Computer Science students and professional developers spend a lot of time in front of their beloved computer screens. The additional strain on the eyes, from improper or excessive computer use contributes to the stereotype of an early vision loss. And while it is possible to program without vision, most of us would rather not have [...]
I always knew that keyboards tend to collect dust, hair, dead skin cells, and anything else you might happen to have on your hands, but it wasn’t until yesterday that I found out how close to a biological hazard my keyboard has come. Originally I’ve removed just the letter keys to rearrange them into a [...]
This article is intended both for employers to boost student’s moral and productivity, and for students to enhance their co-op work term experience with promises of the same.
A lot of Universities now offer co-op variations of their programs, especially among the Engineering and Computer Science degrees. My University tries to answer some common questions in [...]