Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:48 am Post subject: RE:Ics4u?
I can attest to that actual fact. I did contracting for a while, and I recieved a contract to make something in PHP (fairly complex) and I didn't know PHP. But because I knew enough about so many languages, PHP was a breeze to learn, and it only took me a couple extra hours to do the contract. The user actually had no clue that I didn't know PHP at the start, and it didn't show in the work, because learning a new language is super easy once you know a few.
I will make a thread about suggested languages that all programmers should be at least familiar with.
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Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:33 pm Post subject: RE:Ics4u?
Wow, thank you everyone for your insightful responses!
Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 2:44 pm Post subject: RE:Ics4u?
I had one more question, has anyone ever taken ICS4U online? The class at my school had gotten cancelled, so I was forced to take it online :/ Is it relatively easy to learn online? Im still kind of skeptical at the thought of learning CS online. Any replies would greatly help! Thanks.