I’ve recently had a silly discussion with a classmate, on the merits of Java. That didn’t go too in-depth, as his main argument against absolutely everything else appeared to be “Java is a real programming language”. Huh? C++ was admitted to that group, but little else. So what does that make just about every other [...]
Michael Wesch, an assistant professor of cultural anthropology at Kansas State University, has previously published his widely popular The Machine is Us/ing Us video. Since then he has made a new short video – A Vision of Students Today, which I first found through Paul Stamatiou’s blog.
It’s an absolutely fantastic video, that creates a snapshot [...]
Here’s an idea: if you are spending more time writing code, than thinking about what code you should write – you are doing something wrong. Very wrong. Or it’s something trivial enough to not be of much importance. Or it’s Java.
Java has endless getters and setters. It’s a pushups exercise that could be replaced by [...]