Do you play World of Warcraft? (No ending time set)
All the time
[ 8 ]
I play somtimes
[ 5 ]
I used to play...
[ 1 ]
I want to play
[ 5 ]
I dont play anymore
[ 2 ]
[ 17 ]
Total Votes : 38
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 3:51 pm Post subject: World of Warcraft... (and other Blizzard goodness)
1st, i want you guys to answer the poll....
Next, if you play it / tried it / or want to play it, answer why...
I hear its an awsome game, but is it worth the money it costs to buy it and keep it going? Will you get bored of it ever? hows the game play / graphics? Anyways, just wanted to know how many people here play that game.
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Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:07 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I want you to stop posting stupid polls in off-topic. Or dumb discussion topics. Please.
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:50 pm Post subject: (No subject)
WoW sucks. Period.
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:08 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Yeah, get an epic post, noob.
The value of an MMORPG really depends on whether you as an individual are stupid. That's a joke. But in all seriousness, as stupid as games are (and even I'll agree they're stupid), an MMORPG is even worse. With a regular game, you waste some time and get nothing out of it. With an MMORPG, you waste ALOT of time, and quite a bit of money... and get nothing out of it.
I've played WoW, I was impressed in the beginning. I made a Gnomish engineer named Stuart (50 bits if anyone can correctly guess the reference. Hint: recent CBC cartoon show). But it got boring. I didn't get past level 15 playing regularly because it got old pretty quickly. I have yet to get past level 27 and doubt that I ever will.
Some people play RPGs because they don't like that you don't get anything out of other games (like action). That is, you could play counter strike for a while and get lots of money and good weapons, but next time you play you'll have to start over. The thing with MMORPGs is that you can develop your character and get better gear, but so can everyone else. And you know that lots of people will have better gear and stats than you do simply because they'll sink much more time into it.
By all means, go ahead and get into World of Warcraft if you really want to, but may I suggest a hobby? Try unicycling, it looks like it could be fun, and would probably impress some people.
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:29 pm Post subject: (No subject)
unicycling isnt extreme enough.. how about pogo sticking?
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:42 pm Post subject: (No subject)
ohhh unicycling is xtreme...
you can do tricks on unicycles too, and pimp it out, different wheel sizes and seat heights. Not to mention, people stick rockets on their unicycles! wonder if hydraulics would work ?
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:05 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I meant unicycling as an actual mode of transportation rather than doing ins4n3 tr1ickz and such. I mean, bikes are cool, and I have no experience with a unicycle but... meh. It's a thought.
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:06 pm Post subject: (No subject)
i havent played it yet, but i would like to, i mean you have the 1 month trial offer right? try it out, if you dont like it cancel it. that simple
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Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:53 pm Post subject: (No subject)
well my brother plays WoW, so I just keep a character on his account. I mostly PvP, as running instances(dungens) is plain stupid. You get 39 of your closest friends that you've never met in real life to spend 5 hours with you fighting a dragon at the end of a long long tunnel just to have a 1/40 chance to get an epic item that's a few stat points higher than a decent "good quality" item. Oh, and if you don't get that item, you're probably at a loss due to repair costs. yey!
Instead I blow my gold on loads and loads of materials to make expensive bombs to blow up in Alliance's noob face
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 11:42 pm Post subject: (No subject)
1of42 wrote:
WoW sucks. Period.
One of the most overrated games I know of, after Halo and such.
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 12:56 am Post subject: (No subject)
Halo isn't overated but it is highly addictive.
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 3:51 am Post subject: (No subject)
I both love and hate WoW.
First the good:
The game is admzaing form a MMORPG ascpect and realy shows what the next generation of the genera is witch live aucation batles, fully 3d worlds and admazing grapshics and sound. It is also admzsaing form a marketing stand point consdiering just how much moeny they are making per month. They have over 5 million users paying $15 a mont + $50 for the game to start with. Thats $250,000,000 in game sales + $75,000,000 a month. And there are more users every day puls they whont to put out an exapsion peoleop whould have to buy for another $50. Thats alot of moeny. I also am quite admazed at the world they have created witch is quite exstsives and large and realy deperstares the consepct of virutal worlds.
The oh so much bad:
Have you ever gone to the WoW forums a posted a genreal question? Or asked for help on a server? The cahnces are you will be greated with a firedly Screw you noob, go level. Or other combaints of falmes and torllings. Simpley the magority of the peoleop in this game are 12 year old noobs that hate eveyr one and every thing. Hostly i do not under stand the levels of pure hate that come off this game. The hate for the other faction, the hate for other players, the hate for evyething and every one. Now i am shure if any one reads this they will reply saying not every one is bad witch is true but in my option the magority is. A great example of this is how much ganking gose on, i have played RPGs where you could kill any one at any time and there was less PKing and hate. In almost every other MMORPG i have player there has been a realy frendaly comunity that whould help every one and play together and have fun.
Now on to the aucatal game, 1stly it is buggy as hell and leaks memory faster then a bucket of water that has gone threw a few mashen gun ranges. Also servers they are trying to run this thing on can not take it, they fill up to fast and they do not whont to spend moeny on fixing them so there is masive lag and crashes. Also the game client only works great on the compley average computer. And when you can not conect for days or it makes you have random restarts or can't even get the game to install there is almost no help from blizzard. Speaking of witch the help bilzard gives is negtive at best, they do not stop any of the real abusesrs in the game or even enforec there own rules. They have no real perstive of what gose on in there game and they don't care as long as there checks are geting there. Also there banign system is crazy, they do mass bans that an lite script some where is decsing on and not a real person. Poleop have been baned incuding my self for doing things like runing WoW in wine on linux. And when you contact them about being baned they don't repsoned or just say that there is nothing they can do. Yet gold farmers rome free.
Now bethond the crapy progaming and peoleop there are fundmenatl falws with the game play that peoleop seem to ingore. In most RPGs death happens but in reality not that offten. In other MMORGs one coudld go a few hours with out dieing unless they did somthing stuided. In ones like runesacpe one whould go days to moths, and in RO it was a somthing that olny happened if you did somthing stuiped or where solining for a few hours. But in WoW you go seconds to mins btween deaths some times, the monsters are crazy. I have never seen the type of coltive NPC pwing to real players in any other RPG. Most rpgs it is realtively easy to kill somthing your level and you get a fair amout of exp for it so taking on 3 or 5 is no big issue. But in WoW 2 or 3 mobs your level means sercnt death unless you train them threw other player witch is aucaty a violation of the ToS and could get you banned if there was any one listing to player complaited in billzard.
I realy lost my train of thougth so.....ya....WoW bad it steals your life away.
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Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 8:54 am Post subject: (No subject)
I refuse to pay a monthly fee to continue to play a single game that I already paid for. If the game were free, then that might be more of an incentive.
If the game weren't down for server maintenance and overload issues (read: too many chinese farmers online at once) every third day... that might be an incentive as well.
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 10:09 am Post subject: (No subject)
That is so you, Andy.
I've never really had too many problems on Aegwyn regarding downtime, bugs, and lag... sure the server's going to be down once in a while, but I always took that as a sign to go do something else.
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:27 am Post subject: (No subject)
Mazer wrote:
That is so you, Andy.
hey, leave me and my cousins alone... when i was in china last summer, there were alot of people playing WoW.. and i mean ALOT. every internet cafe was pretty much full. I dont know if they were all farmers, or just regular players, but people go in at 10 am and come out at 8pm