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 Making .RAW Files
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 1:32 am   Post subject: Making .RAW Files

I'm writing a 3d engine in turing, which is nothing new, but I thought I would make my own for fun, and I'm wondering what a good program is for making .RAW files.

I use 3dsmax 6, and exporting as .RAW isn't an option. I've also checked out Deep Exploration as someone else mentioned, but it looks like you have to pay for it.

I searched the forums, but couldn't find much. If someone could give me a good program, or direct me to a post on this site somwhere that suggests one, it would be much appreciated.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 7:25 am   Post subject: (No subject)

Ahaha, I got here before the 3DSMax zealots...
I would suggest: Blender. That's correct, I said Blender. I would also suggest reading up on it [url=]here[/i]. Do you have any experience in 3D? If not, Blender will be weird and difficult to learn. But logically, so will everything else, so you might as well stick with a free program that will be relatively normal by comparison.

As for a .raw exporter, don't forget to install Python (though I think all of the newer versions of Blender come with it), and I'll write up a small script for you.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 9:36 am   Post subject: (No subject)

Cool. And yes I've got experience in 3d. I'll check Blender out.
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