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 Database with Custom GUI. Textfield V2 released
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 4:02 pm   Post subject: Database with Custom GUI. Textfield V2 released

Here's source code to the GUI classes I used in my FP, and to my FP as well. The classes are not entirely finished, as there are some other things I can add/modify, though I'm not saying I will. Wink

  • Button class -> Standard buttons. (can't have pictures)
  • Textfields -> Like the Address Bar in an Internet Browser.
  • Labels -> Very basic, text in a box. Whoopie!
  • Scrollbox -> Similar to what you see after you click a dropdown box.

The textfield has been updated to Version 2.0. It is greatly improved.

  • Selections: Select a range of text by using the shift keys or by dragging a selection with the mouse
  • Fully functional input: Use the ctrl keys to move word by word, use the home and end keys, use the mouse to select positions, drag with the mouse to select ranges, double click with the mouse to select words, and triple click with the mouse to select a range of everything in the textfield.
  • Error Proofed input: For example, If you want your textfield to get a real value, the textfield will automatically parse the input and prevent stupid inputs such as "1.4.78..2"
  • Easy Initializing: You can use the INIT_full procedure to totally customize the textfield (except for some things which can be changed manually with other procedures. See the description of the INIT_full procedure below), or you can use the INIT procedure to quickly and easily create a predefined textfield.
  • Movement: Use the set_centre and set_coords procedures to move the textfield about the screen.
  • TABing: use the TAB button to scroll through textfields. This requires calling the handle_behaviour procedure found in "textfield procedures.t"
  • Only one selection at a time: Easily prevent more than one textfield from being selected at a time. Doing this requires calling the handle_behaviour procedure found in "textfield procedures.t"
  • A host of procedures and functions to easily interact with the textfield (checking for various conditions, for example).

If you download the file, you'll get four files:

  • TEXTFIELD.tu -> The class file
  • textfield procedures.t -> Gives two procedures to use in your main program: one fixes tabbing and multiple textfield selections, the other draws the fields for you
  • Ex Field.t -> Gives an example of a login screen, using two textfields
  • README.txt -> Extensive readme, with descriptions of all the methods you'll need to use.

My FP sells tickets for a ficticious cinema chain. It uses a database to store information on both the cinema showings and users. The most elaborate part of the program is only accessable by the administrator. To see this, log in as "admin" and with a password of "clapton".

Textfield Version 2.0!
Includes the class file, procedures to use in your main program, an example, and a README.

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 Filename:  Button.tu
 Filesize:  9.03 KB
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FP. Includes source, pictures, GUI classes, and database files.
The textfield included here is Version 1.0.

 Filesize:  452.25 KB
 Downloaded:  323 Time(s)


PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 7:49 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Wow. Really nice program. I wish I could program like that. I like the nice buttons and all the graphics. And it is an original idea.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 7:55 am   Post subject: (No subject)

The textfield has been updated and greatly improved. See main post.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:24 am   Post subject: (No subject)

Awsome readme...I particularly like "maximum maximum number". Keep up le bon travail.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:56 am   Post subject: (No subject)

Nice program. I like the buttons, and the seat choice part is very well written. The only thing that could be improved, IMO, is I think itd be nice if you printed off a receipt for the user after they bought their ticket, with the information they typed in when they created their account.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 8:18 am   Post subject: (No subject)

Dang if only i could program like that

stupid VB (i want turing back waaaa)
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