need pogram fixed wood be nice if i had help
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Message |
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 10:37 am Post subject: need pogram fixed wood be nice if i had help |
hey jus need to kno if its possible for ne1 to adjust this program for me, so its using arrays instead of what i already have...and if it's possible to adjust the program so it is also using sequential files to bring up the new to turing so im jus kinda figurin things out heres the program...i need a reply by tomorrow mornin thanx!
var num, num2, num3, num4, num5, num6, num7, num8, num9, num10, num11 : int
var num12, num13, num14, num15, num16, num17, num18, num19, num20, num21, num22 : int
var num23, num24, num25, num26, num27, num28, num29, num30, num31, num32, num33 : int
var num34, num35, num36, num37, num38, num39, num40, num41 : int
var num42, num43, num44, num45, num46, num47, num48, num49, num50, num51, num52 : int
var next : string (1)
var count : int
count := 0
var x : int
var y : int
var c : int
delay (20)
randint (x, 1, maxx)
randint (y, 1, maxy)
randint (x, 1, maxx)
randint (y, 1, maxy)
randint (c, 1, maxcolor)
Draw.FillStar (x, y, x + 50, y + 50, c)
exit when c = 250
end loop
colourback (black)
colour (brightgreen)
put "Welcome to my Quiz"
put "1)Judaism"
put "2)Christianity"
put "3)Islam"
put "4)Buddhism"
put "5)Hinduism"
put "6)Exit"
get num
case num of
label 1 :
put "Jews are monotheistic, so what does that mean?"
put "1)That they belive in two Gods"
put "2)That they Believe in three Gods"
put "3)That they Believe in one Gods"
put "4)That they Believe in four or more Gods"
get num2
if num2 = 3 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
Pic.ScreenLoad ("judaism1.jpg", 200, 20, 0)
put "How many commandments are in the Torah?"
put "1)273"
put "2)613"
put "3)591"
put "4)623"
get num3
if num3 = 2 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "Which of the following is the Jewish place of worship?"
put "1)Chapel"
put "2)Church"
put "3)Temple"
put "4)Synagogne"
get num4
if num4 = 4 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "Which of the following is Jewish scripture?"
put "1)Torah"
put "2)Qur'an"
put "3)Bible"
put "4)Tipitaka"
get num5
if num5 = 1 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "How many candles do they light on the menorah during Hanukkah?"
put "1)3"
put "2)6"
put "3)5"
put "4)9"
get num6
if num6 = 4 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "What does the Mezuzah symbolize?"
put "1)That God is present in the Synagogne"
put "2)That God is present in the Body"
put "3)That God is present in the Home"
put "4)That God is present in Children"
get num7
if num7 = 3 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "What does Tishuvah mean?"
put "1)repentence"
put "2)prayer"
put "3)confession"
put "4)worship"
get num8
if num8 = 1 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "In which book does it tell the first story of passover?"
put "1)Genisus"
put "2)book of John"
put "3)Exodus"
put "4)book of Mark"
get num9
if num9 = 3 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "Which of the following is the Jewish New Year?"
put "1)Rosh Hashanah"
put "2)Hanukkah"
put "3)Passover"
put "4)Yom Kippur"
get num10
if num10 = 1 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "What are the three main parts of Judaism?"
put "1)God,worship and Torah"
put "2)Isreal,God and prayer"
put "3)God,prayer and worship"
put "4)God,Torah and Isreal"
get num11
if num11 = 4 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
label 2 :
put "Who is the central Figure of Christianity?"
put "1)God"
put "2)Jesus"
put "3)Mary"
put "4)The Pope"
get num12
if num12 = 2 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "Which of the following is the leader of the Christian Community?"
put "1)Clergy"
put "2)Bishop"
put "3)Pope"
put "4)Priest"
get num13
if num13 = 3 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "Where are the sacred scriptures located?"
put "1)Bible"
put "2)Torah"
put "3)Qur'an"
put "4)Tipitaka"
get num14
if num14 = 1 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "Which of the following is a christian sacred time?"
put "1)Yom Kippur"
put "2)Christmas"
put "3)Rosh Hashanah"
put "4)Narvona"
get num15
if num15 = 2 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "How often do christians go to church?"
put "1)Once a day"
put "2)Once a year"
put "3)Once a month"
put "4)Every Sunday"
get num16
if num16 = 4 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "Is a church considered a sacred place?"
put "1)Yes"
put "2)No"
get num17
if num17 = 1 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "Is the story about Adam and Eve an explanation about how sin originated?"
put "1)Yes"
put "2)No"
get num18
if num18 = 1 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "Which of the following the turning of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ?"
put "1)Mezuzah"
put "2)Narvona"
put "3)Transubstantiation"
put "4)Buddha"
get num19
if num19 = 3 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "What does incarnation mean?"
put "1)To make blood"
put "2)To make flesh"
put "3)To make bone"
put "4)To make life"
get num20
if num20 = 2 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "What is an icon?"
put "1)A sacred sculpture of Jesus"
put "2)A sacred painting of Jesus"
put "3)A sacred sculpture of a saint"
put "4)A sacred painting of a saint"
get num21
if num21 = 4 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
label 3 :
put "Which of the following is the Islamic place of prayer and worship?"
put "1)temple"
put "2)church"
put "3)mosque"
put "4)synagogne"
get num22
if num22 = 3 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "Which of the following are the teachings of Muhammad?"
put "1)Haddith"
put "2)Qur'an"
put "3)Torah"
put "4)Bible"
get num23
if num23 = 1 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "What is the twelfth Islamic month known as?"
put "1)Passover"
put "2)Yom Kippur"
put "3)Rosh Hashanah"
put "4)Ramadan"
get num24
if num24 = 4 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "What are the two main sources of the Islamic beliefs?"
put "1)Torah and the Bible"
put "2)Qur'an and Haddith"
put "3)Qur'an and the Bible"
put "4)Torah and Haddith"
get num25
if num25 = 2 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "Which month do Islamic people fast?"
put "1)the twelfth"
put "2)the sixth"
put "3)the third"
put "4)the ninth"
get num26
if num26 = 4 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "What is the name of the Islamic pilgramige?"
put "1)Hajj"
put "2)Hafiz"
put "3)Qur'an"
put "4)Jinn"
get num27
if num27 = 1 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "Which of the following contains the sacred scriptures?"
put "1)Haddith"
put "2)Torah"
put "3)Qur'an"
put "4)Bible"
get num28
if num28 = 3 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "Which of the following means to memorize or to guard in islamic?"
put "1)Hajj"
put "2)Hafiz"
put "3)Transubstantiation"
put "4)Nervona"
get num29
if num29 = 2 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "___ are spirits capable of good or bad"
put "1)Mezuzah"
put "2)Hafiz"
put "3)Hajj"
put "4)Jinn"
get num30
if num30 = 4 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "What are the five pilars of Islam?"
put "1)Profession of Faith, Prayer, Aimsgiving. Fasting and Pilgrimage"
put "2)Profession of Faith, Prayer, Worship. Fasting and Pilgrimage"
put "3)Profession of Faith, Confession, Aimsgiving. Fasting and Pilgrimage"
put "4)Follow Allah, Prayer, Aimsgiving. Fasting and Pilgrimage"
get num31
if num31 = 1 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
label 4 :
put "Which of the following means the entire Buddhist community?"
put "1)Samsara"
put "2)Tipitaka"
put "3)Sangha"
put "4)Shakyamuni"
get num32
if num32 = 3 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "Which of the following are the stories about Siddhartha Gautama?"
put "1)Shakyamuni"
put "2)Sangha"
put "3)Tipitaka"
put "4)Vinaya Pitaka"
get num33
if num33 = 1 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "Which word means the cycle of birth, death and rebirth?"
put "1)Shakyamuni"
put "2)Sangha"
put "3)Tipitaka"
put "4)Samsara"
get num34
if num34 = 4 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "What is the center belief of Buddhists?"
put "1)Tipitaka"
put "2)The Four Noble Truths"
put "3)Sangha"
put "4)Shakyamuni"
get num35
if num35 = 2 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "What are the Buddhist scriptures called?"
put "1)Vinaya Pitaka"
put "2)Shakyamuni"
put "3)Tipitaka"
put "4)Sangha"
get num36
if num36 = 3 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "Is meditation considered a sacred time?"
put "1)Yes"
put "2)No"
get num37
if num37 = 1 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "What is the code of monastic discipline?"
put "1)Samsara"
put "2)Sangha"
put "3)Tipitaka"
put "4)Vinaya Pitaka"
get num38
if num38 = 4 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "Which of the following is the Buddhist place of worship?"
put "1)Synagogne"
put "2)Mosque"
put "3)Temple"
put "4)Church"
get num39
if num39 = 3 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "What are the two most common forms of meditation?"
put "1)Mindfulness of Air and Meditation of Loving-Kindness"
put "2)Mindfulness of Breath and Meditation of Loving-Kindness"
put "3)Mindfulness of Breath and Meditation of Kindness"
put "4)Mindfulness of Breath and Meditation of Love"
get num40
if num40 = 2 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "Which of the Following is not one of the Four Noble Truths?"
put "1)Life is filled with suffering"
put "2)The cause of suffering is desire"
put "3)To cease sufferinng one must cease desiring"
put "4)Right understanding"
get num41
if num41 = 4 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
label 5 :
put "What is the name for Sikh clergy?"
put "1)Ashrams"
put "2)Granthu"
put "3)Moksha"
put "4)Karma"
get num42
if num42 = 2 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "What are community houses where followers of a guru live called?"
put "1)Granthu"
put "2)Mokahs"
put "3)Karma"
put "4)Ashrams"
get num43
if num43 = 4 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "What is the purpose of yoga?"
put "1)to achieve Moksha"
put "2)to achieve Holi"
put "3)to achieve Guru"
put "4)to achieve Ahimsa"
get num44
if num44 = 1 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "What does Karma mean?"
put "1)worship"
put "2)a deed or prayer"
put "3)a deed or action"
put "4)an action"
get num45
if num45 = 3 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "What word refers to that which is beyond the material world?"
put "1)Transcendent"
put "2)Mantra"
put "3)Guru"
put "4)Holi"
get num46
if num46 = 1 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "Which of the following is a word, phrase or special sound usually from scripture?"
put "1)Guru"
put "2)Holi"
put "3)Ahimsa"
put "4)Mantra"
get num47
if num47 = 4 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "What is a guide or teacher that helps fellow Hindus called?"
put "1)Guru"
put "2)Holi"
put "3)Ahimsa"
put "4)Ashrams"
get num48
if num48 = 1 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "Which of the following is the Hindu place of worship?"
put "1)Synagogne"
put "2)Mosque"
put "3)Temple"
put "4)Church"
get num49
if num49 = 3 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "What is the spring festival called?"
put "1)Karma"
put "2)Holi"
put "3)Ashrams"
put "4)Ahimsa"
get num50
if num50 = 2 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
put "Which of the Following is the Hindu's belief in nonviolence?"
put "1)Holi"
put "2)Yoga"
put "3)Ashrams"
put "4)Ahimsa"
get num51
if num51 = 4 then
put "You are right"
count := count + 1
put "You are wrong"
end if
delay (1000)
label 6 :
put "press 6 again to exit program"
get num52
exit when num52 = 6
end case
put "You got ", count * 10, " percent"
if count = 10 or count = 20 or count = 30 or count = 40 or count = 50 then
Draw.FillOval (100, 100, 100, 100, yellow)
drawarc (100, 50, 25, 20, 180, 0, 1)
Draw.FillOval (65, 125, 25, 25, 0)
Draw.FillOval (125, 125, 25, 25, 0)
Draw.FillOval (65, 125, 10, 10, black)
Draw.FillOval (125, 125, 10, 10, black)
locate (2, 1)
put "Good Job!!"
elsif count = 9 or count = 19 or count = 29 or count = 39 or count = 49 then
put "So close maybe next time you will get perfect"
Draw.FillOval (100, 100, 100, 100, yellow)
drawarc (100, 50, 25, 20, 0, 180, 1)
Draw.FillOval (65, 125, 25, 25, 0)
Draw.FillOval (125, 125, 25, 25, 0)
Draw.FillOval (65, 125, 10, 10, black)
Draw.FillOval (125, 125, 10, 10, black)
put "Good try aim for perfect next time"
end if
delay (3000)
end loop
Pic.ScreenLoad ("bye.jpg", 200, 20, 0)
put "Thank you for coming"
put "Please come again!" |
![](images/spacer.gif) |
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