Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 9:32 pm Post subject: (No subject)
tony wrote:
yes dan, it's really a shame that we can't run a VB database management app on your toaster...
it is, i need to know the info of my toasters stats and it is just a pain that my VB toserer database app can not run on it.
But u have to rember there are other OSs then windows, some much better ones. and affter longhorn comse out i am beting alot of poleop will be chaging to linux or other non M$ OSs.
Besides why whould u code in VB when u could uses java or C++?
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Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 9:38 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Hacker Dan wrote:
Besides why whould u code in VB
well say you want to quickly throw together an app that integrates IE 5.5 functionality and runs exclusivly in windows XP with 2nd service pack installed...
Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:15 pm Post subject: Usefullness of VB and an idea
I did it backwards... I learnt VB myself in gr 8 and then learned turing in gr 10. I suppose i shouldnt be arguing wit an admin about the usefulness of VB but... Its the fact that you can drag and drop controls and make such a userfriendly program in such a short time. Although, I should learn C because VB is SLOW. Using C DLLs is the way to go.
Anyway, the reason I was posting was that if youre interested in learning how to use Winsock go to and search for a winsock chat. You'll find many good examples of server/client chats that use winsock to transfer data from one computer to another.
Hope that helped
Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 11:24 pm Post subject: Re: Usefullness of VB and an idea
Yeah, VB is useful for creating quick projects designed to run under Windows.