Computer Science Canada

Pls Help Me with Playing sounds after you press buttons on screen

Author:  Shootforwhat [ Thu Mar 21, 2019 3:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Pls Help Me with Playing sounds after you press buttons on screen

Hello Im having trouble trying to create of program that lets you press two buttons and each time you press either of the buttons they make a sound, HOWEVER I am having a problem with trying to play the sound when you click the button.

Here is the code:

import GUI


process playstuff
procedure hello
put "Hello User, you have clicked Button #1!"
play ("cde")
fork playstuff
end loop
end hello

procedure hi
put "Hello User, you have clicked Button #2!!"
play ("cde")
fork playstuff
end loop
fork playstuff
end hi

end playstuff

var button1:int:=GUI.CreateButton(25,25,0,"Button 1",hello)
var button2:int:=GUI.CreateButton(25,50,0,"Button 2",hi)

exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop

Author:  Shootforwhat [ Thu Mar 21, 2019 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pls Help Me with Playing sounds after you press buttons on screen

nevermind, I found out how to do it Embarassed
this is the code:

import GUI


put "Hello User, Welcome To (insert game title)"

procedure hello
play ("a")
end hello

procedure hi
play ("a")
end hi

var button1:int:=GUI.CreateButton(25,25,0,"Exit",hello)
var button2:int:=GUI.CreateButton(25,50,0,"Play",hi)

exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop
