Computer Science Canada

need help```~

Author:  powzow [ Thu Apr 28, 2005 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  need help```~

% set the screen so it does not have the buttonbars,
% does not have the cursor, keys does not echo,
% and let the mode be compatible with View.Update
View.Set ("nobuttonbar,offscreenonly,noecho,nocursor")

%Variable Library: %
%fontx: where x is a number, declares a font and stores it. %
%timer: a variable created to store time %
%jackie, bruce, etc: declares the variable and stores a picture, %
% which is usedlater in the program. %
%chars: a variable created in order to use the Input.KeyDown command %
%healthx, specialx: where x is a number, is a variable that is used %
% to create the health and special bar. %
%w , e: variables that indicate the starting position of both fighters%
%x , y: a variable that is used to store a random number which is the %
% damage assigned to a character when hit. %

% process kungfufighting
% Music.PlayFile ("Foo Fighters - Kung Fu Fighting.mp3")
% end kungfufighting

process tigerroar
Music.PlayFile ("tigerroar.wav")
end tigerroar

process dragonroar
Music.PlayFile ("dragonroar.wav")
end dragonroar

var font1 : int
font1 := Font.New ("serif:12")
var font2 : int
font2 := Font.New ("Times New Roman:40:Bold,Italic")
var font3 : int
font3 := Font.New ("arial:14:Bold,Italic")
var timer : int
var jackie := Pic.FileNew ("jackie chan.bmp")
var bruce := Pic.FileNew ("bruce lee.bmp")
var tigersuper := Pic.FileNew ("Tiger2.bmp")
var dragonsuper := Pic.FileNew ("Dragon2.bmp")
var superback := Pic.FileNew ("tiger_dragon.bmp")
var tigersign := Pic.FileNew ("tigersign.bmp")
var dragonsign := Pic.FileNew ("dragonsign.bmp")
var rushhour := Pic.FileNew ("rushhour.bmp")
var chars : array char of boolean
var health1 := 200
var special1 := 50
var health2 := 550
var special2 := 400
var w := 200
var e := 400
var x, y : int

% the inroduction
proc intro
var x, y, x1, y1 := 0
var key : string (1)
colorback (black)

Font.Draw ("Chinese Edition", 160, 180, font2, yellow)
Font.Draw ("press any key to continue", 250, 3, font1, white)
% if a key is pressed, it exits the loop
if hasch then
getch (key)
end if
end loop
% draw lines which start at mid screen and go around by using trig.
y := round (cosd (y1) * 3200)
x := round (sind (x1) * 3200)
drawline (maxx div 2, maxy div 2, x, y, purple)
delay (20)
x1 += 1
y1 += 1
exit when x1 = 360
end loop
colorback (white)
% displaying instructions on the screen
Font.Draw ("In order to overcome your foe,", 190, 300, font3, red)
Font.Draw ("you must have longanimity and be", 190, 250, font3, red)
Font.Draw ("proficient in the deadly skills of", 190, 200, font3, red)
Font.Draw ("Martial Arts. Here are some guides", 190, 150, font3, red)
Font.Draw ("in becoming a Kung Fu Master.", 190, 100, font3, red)
Font.Draw ("press any key to continue", 250, 3, font1, black)
if hasch then
getch (key)
end if
end loop
Font.Draw ("1P : punch: a, move: j and k", 190, 300, font3, red)
Font.Draw ("2P : punch: 1, move: left arrow and right arrow", 100, 250, font3, red)
Font.Draw ("Watch for the health and special bar also,", 120, 200, font3, red)
Font.Draw ("They will aid you in overcoming your opponent", 100, 150, font3, red)
Font.Draw ("press any key to continue", 250, 3, font1, black)
if hasch then
getch (key)
end if
end loop
end intro

% the POW program
proc pow (clr : int)
% creating an array of 20 x variables
var x : array 1 .. 20 of int
var clr1 : int
% assigning values to the varables
randint (x (1), 100, 400)
x (2) := x (1) + 30
x (3) := x (1) + 20
x (4) := x (1) + 38
x (5) := x (1) + 40
x (6) := x (1) + 46
x (7) := x (1) + 60
x (8) := x (1) + 54
x (9) := x (1) + 80
x (10) := x (1) + 62
x (11) := x (1) + 100
x (12) := x (1) + 70
x (13) := x (1) + 80
x (14) := x (1) + 62
x (15) := x (1) + 60
x (16) := x (1) + 54
x (17) := x (1) + 40
x (18) := x (1) + 46
x (19) := x (1) + 20
x (20) := x (1) + 38

var y : array 1 .. 20 of int
randint (y (1), 100, 400)
y (2) := y (1) + 10
y (3) := y (1) + 40
y (4) := y (1) + 15
y (5) := y (1) + 60
y (6) := y (1) + 30
y (7) := y (1) + 60
y (8) := y (1) + 30
y (9) := y (1) + 40
y (10) := y (1) + 15
y (11) := y (1) + 10
y (12) := y (1) + 0
y (13) := y (1) - 10
y (14) := y (1) - 15
y (15) := y (1) - 40
y (16) := y (1) - 30
y (17) := y (1) - 60
y (18) := y (1) - 30
y (19) := y (1) - 60
y (20) := y (1) - 15
% draw a 20 sided polygon
drawpolygon (x, y, 20, clr)
% write the word POW in the center of the polygon
Font.Draw ("POW", x (1) + 32, y (1) - 3, font1, clr + 2)
end pow

proc hyperscreen (clr : int)
% declaring an array of variable which is used to store the values of the line
var x : array 1 .. 256 of int
var y : array 1 .. 256 of int

% assigning values to the x and y variable
for i : 1 .. 256
randint (x (i), maxx, maxx + 200)
randint (y (i), 0, maxy)
end for

for i : 1 .. 256
% drawing a line of 40 pixels long
x (i) := x (i) - 400
drawline (x (i), y (i), x (i) + 100, y (i), clr)
delay (20)
% blanking the line out
drawline (x (i), y (i), x (i) + 100, y (i), colorbg)
% if the line reaches the left side, get another x and draw another line
if x (i) <= 0 then
randint (x (i), maxx, maxx * 2)
end if
end for
% put a timer on the program, so it only runs for the time allowed
clock (timer)
exit when timer >= 100
end loop
end hyperscreen

% drawing the fighters
proc jackiestand (x, y, clr : int)

% drawing everything in term of x and y, so it is possible to move it later

% draw neck
drawbox (x + 15, y, x + 45, y + 10, 1)

% draw body

drawline (x, y, x + 60, y, 1)
drawline (x + 60, y, x + 40, y - 55, 1)
drawline (x + 40, y - 55, x + 20, y - 55, 1)
drawline (x + 20, y - 55, x, y, 1)

% draw right arm
drawline (x + 56, y - 10, x + 66, y - 20, clr)
drawline (x + 66, y - 20, x + 81, y - 10, clr)
drawline (x + 81, y - 10, x + 85, y - 15, clr)
drawline (x + 85, y - 15, x + 66, y - 28, clr)
drawline (x + 66, y - 28, x + 53, y - 15, clr)

% draw left arm
drawline (x + 16, y - 10, x + 26, y - 20, 1)
drawline (x + 26, y - 20, x + 41, y - 10, 1)
drawline (x + 41, y - 10, x + 45, y - 15, 1)
drawline (x + 45, y - 15, x + 26, y - 28, 1)
drawline (x + 26, y - 28, x + 13, y - 15, 1)

% draw left leg
drawline (x + 20, y - 55, x + 5, y - 80, 1)
drawline (x + 27, y - 55, x + 13, y - 80, 1)
drawline (x + 5, y - 80, x + 13, y - 80, 1)

% draw right leg
drawline (x + 40, y - 55, x + 55, y - 80, 1)
drawline (x + 33, y - 55, x + 47, y - 80, 1)
drawline (x + 55, y - 80, x + 47, y - 80, 1)

% draw right fists
drawoval (x + 88, y - 9, 5, 5, clr)
drawline (x + 87, y - 7, x + 89, y - 5, clr)
drawline (x + 89, y - 9, x + 91, y - 7, clr)

% draw left fists
drawoval (x + 48, y - 9, 5, 5, 1)
drawline (x + 47, y - 7, x + 49, y - 5, 1)
drawline (x + 49, y - 9, x + 51, y - 7, 1)

% draw right foot
drawline (x + 45, y - 85, x + 47, y - 80, 1)
drawline (x + 45, y - 85, x + 65, y - 85, 1)
drawline (x + 65, y - 85, x + 55, y - 80, 1)

% draw left foot
drawline (x + 13, y - 80, x + 15, y - 85, 1)
drawline (x + 15, y - 85, x - 5, y - 85, 1)
drawline (x - 5, y - 85, x + 5, y - 80, 1)

end jackiestand

proc jackiepunch (x, y, clr : int)

% draw neck
drawbox (x + 15, y, x + 45, y + 10, 1)

%draw body
drawline (x, y, x + 60, y, 1)
drawline (x + 60, y, x + 40, y - 55, 1)
drawline (x + 40, y - 55, x + 20, y - 55, 1)
drawline (x + 20, y - 55, x, y, 1)

% draw left leg
drawline (x + 20, y - 55, x + 5, y - 80, 1)
drawline (x + 27, y - 55, x + 13, y - 80, 1)
drawline (x + 5, y - 80, x + 13, y - 80, 1)

% draw right leg
drawline (x + 40, y - 55, x + 55, y - 80, 1)
drawline (x + 33, y - 55, x + 47, y - 80, 1)
drawline (x + 55, y - 80, x + 47, y - 80, 1)

% draw right foot
drawline (x + 45, y - 85, x + 47, y - 80, 1)
drawline (x + 45, y - 85, x + 65, y - 85, 1)
drawline (x + 65, y - 85, x + 55, y - 80, 1)

% draw left foot
drawline (x + 13, y - 80, x + 15, y - 85, 1)
drawline (x + 15, y - 85, x - 5, y - 85, 1)
drawline (x - 5, y - 85, x + 5, y - 80, 1)

% draw left arm
drawline (x + 16, y - 10, x + 26, y - 20, 1)
drawline (x + 26, y - 20, x + 41, y - 10, 1)
drawline (x + 41, y - 10, x + 45, y - 15, 1)
drawline (x + 45, y - 15, x + 26, y - 28, 1)
drawline (x + 26, y - 28, x + 13, y - 15, 1)

% draw left fists
drawoval (x + 48, y - 9, 5, 5, 1)
drawline (x + 47, y - 7, x + 49, y - 5, 1)
drawline (x + 49, y - 9, x + 51, y - 7, 1)

% draw right arm
drawline (x + 56, y - 10, x + 100, y - 10, clr)
drawline (x + 53, y - 16, x + 100, y - 16, clr)
drawline (x + 100, y - 10, x + 100, y - 16, clr)

% draw right fist
drawoval (x + 105, y - 13, 5, 5, clr)
drawline (x + 105, y - 11, x + 109, y - 11, clr)
drawline (x + 105, y - 14, x + 109, y - 14, clr)

end jackiepunch

% drawing the other fighter, same technique
proc brucestand (x, y, clr : int)

% draw neck
drawbox (x + 15, y, x + 45, y + 10, clr)

%draw body
drawline (x, y, x + 60, y, 1)
drawline (x + 60, y, x + 40, y - 55, 1)
drawline (x + 40, y - 55, x + 20, y - 55, 1)
drawline (x + 20, y - 55, x, y, 1)

% draw right arm
drawline (x + 56, y - 10, x + 75, y - 35, clr)
drawline (x + 54, y - 17, x + 70, y - 39, clr)
drawline (x + 75, y - 35, x + 71, y - 39, clr)

% draw left arm
drawline (x + 60 - 56, y - 10, x + 60 - 75, y - 35, clr)
drawline (x + 60 - 54, y - 17, x + 60 - 70, y - 39, clr)
drawline (x + 60 - 75, y - 35, x + 60 - 71, y - 39, clr)

% draw right fist
drawoval (x + 76, y - 42, 5, 5, clr)
drawline (x + 78, y - 40, x + 80, y - 42, clr)
drawline (x + 76, y - 42, x + 78, y - 44, clr)

% draw left fist
drawoval (x + 60 - 76, y - 42, 5, 5, clr)
drawline (x + 60 - 78, y - 40, x + 60 - 80, y - 42, clr)
drawline (x + 60 - 76, y - 42, x + 60 - 78, y - 44, clr)

% draw left leg
drawline (x + 20, y - 55, x + 5, y - 80, 1)
drawline (x + 27, y - 55, x + 13, y - 80, 1)
drawline (x + 5, y - 80, x + 13, y - 80, 1)

% draw right leg
drawline (x + 40, y - 55, x + 55, y - 80, 1)
drawline (x + 33, y - 55, x + 47, y - 80, 1)
drawline (x + 55, y - 80, x + 47, y - 80, 1)

% draw right foot
drawline (x + 45, y - 85, x + 47, y - 80, 1)
drawline (x + 45, y - 85, x + 65, y - 85, 1)
drawline (x + 65, y - 85, x + 55, y - 80, 1)

% draw left foot
drawline (x + 13, y - 80, x + 15, y - 85, 1)
drawline (x + 15, y - 85, x - 5, y - 85, 1)
drawline (x - 5, y - 85, x + 5, y - 80, 1)

end brucestand

proc brucepunch (x, y, clr : int)

% draw neck
drawbox (x + 15, y, x + 45, y + 10, 1)

%draw body
drawline (x, y, x + 60, y, 1)
drawline (x + 60, y, x + 40, y - 55, 1)
drawline (x + 40, y - 55, x + 20, y - 55, 1)
drawline (x + 20, y - 55, x, y, 1)

% draw right arm
drawline (x + 16, y - 10, x + 26, y - 20, clr)
drawline (x + 26, y - 20, x + 41, y - 10, clr)
drawline (x + 16, y - 10, x + 13, y - 15, clr)
drawline (x + 45, y - 15, x + 26, y - 28, clr)
drawline (x + 26, y - 28, x + 13, y - 15, clr)

% draw right fists
drawoval (x + 10, y - 9, 5, 5, clr)
drawline (x + 11, y - 9, x + 7, y - 5, clr)
drawline (x + 9, y - 11, x + 5, y - 7, clr)

% draw left arm
drawline (x - 40, y - 10, x + 3, y - 10, clr)
drawline (x - 40, y - 16, x + 5, y - 16, clr)
drawline (x - 40, y - 10, x - 36, y - 16, clr)

% draw left fist
drawoval (x - 41, y - 13, 5, 5, clr)
drawline (x - 40, y - 11, x - 46, y - 11, clr)
drawline (x - 40, y - 14, x - 46, y - 14, clr)

% draw left leg
drawline (x + 20, y - 55, x + 5, y - 80, 1)
drawline (x + 27, y - 55, x + 13, y - 80, 1)
drawline (x + 5, y - 80, x + 13, y - 80, 1)

% draw right leg
drawline (x + 40, y - 55, x + 55, y - 80, 1)
drawline (x + 33, y - 55, x + 47, y - 80, 1)
drawline (x + 55, y - 80, x + 47, y - 80, 1)

% draw right foot
drawline (x + 45, y - 85, x + 47, y - 80, 1)
drawline (x + 45, y - 85, x + 65, y - 85, 1)
drawline (x + 65, y - 85, x + 55, y - 80, 1)

% draw left foot
drawline (x + 13, y - 80, x + 15, y - 85, 1)
drawline (x + 15, y - 85, x - 5, y - 85, 1)
drawline (x - 5, y - 85, x + 5, y - 80, 1)
end brucepunch

% drawing the super moves of the characters
proc jackiesuper
var x1, y1 := 0

% changing the position of the picture, so it goes up
x1 += 15
y1 += 15
% exit the program when the y value reaches a specific spot
exit when y1 >= 490
end loop
end jackiesuper

% samething for this, except it's going dowm
proc brucesuper
var x1, y1 := 640

x1 -= 15
y1 -= 15
exit when y1 <= -180
end loop
end brucesuper

%main program
% kung fu music
%fork kungfufighting
% displaying the health and special bar of both of the characters
locate (1, 1)
put health1 - 50
locate (2, 1)
put special1 - 50
% drawing the health bar,
% and make sure the box changes everytime the value of the varaible changes
drawfillbox (50, 350, health1 + 5, 356, colorbg)
drawfillbox (50, 350, health1, 356, red)
drawfillbox (400, 350, health2 + 5, 356, colorbg)
locate (1, 78)
put health2 - 400
locate (2, 78)
put special2 - 400
drawfillbox (400, 350, health2, 356, red)
drawfillbox (50, 344, special1, 350, green)
drawfillbox (400, 344, special2, 350, green)
% drawing the fighters standing
jackiestand (w, 200, 1)
brucestand (e, 200, 1)
% the Input.KeyDown allow more than one button to be pressed down at the same time
Input.KeyDown (chars)
% setting if statements,
% which test to see if the fist of one fighter meets the other person
if chars ('a') then
jackiestand (w, 200, colorbg)
jackiepunch (w, 200, 1)
if w + 100 - e >= 0 then
randint (x, 1, 5)
health2 += -x
randint (y, 3, 9)
special1 += y
special2 += 2
% checks to see if it touches the other guy,
% if it did, the puching sound plays
Music.PlayFile ("jackiepunch.wav")
end if
pow (red)
delay (250)
jackiepunch (w, 200, colorbg)
end if
% setting the if statements,
% so that the fighters can move, and will not overlap each other
if chars ('l') and w - e not= -95 then
delay (10)
w += 5
end if
if chars ('j') and w not= 20 then
delay (10)
w -= 5
end if
% samething for this fighter
if chars ('1') then
brucestand (e, 200, colorbg)
brucepunch (e, 200, 1)
if e - 36 - w <= 60 then
randint (x, 1, 5)
health1 += -x
randint (y, 3, 9)
special2 += y
special1 += 2
Music.PlayFile ("brucepunch.wav")
end if
pow (green)
delay (250)
brucepunch (e, 200, colorbg)
end if
% using the arrow keys instead of numbers
if chars (chr (205)) and e + 80 < maxx then
delay (10)
e += 5
end if
if chars (chr (203)) and abs (e - w) not= 95 then
delay (10)
e -= 5
end if
% check to see if the health is at zero,
% if it is, it display the ending,
% and the game ends
if health1 <= 45 then
Pic.Draw (superback, 0, 0, 2)
Pic.Draw (dragonsign, 220, 100, 2)
Font.Draw ("K.O.", 280, 200, font2, yellow)
fork dragonroar
end if
if health2 <= 395 then

Font.Draw ("K.O.", 280, 200, font2, yellow)
fork tigerroar
end if
% check the special bar variable,
% if it is over or equal to 150,
% then it uses the special move
if special1 >= 200 then
hyperscreen (red)

delay (1000)
fork tigerroar
% resetting the special value,
% and subtracting the other player's health
special1 := 50
health2 -= 30
end if
% samething for this one
if special2 >= 550 then
hyperscreen (green)

delay (1000)
fork dragonroar
special2 := 400
health1 -= 30
end if
end loop

this game is for my computer final project``but i need to change some programs i need to add a clock on it when they start to finght and there's a time limit, i don't know how to add those things on~can anybody help me with it?
waiting for your reply!
