Computer Science Canada

Player Attack Mechanics In Turing

Author:  programmer_needs_help [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Player Attack Mechanics In Turing

So I'm making a game involving sword fighting, and i want the enemy to attack the player sometimes, so i made the following code to simulate the atttack chance. Unfortunately, the enemy either attacks, or doesn't attack throughout the whole game.

Here's a portion of the code:

% Enemy AI
process enemyOneAttack
for repeatChance : 1 .. 1
randint (attackChance, 1, 4)
put attackChance
end for
enemyOnePlayerDistance := Math.Distance (playerXValue, playerYValue, enemyOneXValue, enemyOneYValue)
if enemyOnePlayerDistance > 0 and playerXValue < enemyOneXValue then
enemyOneXValue := enemyOneXValue - 1
Sprite.SetPosition (enemyOneSprite, enemyOneXValue, enemyOneYValue, true)
delay (7)
elsif enemyOnePlayerDistance > 0 and playerXValue > enemyOneXValue then
enemyOneXValue := enemyOneXValue + 1
Sprite.SetPosition (enemyOneSprite, enemyOneXValue, enemyOneYValue, true)
elsif enemyOnePlayerDistance < 10 then

if attackChance = 1 then
Sprite.Hide (enemyOneSprite)
enemyOne := Pic.FileNew ("enemyOneSword.bmp")
enemyOne := Pic.Scale (enemyOne, 152, 165)
enemyOneSprite := Sprite.New (enemyOne)
Sprite.Show (enemyOneSprite)
Sprite.SetPosition (enemyOneSprite, enemyOneXValue, enemyOneYValue, true)
delay (20)
Sprite.Hide (enemyOneSprite)
enemyOne := Pic.FileNew ("enemyOne.bmp")
enemyOne := Pic.Scale (enemyOne, 155, 165)
enemyOneSprite := Sprite.New (enemyOne)
Sprite.Show (enemyOneSprite)
Sprite.SetPosition (enemyOneSprite, enemyOneXValue, enemyOneYValue, true)
end if
end if
delay (7)

end loop
end enemyOneAttack

fork enemyOneAttack

Pretty much when the "attakChance" is 1, I want the enemy to attack the player when they are close together. I appreciate any help! Surprised
