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 A Map Maker
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 6:36 am   Post subject: A Map Maker

I'm making a game in Python so I made this up quick to create maps for the game.

- The only code that is important for the user is the last line.
MainLoop (int (raw_input ("Number of x tiles: ")), int (raw_input ("Number of y tiles: ")), "Tiles30/", 0, 11) #use this for smaller maps
MainLoop (int (raw_input ("Number of x tiles: ")), int (raw_input ("Number of y tiles: ")), "Tiles/", 0, 22) #use this for bigger maps

The 11 and 22 are the amount of tiles, if you add a tile increment the number or else the program won't read the new tiles (also follow the naming convention or the program will cack)

- To enter an input, you must use the console, don't expect an update, I don't plan on fixing this


    - left mouse button:
        - change a tile's image
        - change the image modifier (click a tile on the right)
    - middle mouse button:
        - change a tile's special properties
    - right mouse button:
        - display the tile's information
    - arrow keys:
        - move the map around (if it is larger than the screen)
    - page up/down:
        - scroll the image modifier panel
    - control (left):
        - prompt the user to enter a special property modifier and it's value
    - alt (left):
        - prompt the user to enter a boolean display value, special property modifier, and its value, then change the display mode (showing all tiles or only tiles with the entered special property key and value)

Please post all comments Smile.

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