“Informative, yet strangely mocking”. That is how compiler errors often appear to be. Sometimes they are straight forward, though often not as much…
Debugging software is an art of its own, without which it could be quite frustrating to explore the field of computer programming. The unchartered areas of computer code often come with ambiguous errors [...]
image (c) Steven Duerinckx – www.darkink.be
Developing quality software requires a lot of mental effort. The concept could be difficult to grasp for people outside the field, those who associate work with physical labour — movement, assembly, typing up reports. Though when it comes to writing software, a bulk of effort goes into thought. So much [...]
I’ve noticed some students asking a rather silly question:
what commands will i need?
What makes this question silly is that it is asked in “what is the minimum set of a programming language keywords required to complete a task?” type of sense. It usually has to do with some game project, and the student is looking [...]