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 Tic Tac Toe Perfect AI
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 9:26 pm   Post subject: Tic Tac Toe Perfect AI

A short Tic Tac Toe code with perfect AI that myself and a partner made. I had stripped it down so it doesn't use any pictures or fonts, though. If you do happen to beat it, or if you find a glitch, post it here

var box : array 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3 of int
var x, y, click, ax, ay, random, win, counter, col1, col2 : int := 0
var turn : boolean := true
var done, cats : boolean := false

setscreen ("graphics:500;500,position:center;center,title:Tic Tac Toe,offscreenonly,nobuttonbar")

procedure initBoard ()
    for i : 1 .. 3
        for j : 1 .. 3
            box (i, j) := 0
        end for
    end for

    randint (random, 1, 2)

    if random = 1 then
        turn := true
    elsif random = 2 then
        turn := false
    end if

    counter := 0
    cats := false
    done := false
end initBoard

procedure gameOver
    for decreasing i : 2 .. 1
        for j : 1 .. 3
            if box (3, j) = i and box (2, j) = i and box (1, j) = i then
                done := true
            elsif box (j, 3) = i and box (j, 2) = i and box (j, 1) = i then
                done := true
            elsif box (3, 3) = i and box (2, 2) = i and box (1, 1) = i then
                done := true
            elsif box (1, 3) = i and box (2, 2) = i and box (3, 1) = i then
                done := true
            end if
        end for
    end for
end gameOver

procedure blockWin
    for decreasing i : 2 .. 1
        for row : 1 .. 3
            for column : 1 .. 3
                if done = false and turn = false and box (3, column) = i and box (2, column) = i and box (1, column) = 0 then
                    box (1, column) := 2
                    turn := true
                    counter += 1
                elsif done = false and turn = false and box (3, column) = i and box (1, column) = i and box (2, column) = 0 then
                    box (2, column) := 2
                    turn := true
                    counter += 1
                elsif done = false and turn = false and box (1, column) = i and box (2, column) = i and box (3, column) = 0 then
                    box (3, column) := 2
                    turn := true
                    counter += 1
                elsif done = false and turn = false and box (row, 3) = i and box (row, 2) = i and box (row, 1) = 0 then
                    box (row, 1) := 2
                    turn := true
                    counter += 1
                elsif done = false and turn = false and box (row, 3) = i and box (row, 1) = i and box (row, 2) = 0 then
                    box (row, 2) := 2
                    turn := true
                    counter += 1
                elsif done = false and turn = false and box (row, 1) = i and box (row, 2) = i and box (row, 3) = 0 then
                    box (row, 3) := 2
                    turn := true
                    counter += 1
                elsif done = false and turn = false and box (3, 3) = i and box (2, 2) = i and box (1, 1) = 0 then
                    box (1, 1) := 2
                    turn := true
                    counter += 1
                elsif done = false and turn = false and box (3, 3) = i and box (1, 1) = i and box (2, 2) = 0 then
                    box (2, 2) := 2
                    turn := true
                    counter += 1
                elsif done = false and turn = false and box (1, 1) = i and box (2, 2) = i and box (3, 3) = 0 then
                    box (3, 3) := 2
                    turn := true
                    counter += 1
                elsif done = false and turn = false and box (1, 3) = i and box (2, 2) = i and box (3, 1) = 0 then
                    box (3, 1) := 2
                    turn := true
                    counter += 1
                elsif done = false and turn = false and box (1, 3) = i and box (3, 1) = i and box (2, 2) = 0 then
                    box (2, 2) := 2
                    turn := true
                    counter += 1
                elsif done = false and turn = false and box (3, 1) = i and box (2, 2) = i and box (1, 3) = 0 then
                    box (1, 3) := 2
                    turn := true
                    counter += 1
                end if
            end for
        end for
    end for
end blockWin

procedure aiStrategy
    if done = false and counter = 3 and turn = false and ((box (2, 3) = 1 and box (2, 1) = 1) or (box (3, 3) = 1 and box (1, 1) = 1) or (box (1, 3) = 1 and box (3, 1) = 1)) and box (1, 2) = 0 then
        box (1, 2) := 2
        counter += 1
        turn := true
    elsif done = false and counter = 3 and turn = false and ((box (2, 2) = 1 and box (3, 3) = 1) or (box (3, 3) = 1 and box (1, 2) = 1) or (box (1, 1) = 1 and box (2, 3) = 1) or (box (2, 3) = 1 and
            box (1, 2) = 1)) and box (1, 3) = 0 then
        box (1, 3) := 2
        counter += 1
        turn := true
    elsif done = false and counter = 3 and turn = false and ((box (1, 3) = 1 and box (2, 1) = 1) or (box (3, 1) = 1 and box (1, 2) = 1) or (box (2, 1) = 1 and box (1, 2) = 1)) and box (1, 1) = 0 then
        box (1, 1) := 2
        counter += 1
        turn := true
    elsif done = false and counter = 3 and turn = false and ((box (1, 3) = 1 and box (3, 2) = 1) or (box (3, 1) = 1 and box (2, 3) = 1) or (box (3, 1) = 1 and box (2, 3) = 1) or (box (3, 2) = 1 and
            box (2, 3) = 1)) and box (3, 3) = 0 then
        box (3, 3) := 2
        counter += 1
        turn := true
    elsif done = false and counter = 3 and turn = false and ((box (1, 1) = 1 and box (2, 2) = 1) or (box (1, 1) = 1 and box (3, 2) = 1) or (box (2, 1) = 1 and box (3, 3) = 1) or (box (2, 1) = 1 and
            box (3, 2) = 1)) and box (3, 1) = 0 then
        box (3, 1) := 2
        counter += 1
        turn := true
    elsif done = false and counter = 3 and turn = false and box (1, 2) = 1 and box (3, 2) = 1 and box (2, 1) = 0 then
        box (2, 1) := 2
        turn := true
        counter += 1
    elsif done = false and counter = 2 and turn = false and box (2, 3) = 1 and box (2, 2) = 0 then
        box (2, 2) := 2
        turn := true
        counter += 1
    elsif done = false and counter = 2 and turn = false and (box (3, 2) = 1 or box (2, 3) = 1 or box (2, 1) = 1 or box (1, 2) = 1) and box (3, 3) = 0 then
        box (3, 3) := 2
        turn := true
        counter += 1
    elsif done = false and counter = 2 and turn = false and (box (1, 3) = 1 or box (3, 1) = 1) and box (3, 3) = 0 then
        box (3, 3) := 2
        turn := true
        counter += 1
    elsif done = false and counter = 2 and turn = false and (box (1, 1) = 1 or box (3, 3) = 1) and box (1, 3) = 0 then
        box (1, 3) := 2
        turn := true
        counter += 1
    elsif done = false and counter = 1 and turn = false and box (2, 2) = 0 then
        box (2, 2) := 2
        turn := true
        counter += 1
    elsif done = false and counter = 1 and turn = false and box (2, 2) = 1 and box (3, 3) = 0 then
        box (3, 3) := 2
        turn := true
        counter += 1
    elsif done = false and counter = 0 and turn = false then
        box (2, 2) := 2
        counter += 1
        turn := true
    end if
end aiStrategy

procedure drawBox
    for row : 1 .. 3
        for column : 1 .. 3
            if box (row, column) = 1 then
                drawfillbox (row * 100, column * 100, row * 100 + 100, column * 100 + 100, red)
            elsif box (row, column) = 2 then
                drawfillbox (row * 100, column * 100, row * 100 + 100, column * 100 + 100, blue)
            end if

            drawbox (row * 100, column * 100, row * 100 + 100, column * 100 + 100, 255)
        end for
    end for
end drawBox


    mousewhere (x, y, click)

    for row : 1 .. 3
        for column : 1 .. 3
            if done = false and box (row, column) = 0 and x > row * 100 and y > column * 100 and x < row * 100 + 100 and y < column * 100 + 100 and click = 1 then
                box (row, column) := 1
                turn := false
                counter += 1
            end if


            if done = false and turn = false then
                randint (ax, 1, 3)
                randint (ay, 1, 3)

                if turn = false and (box (ax, ay) = 1 or box (ax, ay) = 2) then
                    randint (ax, 1, 3)
                    randint (ay, 1, 3)
                elsif turn = false and box (ax, ay) = 0 then
                    box (ax, ay) := 2
                    turn := true
                    counter += 1
                end if
            end if


            drawbox (100, 100, 400, 400, 0)
        end for
    end for

    if counter = 9 and done = false then
        cats := true
    end if


    exit when done = true or cats = true
end loop

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