Computer Science Canada

[Perl5-tut] Perl Intro: Subroutines and Scope

Author:  wtd [ Tue Sep 20, 2005 3:12 pm ]
Post subject:  [Perl5-tut] Perl Intro: Subroutines and Scope


In the last Perl5 intro topic, I introduced a few subroutines that are standard in Perl: "push" and "scalar".

Let's look at how to create and use subroutines.

What is a subroutine?

They're Perl's version of functions and procedures; a way to organize executable code that achieves a certain goal and give it a meaningful name.

An easy example

Let's look at a basic subroutine that very simply prints "Hello world" to the console.

sub say_hello {
   print "Hello world\n";

Nothing too fancy here. The "sub" keyword introduces a new subroutine, then we have the name of the subroutine, then a block containing the code for the subroutine.

Calling the subroutine is equally easy.


What about arguments?

What if I want my subroutine to take an argument... the name of a person to greet?

sub say_hello {
   my $name = shift @_;
   print "Hello $name\n";

Calling it is pretty easy:

say_hello "Bob";

Okay, there was a lot of new stuff there. Let's look at it one bit at a time.

The basic form of the subroutine is the same. Nowhere do I explicitly state what arguments there are. Instead, any arguments to the subroutine get slurped up into the @_ array.


The "shift" subroutine removes the first item from an array and returns it. Thus...

$name = shift @_;

Assigns the first item in the argument list to the $name variable.

my $name = shift @_;

The "my" keyword indicates that $name is local to the subroutine. Any $name variable existing outside of the subroutine is unaffected by whatwe do to this $name variable.

"Hello $name\n"

Here we see an example of string interpolation. The value of the $name variable is inserted directly into the string. This only works with double-qouted strings, and not single-quoted strings.

The "print" should be easy enough to figure out.

Calling the subroutine can take two different forms.

say_hello "Bob";



Parentheses are not required, except to clarify which arguments belong to which subroutine in more complex expressions.

A little tip on arguments: "shift", if not given an argument, assumes you meant @_, so we can rewrite that subroutine a bit more concisely.

sub say_hello {
   my $name = shift;
   print "Hello $name\n";

How did I make it assume, though?

Well, there's nothing forcing us to send a particular list of arguments to a subroutine. For instance, I could still call my "say_hello" subroutine like:


When I ran it, I'd get a problem, but that's because inside the subroutine $name is undefined, and you can't insert undefined into a string.

That's not what I want. I want the subroutine to assume a certain value for that argument.

sub say_hello {
   my $name = shift || "John";
   print "Hello $name\n";

This says, "shift from @_ or John... whichever works".

Author:  wtd [ Tue Sep 20, 2005 5:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

As with variables, it's also possible to have references to subroutines.

sub hello {
   print "Hello\n";

$sub_ref = \&hello;

& is the sigil for subroutines.

Dereferencing the subroutine is simple:


Creating an anonymous subroutine reference is simple as well.

$sub_ref = sub {
   print "Hello\n";

