Computer Science Canada

No. We can't tell you where to download Turing.

Author:  AsianSensation [ Mon Jan 03, 2005 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  No. We can't tell you where to download Turing.

If we did, Dan will get sued. If Dan gets sued, he'll...Well, there is a reason why he's called Hacker Dan. He will H@xx0rz j00 B0xx0rz, you little pirating piece of...uhem...

Also, Holtsoft will send their legions of undead...I meant lawyers, that's right, lawyers, after your behind.

Instead, ask for a copy of Turing from your school. Also, different updates are available and are floating around in cyberspace, the most conspicuous one being

Author:  Cervantes [ Mon Oct 17, 2005 6:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

This also applies to patches.

If your school has an older version of Turing and you want to upgrade, we cannot help you.

I give you four alternatives:

  1. You could ask your school to upgrade, but that's unlikely.
  2. You could purchase your own copy from Holtsoft.
  3. You could search elsewhere.
  4. You could give up, and use the software you've got.

