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 Ski Free Backcountry
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 10:34 am   Post subject: Ski Free Backcountry

This is my game I made for a gr 11 final project. It's kinda a remake of the original game. It's very graphic intensive but there's a couple things you can do: edit the delay, change the number of objects drawn, change your monitor's resolution / color quality (I've noticed a major difference going from 32bit to 16bit)

The only thing I'm not happy with is the layering which you might notice will occur because the first objects in the array are not necessarily the ones with the greatest y-value.If this were the case, it would draw the uphill ones first. I tried a sort but it didn't seem to work. Any help on that too would be great!

Anyway, it's a completely usuable game.

Oh, and I must give reference to Chris Pirih, the original creator of the graphics and SkiFree. I thought they would fit perfectly in the game.

Have fun!

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 7:40 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

That's a really good game...Some code can be cleaned up, for example in your DrawSkier procedure. You repeatedly use the line Pic.Draw (SkierPicArray (Position), SkierLocation_x, SkierLocation_y, picMerge) in each of your conditions in the statement. This means that he gets drawn no matter what, and you should really include this outside of the conditional statement (after the end if). Otherwise, congratulations on an excellent job!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 8:33 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Wow, that game realy brings back memories... looks exactly how I remember it. What about when the guy chases you down the hill or the jumps (unless I missed them...)? If that doesn't happen, then its probly because I haven't played this game for about 10 years... when I was 6 or 7... anyways, great game
+20 bits
btw, I scored second place

PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 9:08 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

You repeatedly use the line Pic.Draw (SkierPicArray (Position), SkierLocation_x, SkierLocation_y, picMerge) in each of your conditions in the statement. This means that he gets drawn no matter what, and you should really include this outside of the conditional statement (after the end if).

Yeah, I just noticed that after I handed it in. I was in a rush finishing all the comments we have to do but that's a minor fix.

Wow, that game realy brings back memories... looks exactly how I remember it. What about when the guy chases you down the hill or the jumps (unless I missed them...)? If that doesn't happen, then its probly because I haven't played this game for about 10 years... when I was 6 or 7... anyways, great game

Yeah, I remember on my old W95 machine having some games like SkiFree and Rodent Revenge.

I really only had 6 days to take this program which I had started in October with over 500 lines of mostly useless code and turn it into something reasonable. Unfortunatly, I had no time for a monster that chases you or the chairlift (that's why I called it backcountry!) but if you haven't tried it yet, run into the moose!

Quick question, how did it run on your systems? How many settings did ya have to hack before it was fast enough?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 9:16 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Actualy, it ran completely fine on mine, if anything, a bit too fast... but my computers a dell dimension 8400 w ht tech, pentium 4 cpu, 3.00 Ghz, 512 mb ram...

PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 9:45 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Yeah, I had to deal with the school computers and then my 1.4Ghz AMD, 3/4 GB o' ram

After playing the original again (just google SkiFree) , I found it to be extremely slow!

Thanks Very Happy
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