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 What do you rather prefer? (Gaming)
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What is your favourite game preferece?
(Voting is closed)
Call of Duty (any)
 10%  [ 1 ]
Halo (any)
 10%  [ 1 ]
Blizzard Entertainment Games
 80%  [ 8 ]
Gears of War (any)
 0%  [ 0 ]
Internet Games (If voted for this, state your favorite)
 0%  [ 0 ]
I dont like any of those! I play the games that i create!
 0%  [ 0 ]
 0%  [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 10

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:04 am   Post subject: RE:What do you rather prefer? (Gaming)

okay so ...

@ mirhagk : I think that ps4 will be coming out sooner than xbox720 for one fact mainly because microsoft and sony are the number one competitors on the market but sony is already down low since i think we have all heard how sony PSN had that security breach and it got shut down for a couple of days or weeks, then they caught the guy who hacked it and he was getting sued by sony and then microsoft stepped in, helped him out with the lawsuit and hired him to work for them as the lead security and network specialist, which gave sony the hands down so they had to start making progress fast especially when they had a small breakthrough opportunity when microsoft introduced the concept of the 720 that it was going to be a cloud based concept, and well people didnt like that idea so microsoft saw the data on their polls and ofcourse they had to make up a new idea. This gave sony a chance to push through... To sum it up, i think the ps4 will be released sometime in 2012 and xbox720 sometime in the next 2 - 4 years as you preseumed. I too think the same as you do with the whole halo thing and well halo did enter big in the market before cod so it is an original and bungie always trys to make something new every release and i think they care about their gameplay that the users will enjoy much more than the cod series because eversince MW1 the game in that trend of the series were all so similar with the smallest updates ever and obviously the new campaign but it followed the same course. So entertainment wise i would go with halo (more of a long term thing) but with addiction i would go with cod, but that is just my personal opinion.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:17 am   Post subject: RE:What do you rather prefer? (Gaming)

@ ProgrammingFun : I agree with you entirely, im re edit that and add battlefield in, because it definetly deserves a spot, in all its glory and its marvelous online experience. Oh, and if your interested in a third person shooter thats new and unique you should check out this game called : Lost Planet. Okay, its not new (it was released in 2006) but it is very unique and sci-fi packed, i guarantee you will be hooked on it as much as i was. And the multiplayer experience is outstanding that game at times really makes you feel really powerful. Once you understand how it works, you will love it. Well atleast i did. On the xbox i hold the number 6 spot on the all time leaderboard (last time i checked) its just very addictive once you get the hang of it. Check it out : Lost Planet

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:22 am   Post subject: RE:What do you rather prefer? (Gaming)

@ Gandalf starcraft is amazing especially if you played it on ladder, that is one of my favorite aswell, as i may have told you before i play starcraft im not too shabby but i used to be diamond 2500+ untill i stopped playing and got back to diablo (my love) but you still never told me your name i would love to play with you once.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:24 am   Post subject: RE:What do you rather prefer? (Gaming)

@ Aange if blizzard would buy out nexon the no one would ever play another game although... Maplestory is pretty addictive.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:31 am   Post subject: RE:What do you rather prefer? (Gaming)

@ DemonWasp Again i agree with you 110% as i was saying before cod game developers dont care although their games are extremely addicting they dont even care anymore they just know consumers will buy so they thats why they make a new one every year, they just care about the money. If you want to see a developer that really cares the customer check out bethesda's oblivion (games that take 5 years of hard time and care to build)

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:36 am   Post subject: RE:What do you rather prefer? (Gaming)

@ Tony : Your are absolutely right, games like, quake, or doom are and should be considered better than the current ones in the market becuase if it wasnt for games like that, the original of originals games that appear nowadays wouldnt have been available to us, since the originals for like the roots of the tree the seed of a imaginary plant just waiting to spur new ideas.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:50 am   Post subject: Re: RE:What do you rather prefer? (Gaming)

Velocity @ 20/12/2011, 12:24 am wrote:
@ Aange if blizzard would buy out nexon the no one would ever play another game although... Maplestory is pretty addictive.

Come on now, WoW is having an expansion about Pandas. Pandas. I don't think having an amazing game would hurt them that bad haha.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 8:45 am   Post subject: RE:What do you rather prefer? (Gaming)

well yea, but i mean its WoW... then again. Haha, i suppose you are right. That was one of the main factors that brought me away from buying it.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:06 am   Post subject: RE:What do you rather prefer? (Gaming)

umm....missing Valve games?? TF2, Half Life, Portal, L4D

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:13 am   Post subject: RE:What do you rather prefer? (Gaming)

I think I popped a vein when I saw Velocity's 6 consecutive posts.

You do know there's an edit button, right? Posting in off-topic doesn't increase your post or bit count.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:15 am   Post subject: RE:What do you rather prefer? (Gaming)

im not trying to get posts if i wanted to do that i would spam the normal help forums (yet i am not) i was just trying to make it organized

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:18 am   Post subject: RE:What do you rather prefer? (Gaming)

Well, you're going about it the wrong way. Reply to everyone in the same post, like everyone else does.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:18 am   Post subject: RE:What do you rather prefer? (Gaming)

@Demonwasp, actually I want to do something useful with an FPS, like show what it means to be in combat. I want to make a FPS based on current missions and warfare. It won't really matter how well you can sneak around, or shoot everyone in a room, rather it will be important to select your target quickly, from a group of civilians who all look similar, and determine the best course of action to minimize the amount of civilian causalities.

I want a game where you aren't a dick head, where you are a soldier, struggling to follow the rules that the geneva convention set out. A soldier struggling to survive the war, to stop an enemy that could be anyone.

What would you guys think of a game like this?

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:29 am   Post subject: RE:What do you rather prefer? (Gaming)

I totally agree mirhagk. It's like movies that glorify war and make it look badass and crazy awesome (300, Troy, can't think of any gun-erra movies at the moment), vs movies that illustrate the horror and chaos (Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, The Pacific).

I want a game where gunfire drowns out everything (as opposed to being severely muted so you can hear dialogue and orders). I want a game where people don't die in one hit, but lay (lie?) screeming for hours in pools of their own blood, reaching to you for help, and calling your character by name. I want a game where the characters are too terrified jump out of cover. Where the player makes the choice of risking death to help a squadmate, or leaving the squadmate to die to save his own skin. Not because I'm a bloodthirsty killer. Today's games create bloodthirsty killers. I want a game that will take a 12-year-old CoD fanboy, and make him never want to play a shooter again. A game that respects war for what it is, not a game that exploits it for entertainment.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:00 am   Post subject: RE:What do you rather prefer? (Gaming)

@mirhagk: Also a completely great idea. Unfortunately, on its own, it would be a great piece of art but not a terribly popular game. I think it would be incredible if MW4 was that game, though (and that would definitely secure my purchase).

Edit: Triple points if death or failure doesn't result in a respawn. Instead, you continue playing as the next guy in your squad. If you are completely eliminated, you keep playing; however, the consequences of that failure are played out, no matter how much they suck.

Further edit: @Insectoid: I'd like a game where you're an unarmed combat medic for at least one mission; where your success depends on how well you treat your patients (and not based on quick-time events, please).
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