Computer Science Canada

Help with inserts?

Author:  Flikerator [ Thu Nov 11, 2004 12:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Help with inserts?

How do I insert an image file into turing? If I had something in folder "c//my docs/k.jpeg"

How would I insert that in?

Author:  apomb [ Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

first of all, what kind of picture do you want to insert? ... there is a limit to what files turing can open, but as long as its not .GIF or .PNG ... i think you should be fine.

you should probly use Pic.Draw (picID, x, y, mode : int)
where picID is the file name .. just make sure to save the pic to the same directory as the code. aall you have to do is put the upper left coordinates of the picture and youre all set

oh, and the modes are either PicCopy: puts a white rectangle around the pictre . PicMerge: merges the edges of the pictre (no white border) and PicUndermerge: merges the pictre under the background (any drawing before the picture).

hope this helps
- Compwiz
