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 Playing Multiple Music Files And Music Mixing.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 12:44 pm   Post subject: Playing Multiple Music Files And Music Mixing.

I have Made a working Music Launcher that runs using Lan. My program Allows you to play music WITHOUT slowing your accual game. You can control with this program ALL files you are playing. Stop them, Change the Music File, and terminate the program.

To Use:

At the Begining of your program you will have to type:
import (Launcher in "Launcher.tu")
% Make Sure you change the directory or have the
%files beside you main program

There is 1 Function and 1 procedure you will need to use for my launcher.

#1: Fcn Launcher.Open : int
To Use Simply Create a variable of type int. Make the Value become the Fcn.
var Music1 := Launcher.Open

#2: Proc SendInfo (var ID : int, MusicFile : string, PlayMusic, Terminate : int)
To Use Simply Take the variable you used to open my music launcher, then
Type in each value. The Music File is in string form.

If you want the music to play then PlayMusic has to be 1
If you want music to stop PlayMusic Must be 0
If you want to Terminate the program Terminate must = 1
If you want to keep running then Terminate must = 0
Launcher.SendInfo (Music1, "HotNCold.mp3", 1, 0)
%This will Run The Program and The music file HotNCold

Play Multiple Music Without Slowing Turings

 Filename:  Play Multiple Music Without Slowing Turings
 Filesize:  277.07 KB
 Downloaded:  189 Time(s)


PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:33 pm   Post subject: RE:Playing Multiple Music Files And Music Mixing.

i get an error.

-10 is not a legal net system id.


 if Net.LineAvailable (NetStream) then

is what is doesn't like

PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:51 pm   Post subject: RE:Playing Multiple Music Files And Music Mixing.

You are getting the error because
a) You are trying to open more then 10 music files a once
b) You didn't terminate one of your old music players and you are declairing the variable too many times.

I can help you better if you pm me and show me your code but it's most likly a or b.
I have tested my program. I was mixing linkin park with paramore ;p

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:23 am   Post subject: Re: Playing Multiple Music Files And Music Mixing.

I am sorry ecookman But there accually was a problem with my code. When I terminated my program I forgot to change the ID back to it's defult Rolling Eyes Sorry lol. Here is the fixed download. Could a mode or admin replace the above download with this one?
I don't want people downloading the top one and getting errors ever time you continue running the program after closing music...

 Filesize:  277.73 KB
 Downloaded:  257 Time(s)


PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 11:08 pm   Post subject: RE:Playing Multiple Music Files And Music Mixing.

Opps! To all people, USE THIS THREADS VERSION, The other one is an older version.
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