Autodesk® VIZ® Render Support
Layer Manager
Command Line Rendering
HDRI Support
"Blobmesh" metaballs
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I'm personally looking foward to getting to know shell modifier - Apparently this allows to build a shell around parts of object based on vertex normals. Shells would allow to easily create Mech (or other tech) look.
Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2003 7:35 pm Post subject: Re: 3D Studio Max 6
and here i was thinking you were going to show us your work.
tony wrote:
"Blobmesh" metaballs
bah! blender has had those for at least 5 years now.
ah well, maybe i should get around to learning 3ds max as well. can you animate models in max and export them for games like quake models (i'm not talking about gmax)?
Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2003 7:42 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I'm not sure about game spesific exports, but I'm sure you can find converters from .3ds to just about anything.
Its ASCII exports are really easy to read too - Catalyst was using those for his models in Turing programs