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Tony has written 199 posts for CompSci.ca/blog

Computer Science at University of Guelph

Computer Science at Ontario Universities
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Previously covered: Brock, Carleton, Guelph, Lakehead, Ryerson, Toronto

University of Guelph computer lab

University of Guelph is located in Guelph, Ontario. It’s a medium sized University, with a semi-urban campus, home to about 17,000 undergraduate students. Computer Science is offered by Guelph’s Department of Computing and Information Science, earning its graduates a Bachelor of Computing. 4 year honours, or 3 year general. A co-op flavour of honours is also available.

MIT highlights for high school students

MIT has finished uploading all of their 1800 courses, so now one really could get their free computer science education, online. Though it gets better. Now there’s a new portal website that brings up highlights for high school students, from the same set of MIT level courses. It’s mostly just a subset of the introductory [...]

Computer Science at Carleton University

Computer Science at Ontario Universities
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Previously covered: Brock, Carleton, Guelph, Lakehead, Ryerson, Toronto

Carleton University is located in Ottawa, Ontario — Canada’s capital. It’s a medium sized University, in an urban setting, housing about 21,000 undergraduate students. Computer Science is offered by Carleton’s School of Computer Science, and it comes in a Bachelor of Computer [...]


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