Hey, so for my Business (or technically Affaires since its french) "Culminating Activity", I need to write a business plan. At the same time, I must distribute a survey to collect some information. If you would please fill out my survey, it would be greatly appreciated. Depending on how many fill it out, I will give bits and everyone likes bits. Please excuse the appearance, the format gets screwed up.
By: Chris Pan
Please take the time to complete this survey. Your opinion will be considered in the creation of a new restaurant, possibly in your area. Please circle your choice where applicable.
Name (Optional): _______________________________________
Age (Optional): ___________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
1. Approximately how many times a month do you eat out?
0-3 4-7 8-12 13-20 21- 30 30+
2. What types of restaurants (eg. Fast food, sit down) do you normally visit?
3. What is your favourite kind of food?
4. Please choose and circle the three qualities you value the most in a restaurant.
Speed Convenience Price Quality
Health Type of food
5. What is your favourite colour? _________________________
6. How much importance do you attribute to the appearance of a restaurant? 1 is none at all, 10 is extreme.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
7. How many people do you usually eat out with?
Alone 2 3-4 5-6 7+
8. Typically, for what meal do you eat out?
Breakfast Lunch Supper Other: ____________
9. Approximately what time do you eat this meal? ______________________
10. How much money are you willing to spend for a good meal??
Less than 5$ 6-10$ 11-20$ 21-40$ 41$+
11. Are there any local restaurants that you frequent regularly?
Yes No
12. If a new restaurant opened near you, would you try it??
Yes No Maybe
13. How much money do you typically tip servers? _________________
15. What kind of advertisement do you find effective?
Humorous Sensual Factual Celebrity
16. Do you enjoy themed restaurants?
Yes No
17. What sort of music do you enjoy? ____________________________________
18. How much importance do you attribute to the musical ambiance of a restaurant? 1 is not at all, 10 is extreme.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
19. How much time do you typically spend in a restaurant to eat and relax?
Less than 15 minutes Half Hour 1 Hour 2-3 Hours 4+ Hours
20. How long would you tolerate waiting for your food to come?
Less than 15 minutes Half Hour 45 Minutes 1 Hour +1 Hours
21. What are your general expectations for a good restaurant? Any other comments?
Thank you for your time.