Pong w/ classes
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Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 11:09 pm Post subject: Pong w/ classes |
Since theres SO many pong programs out there, I decided to do something different to demonstrate the power of classes. At first glance, the game doesn't look like much, it just looks like normal pong, but in this version, it would take like 5 lines to do something like, add 5 extra balls, give each player two paddles, etc...
code: | class Ball
export Create, Manage, Scored, ReverseXSpeed, X, Y
var x, y, xs, ys : real
procedure Create (x_, y_ : real)
x := x_
y := y_
xs := Rand.Int (100, 200) / 100 * (Rand.Int (0, 1) * 2 - 1)
ys := Rand.Int (100, 200) / 100 * (Rand.Int (0, 1) * 2 - 1)
end Create
function X : real
result x
end X
function Y : real
result y
end Y
procedure Manage
if y + ys > maxy or y + ys < 0 then
ys *= -1
end if
x += xs
y += ys
drawfilloval (round (x), round (y), 5, 5, black)
drawoval (round (x), round (y), 5, 5, grey)
end Manage
function Scored : int
if x < 0 then
result 1
elsif x > maxx then
result 2
end if
result 0
end Scored
procedure ReverseXSpeed (newX : int)
x := newX
xs := xs * -1 * Rand.Int (130, 160) / 100
ys := ys * Rand.Int (110, 120) / 100
end ReverseXSpeed
end Ball
var pervasive keys : array char of boolean
class Paddle
import Ball
export Create, Manage, CheckForCollision
var x, y : int
var speed, ysize, xsize : int
var UPKEY, DOWNKEY : int
procedure Create (x_, y_ : int, UPKEY_, DOWNKEY_ : int, xsize_, ysize_ : int)
x := x_
y := y_
speed := 3
ysize := ysize_
xsize := xsize_ div 2
end Create
procedure Manage
if keys (chr (UPKEY)) and y + ysize < maxy then
y += speed
end if
if keys (chr (DOWNKEY)) and y > 0 then
y -= speed
end if
drawfillbox (x - xsize, y, x + xsize, y + ysize, grey)
drawbox (x - xsize, y, x + xsize, y + ysize, black)
end Manage
procedure CheckForCollision (var b : ^Ball)
if b -> Y > y and b -> Y < y + ysize and b -> X > x - xsize and b -> X < x + xsize then
if b -> X < x then
b -> ReverseXSpeed (x - xsize - 1)
b -> ReverseXSpeed (x + xsize + 1)
end if
end if
end CheckForCollision
end Paddle
var b : array 1 .. 1 of ^Ball
var p : array 1 .. 2 of ^Paddle
var leftScore, rightScore : int := 0
new Paddle, p (1)
new Paddle, p (2)
new Ball, b (1)
p (1) -> Create (5, maxy div 2, ord ('w'), ord ('s'), 5, 50)
p (2) -> Create (maxx - 5, maxy div 2, ord ('w'), ord ('s'), 5, 50)
b (1) -> Create (maxx div 2, maxy div 2)
View.Set ('offscreenonly')
Input.KeyDown (keys)
locate (1, maxcol div 2 - length (intstr (leftScore)))
drawline (maxx div 2, maxy, maxx div 2, 0, black)
put leftScore, ":", rightScore
for i : 1 .. 2
p (i) -> Manage
for j : 1 .. upper (b)
p (i) -> CheckForCollision (b (j))
end for
end for
for i : 1 .. upper (b)
b (i) -> Manage
if b (i) -> Scored not= 0 then
if b (i) -> Scored = 1 then
leftScore += 1
elsif b (i) -> Scored = 2 then
rightScore += 1
end if
b (i) := b (upper (b))
b (upper (b)) -> Create (maxx div 2, maxy div 2)
end if
end for
Time.DelaySinceLast (25)
end loop |
And heres a sample of what you can do with like 3 lines of change.
(Just replace everything after the end of the classes with this code)
code: |
var b : array 1 .. 5 of ^Ball
var p : array 1 .. 6 of ^Paddle
var leftScore, rightScore : int := 0
for i : 1 .. upper (p)
new Paddle, p (i)
end for
for i : 1 .. upper (b)
new Ball, b (i)
end for
%Left Player
p (1) -> Create (5, maxy div 2, ord ('w'), ord ('s'), 5, 50, 4)
p (3) -> Create (5, maxy div 2, ord ('s'), ord ('w'), 5, 50, 4)
p (5) -> Create (maxx div 4, maxy div 2, ord ('w'), ord ('s'), 15, 50, 4)
%Right Player
p (2) -> Create (maxx - 5, maxy div 2, ord (KEY_UP_ARROW), ord (KEY_DOWN_ARROW), 5, 50, 4)
p (4) -> Create (maxx - 5, maxy div 2, ord (KEY_DOWN_ARROW), ord (KEY_UP_ARROW), 5, 50, 4)
p (6) -> Create (maxx div 4 * 3, maxy div 2, ord (KEY_UP_ARROW), ord (KEY_DOWN_ARROW), 15, 50, 4)
for i : 1 .. upper (b)
b (i) -> Create (maxx div 2, maxy div 2)
end for
View.Set ('offscreenonly')
Input.KeyDown (keys)
locate (1, maxcol div 2 - length (intstr (leftScore)))
drawline (maxx div 2, maxy, maxx div 2, 0, black)
put leftScore, ":", rightScore
for i : 1 .. upper (p)
p (i) -> Manage
for j : 1 .. upper (b)
p (i) -> CheckForCollision (b (j))
end for
end for
for i : 1 .. upper (b)
b (i) -> Manage
if b (i) -> Scored not= 0 then
if b (i) -> Scored = 1 then
leftScore += 1
elsif b (i) -> Scored = 2 then
rightScore += 1
end if
b (i) := b (upper (b))
b (upper (b)) := nil
new Ball, b (upper (b))
b (upper (b)) -> Create (maxx div 2, maxy div 2)
end if
end for
Time.DelaySinceLast (25)
end loop
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Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 8:44 am Post subject: (No subject) |
Good stuff. It really does my heart good to see more OOP code floating around the Turing forums than there was before.
One suggestion I have, however: Instead of making keys a pervasive variable, you could pass it in as a parameter to Paddle#Manage. Global variables are a pretty evil thing. |
Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 9:59 am Post subject: (No subject) |
I've heard that several times, but i've allways wondered why? They detract from modularity, I believe, but somehow, I doubt that someone's going to be taking my paddle class and using it anyways . |