arcsinarcsine function (radians)

Syntax   arcsin (r : real) : real

Description   The arcsin function is used to find the arc sine of a value. The result is given in radians. For example, arcsin (0.5) is p / 6.

Example   This program prints out the arcsine of -1 through 1 in radians.

        for i : -4 .. 4
            const arg := i / 4
            put "Arc sine of ", arg, " is ",
                arcsin (arg), " radians"
        end for

See also   the arccos and arctan functions for calculating arccosine and arctangent.

the arcsind function which finds the arc sine of a value with the result given in degrees. (2p radians are the same as 360 degrees.)

See also predefined unit Math.