Computer Science Canada

ECOO Computer Programming Contest

Author:  newplayer12132 [ Sat Apr 29, 2017 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  ECOO Computer Programming Contest

Hello all.

Recently, my team competed at the ECOO Regional Contest. We did decently this time, as it was out best performance (due to our extensive practice before the contest). However, we did not qualify for the next round.

We have been doing the ECOO Contest for three years, and all three years we have failed to move past Regional. We believe that this is due to our ineffective method of practicing (simply doing the past problems, instead of actually learning different Computer Science skills).

So, we were wondering if there were any resources out there that we could use to prepare for ECOO. We have a good understanding of Python and Java, but we would like to learn how to solve complex recursion problems, sorting algorithm problems, and so on.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is a link to the ECOO website (so you can get an idea of what the contest is like):
