23, 23, white)
Draw.FillOval (130, 150, 23 - 5, 23 - 5, blue)
delay (800)
Draw.FillOval (60, 130, 23, 23, white)
Draw.FillOval (60, 130, 23 - 5, 23 - 5, blue)
delay (800)
Draw.Text (intstr ((number2)), 60, 203, font, white)
delay (1000)
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, green)
Draw.FillOval (57, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (110, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (240, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (240 + 70, 322, 55, 50, white)
elsif character2HP < 1 then
Draw.Text ("Game Over", 350, 280, font, white)
exit when characterHP < 1
elsif position = 3 and character2TP > 99 then
characterHP := characterHP - characterTP * 10
character2TP := character2TP - character2TP
Draw.Text (intstr ((character2TP * 10)), 60, 203, font, white)
delay (800)
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, green)
Draw.FillOval (57, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (110, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (240, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (240 + 70, 322, 55, 50, white)
elsif character2HP < 1 then
Draw.Text ("Game Over", 350, 280, font, white)
exit when character2HP < 1
delay (200)
elsif position = 4 and character2MP > 0 then
character2HP := character2HP + 1000
character2MP := character2MP - 15
Draw.Text ("+1000", 265, 203, font, white)
delay (800)
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, green)
Draw.FillOval (57, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (110, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (240, 322, 55, 50, white)
Draw.FillOval (240 + 70, 322, 55, 50, white)
end if
end if
var width : int := Font.Width ("Attack", font)
var height, ascent, descent, internalLeading : int
Draw.Text ("Attack", 50, 80, font, white)
Draw.Text ("Magic", 50, 57, font, white)
Draw.Text ("Weapon Skill", 38, 37, font, white)
Draw.Text ("Healing", 50, 18, font, white)
Draw.Text ("Magus", 250, 80, font, white)
Draw.Text ("HP", 310, 80, font, white) %HP
Draw.Text ("HP", 310, 57, font, white) %HP
Draw.Text (intstr (characterHP), 350, 80, font, white)
Draw.Text ("Cloud", 250, 57, font, white)
Draw.Text ("/9999", 400, 80, font, white)
Draw.Text (intstr (character2HP), 350, 57, font, white)
Draw.Text ("/9999", 400, 57, font, white) %end of HP
Draw.Text ("MP", 550, 57, font, white) %MP
Draw.Text ("MP", 550, 80, font, white) %MP
Draw.Text (intstr (character2MP), 470, 57, font, white)
Draw.Text ("/100", 500, 80, font, white)
Draw.Text (intstr (characterMP), 470, 80, font, white)
Draw.Text ("/100", 500, 57, font, white) %end of MP
Draw.Text ("/100", 600, 380, font, white) %end of TP
Draw.Text ("/100", 600, 339, font, white) %end of TP
Draw.Text ("Cloud", 490, 380, font, white)
Draw.Text ("Magus", 490, 340, font, white)
Draw.Text (intstr (characterTP), 570, 380, font, white) %TP
Draw.Text (intstr (character2TP), 570, 339, font, white) %TP
var x6, y6, button : int
Mouse.Where (x6, y6, button)
Text.Locate (1, 1)
if button = 0 then
put x6 : 4, " ", y6 : 4, " button up"
end if
end loop
end loop