Computer Science Canada

[Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

Author:  Silinter [ Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  [Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

I'm uploading this early, it's due Monday, just want to read people's opinions before handing it in.

Tell you the truth, I'm getting bored of making it. I was gonna add some more complex level/boss system, and I've drafted the bosses before hand, but the sole reason I switched over to this project as my ISU was because it allowed me to do much more computational geometry than the other one (a Liero clone; I have the collision system down, it came to the part where I had to make all the levels, got boring)

Anyway, report all glitches ASAP (there must be a fair amount), and help me pick a name. I was thinking RetroShooter, cuz I originally modeled the game after this other game called RetroShooter from NG, then switched creative directions, but now that name doesn't fit very well. There are probably some problems resuming games as well (I haven't added the functionality to resume after restarting the game); and if anyone doesn't mind, could you give me some ideas on the level system?

EDIT: Alright, some stats (since people seem to be impressed by them):
5770 lines of code in 11 files, that's including a modded (read very modded) version of the gradient module by Mackie Drew
Spent the better half of the semester working on it.
Source totals to 996kb without sound and pictures
The ships are vectors stored as angles/distances from the initial point placed
Everything made with the editor has its contour hulled and triangulated, then the hull triangulated (the triangulation is useless, but it kept me from getting bored) with the Graham Scan (O(nlogn)), which speeds up the bounding box calculations proportionally to the amount of points on the contour. Triangulated with the ear clipping (O(kn^2), analogous to O(n^3)) algorithm.

EDIT2: Alright, the version I'll be handing in. I did end up going with Retroshooter, as can be seen in the required commercial I made [check it out here]. At least check that out... it won't hurt you.

EDIT3: lol, completely forgot... you can't die. well, you do but nothing happens. added a reaction to when you die...

Author:  Silinter [ Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

Really? Nobody? At least make a comment, like, "You're a douche bag for making YET ANOTHER geometry wars clone" or "Yeh, not bad, timer doesn't work PERFECTLY, and it glitches when the game crashes and the music keeps on going (yeah, to fix that end music.exe), but other than that good game" OR SOMETHING!
~3 months of work... </life>
Oh well, onto c++

Author:  Nai [ Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:45 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:[Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

Wow, just played it. Amazing. Love the thing in the menus where you click and the stars get blown away. hahah That was one of my favourite parts Razz

Author:  Zren [ Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

Well the fact that it takes either a ridiculous amount of time to load with no loading bar, or just shows a white screen miiiiiiiiiiight be a reason.

Er, you got the source, I'm not gonna steal it just pm it.

Author:  Silinter [ Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

It shouldn't take ANY time to load. Well, a fraction of a second, but no longer than that. It might the the parallel program running to play the music. If people don't mind, I could just take that out, it's not that amazing.
I handed it in, so I could just release the source. But it's not commented very well, so beware.

Author:  andrew. [ Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:55 am ]
Post subject:  RE:[Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

Very amazing! One of the best shooting games I've seen on here.

+ bits

P.S. There is no loading time on my computer.

Author:  Silinter [ Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

Alright, here is the source.
It's not commented very well at all, so peer AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION!
Seriously, come crunch time, the source quality started to deteriorate exponentially.

Author:  Zren [ Wed Jun 17, 2009 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

Awesomely done. It was the music that was messing it up.

My favourite part has to be the background, and how you used it for everything including the menu.

The only part I didnt like was how hard to see everything was since it's like a billion different neon lines everywhere. Anti-Aliasing might fix it making everything thicker and more define. Though Turing would probably die if you did that. Awesome fast paced game!

Author:  sharkethic86 [ Mon Nov 16, 2009 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  RE:[Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

can someone please tell me what the music is in Retro Shooter?

and how can I get this mix?

Author:  Silinter [ Mon Nov 16, 2009 1:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:[Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

sharkethic86 @ Mon Nov 16, 2009 12:18 am wrote:
can someone please tell me what the music is in Retro Shooter?

and how can I get this mix?

Seems kinda off-topic =\
Although to answer your question, I believe the author of that game mixed the music for it himself; I don't think there's a resource where this song would be listed.
Nevertheless, I decompiled the SWF and got both the looped versions of the song and the mix itself. Here they are... just try to keep on topic next time =\

Author:  bugzpodder [ Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:54 am ]
Post subject:  RE:[Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

opened executable and waited about 60 seonds. nothing showed up

Author:  SNIPERDUDE [ Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:[Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

Really great game, loved the menu.

+ bits

Author:  Silinter [ Mon Nov 16, 2009 5:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:[Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

bugzpodder @ Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:54 am wrote:
opened executable and waited about 60 seonds. nothing showed up

ouch; try compiling it urself. Zren had the same problem and it was the music that was causing it to freeze. or simply delete the file bgm1.mp3 in the data folder.

Author:  Silinter [ Sat Feb 13, 2010 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

UPDATE v1.2a - special UoT showCaSe entry
-added tutorial mode
-made the custom ship/bullet/missile drafter easier to use (also added the opt. to remove snapping)
-fixed some bugs in the drafter

I won't be releasing the source for this new version until after the competition has blown over, for entry purposes.
Also, this one doesn't have music, for those that couldn't get the music working, although you can still add your own.

Author:  USEC_OFFICER [ Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:58 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:[Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

AH! White screen of death! Get it off get it off!!!
*Drowns in pool of own blood*
Really, why does it do that? And for some reason I couldn't rename the Mp3, though that's probably Windows 7. Curse you windows 7 for being so different that windows XP which I am used to!!!!

Author:  Silinter [ Sat Feb 13, 2010 6:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

Alright, too many people are getting white screens, so I'll post a version that cannot play music.

Author:  SNIPERDUDE [ Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:[Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

Very nice.
Still need a laptop mode, I can't middle click.

Author:  Silinter [ Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

Lol, alright, added the spacebar as an alternative to middle clicking. Although it must be awkward playing on a laptop and not having a middle click...

I'll be submitting sometime tomorrow and I want it to be as polished as possible, so tell me what else needs changing before then.

Author:  SNIPERDUDE [ Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:56 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:[Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

I rather loved the ending of the tutorial.

Author:  Silinter [ Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

-Added some final HUD panel customization settings (the default gray looked bland)
-Adjusted the tutorial/instructions to reflect recent changes

Author:  Turing_Gamer [ Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

Glitches during battle, and not enough vision.
But still +KARMA

Author:  Silinter [ Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

Turing_Gamer @ Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:21 pm wrote:
Glitches during battle...

Ahh! What glitches during battle. Can you be a little more specific?

Author:  Turing_Gamer [ Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

Some time I Teleport randomly

Author:  Silinter [ Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:[Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

Oh. Phew. That occurs because you pressed the buttons to move in a direction in quick succession, which is the combination required to teleport. It isn't a glitch; it uses up energy and was programmed purposefully.

Author:  Turing_Gamer [ Mon Feb 15, 2010 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

Maybe you can set it to a button (for example, 'T'). Cause it really messes me up. But it is a very good idea.

Author:  USEC_OFFICER [ Mon Feb 15, 2010 4:35 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:[Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

Yes, teleporting is too sensitive, also I find the speed to be a bit too high. Other than that it is very, very good.

+1 Awsome Turing Game Karma!!!!

Once again, later, when it lets me/I remember.

Author:  SNIPERDUDE [ Mon Feb 15, 2010 11:27 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:[Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

Another disadvantage of the karma system. Personally I prefer bits.

Author:  Turing_Gamer [ Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

I agree with USEC_OFFICER. If you want speed, have more vision. If you want the vision to be the same, then tone down the speed.

EDIT (@ SNIPERDUDE): Well, some of us don't have bits to spare.

Author:  USEC_OFFICER [ Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:38 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:[Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

Yes, some of us are poor bit farmers, having to scratch a poor living from these few and useless bits.

EDIT: How long do I have to wait before I can give Karma to other people? i.e. Since I last gave someone Karma.

Author:  SNIPERDUDE [ Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:[Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

I believe 24 hours.

Author:  Silinter [ Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

I'm only posting this because I feel uneasy dropping a buggy project =\
-Added settings to change window dimensions (don't mess with it too much :p)
-Made teleport less 'sensitive'
-Fixed a bug involving spacebar as a replacement for middle click

I chose a window dimension of 800x600 because it was the best trade-off between FPS and window size.
When I change the window to a size greater than 800x600, I get a significant FPS drop.
This drop in FPS might not happen on every computer, but I wanted the game to be as universal as possible (within Turing limits)
Try not to change the size to 0, because I never added a check to stop that from happening.
If you do, however, change the size to something not preferred and the game acts up, delete settings.set from the data folder (and maybe state.set as well if that doesn't work).

I'm getting rather bored with this project so I hope I won't have to upload another version.
I've also submitted it to UoT's showCaSe, so I see no point in continuing.

Author:  SNIPERDUDE [ Tue Feb 16, 2010 9:52 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:[Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

An excellent project if I might say so.

Author:  Silinter [ Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:21 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:[Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

Thanks man, appreciate it.
I'm fairly proud of how it turned out as well, and even though I probably will never have use of any algorithm I wrote for this project, it was fun writing/adapting them.

Author:  petree08 [ Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:54 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:[Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

Oh hey man, cool stuff,

was wondering how you compiled the exes to have a custom icon as apposed to the turing icon.

Author:  Turing_Gamer [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

Can some one make a tutorial about this?
petree08 wrote:
...was wondering how you compiled the exes to have a custom icon as apposed to the turing icon.

Author:  USEC_OFFICER [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:[Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

Two things:

First: Finally gave you your karma.

Second: It's simple, right click on the .exe, and select properties. Then click change icon. Browse, select your picture. Easy.

Author:  Silinter [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

Actually, there's already a tutorial made by tjmoore1993 on how to change the application icon here.
I use a similar method, and every method involves using a resource editor.

Author:  SNIPERDUDE [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:09 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:[Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

ResHack is a good tool for that.

Author:  jdubzisyahweh [ Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)

REALEASE SOURCE CODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
