Computer Science Canada

I challenge you to a flame war SHORTHAIR!

Author:  templest [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  I challenge you to a flame war SHORTHAIR!

Twisted Evil

First off... Let's start where we left off. I am not white, I am not 8, and I obviously don't have mental deficiancies, seeing as how my posts end up owning yours. I use pics, appropriately, when they fit. Yours doesn't. And you where at that camp? So you went to a "childs with down syndrome"'s camp? Wow.. Maybe you shouldn't be taking computer science courses then. Rolling Eyes

Now let's get back on the fùck subject. Maybe in the early 1600's, the word FùCK ment "Fornication Under the Kings Concent". BUT were not in the 1600's are we!? I'm pretty sure words that are considered "inteligable" now-a-days, someone back in the day wouldn't know wtf that ment. Even more so... read a book that contains "Olde English". Yes, Olde, not Old. Shakespearian is modern enlish, that's not old. Read the OLD FùCKING BOOKS! No one speaks that any more. Besides, Ever herd of words spelt the same but with different meaning? Yes.. Surprised? Grab a new dictionary you b1tch.. And read out the definition for the word "fùck".. without the tilde of course, and if it says anything about a King and Concent to Fornicate.. I'll give you all my bits. Now I mean, a modern dictionary, that is labled "Modern English". Unlike you old-timers (really old-timers).. I speak modern enlish.. Not Pre-Shakespearian.

Author:  shorthair [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 4:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

it wont be a modern english dictonary , english dosent chage , just new words are added , they dont just banish owrds after a while , and the original use of hte word was fornification under the king , but that was not english , it was another language , the english adaption that we use today has a different meaning that was derived from its original meaing , jsut like most of the words in the english dictonary , and about the flaming, at least when i flame i keep it there , i dont go editing it out and hiding , and with your lack of knowledge thus might prove you are in fact 8 years old

Author:  Dan [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 5:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

grrrrrrrrr dan don't like flaming and dan don't like poleop making fun of the disadvatgened (childs with down syndrome)

whatch it, this topci is making me mad.

P.S. love the sig shorthair.

Author:  Maverick [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 5:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

You talkin bout cool club or cteam stuff?

Author:  Dan [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 5:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

"All Your Bits Are Belong To Me !!!! "


Author:  Maverick [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 5:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Haha ya Exclamation

Author:  Tony [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 5:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

well templest does have a point... language changes... it envolves over time. Not only new words are added but also old ones attain a new meaning.

Author:  jonos [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 6:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

come on... new round. templest vs. shorthair, keep it going, ive been waiting a long time for flaming wars.

Author:  templest [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 6:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

and with your lack of knowledge thus might prove you are in fact 8 years old

Indeed, because you very well know how an eight year old knows what the word "shakespearian" means.

english dosent chage

Are you on crack? "Ye Olde English" is very much the same language, only that it has evolved so much, some people consider it a new language al together, even though it isn't. Heh.. I'd expect more from you than a stupid remark like this. I YOu are probably reffering to languages being derived from other languages, for example, spanish, french, and english are all derrived from latin. Maybe you should get your facts straight. You have the knowledge.. you probably just crossed some wires here and there. I won't hold that ignorance against you.

EDIT: Apperantly I was wrong in my previous statement, but I have corrected myself in a following post and have still managed to prove my point, now that that's out of the way... FLAME ON!

just new words are added

Yes.. But that is only a MINISCULE part of how languages evolve. Including way of spelling, grammatics, ect.. all change. For example: Sulphur, is no longer spelt like that.. It's now spelt Sulfur.. And that's just ONE example.

Now.. Let's move on..

they dont just banish owrds after a while

Are you on crack? "cyningen", "cwen", "costermonger", "cove" (still used by some old tymers).. Are some examples of words that you just don't here anymore, or have you herd anyone say "What are you doin' with me cwen you stickin' piece of sh1t?" Never. Now about the flaming.. I was making you look like an idiot. And apperantly, I succeeded. It's called making you look like an ass.. not beeing a pussy. Learn to tell the difference.
and the original use of hte word was fornification under the king , but that was not english , it was another language , the english adaption that we use today has a different meaning that was derived from its original meaing
No.. This post is over it's character limit, so I'm going to make another post to continue.

EDIT: Apperantly my Enter Key isn't working.. whatever.. let's continue.

FUCK (according to the english dictionary means:
1. To have sexual intercourse with.
2. To take advantage of, betray, or cheat; victimize.
3. Used in the imperative as a signal of angry dismissal.
4. To act wastefully or foolishly.
5. To interfere; meddle. Often used with with.
6. Used as an intensive: What the fuck did you do that for?
7. Used to express extreme displeasure.
8. To spend time idly.
9. To masturbate.
10. To treat unfairly; take advantage of.
11. To make a mistake; bungle something.
12. To act carelessly, foolishly, or incorrectly.
13. To cause to be intoxicated.

Correct me if I'm wrong.. I see nothing there that has to do with "Fornication Under The Kings Concent".. And Some of the ways in which the word can be used have NOTHING TO DO WITH FORNICATING, SEXUAL INTERCOURSE, OR LIKEWISE... "To spend time idly" really makes me think of fornicating.

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Author:  jonos [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 6:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

dude, i like how you use clever wordplay to get your point across, but tone down the swearing, seriously. there are probably 8/9/10/11 year olds here and im sure they are a little surprised to see fúck, sh1t, b1tch and all that on a programming site. ive been told to watch my language before, and i have seen others been told that also.

Author:  Paul [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 6:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Bah, Im not surprised by those words, I was surprised by that "Frog goes a courting" picture blown up on my school computer screen, damn naoki...

Author:  Mazer [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

templest wrote:
...for example, spanish, french, and english are all derrived from latin.

You're crazy, templest. We all know that every word in the English language is come from Greek!

Author:  Cervantes [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

^ is crazy too. English originated from Australian Laughing

Author:  Dan [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 9:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

templest: you are right about eng evualing, just look how it is chagning with the net. but i think u can find a better example then the one u currtly are....

Author:  jonos [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 9:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

you know what dan, you are a prime example of evolving english Very Happy

Author:  Dan [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 9:35 pm ]
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i call it danish

Author:  shorthair [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 10:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

i actually laughed right out lod , and thought that was one of hte best comments ever made on compsci, thats history boys ,

way to go dan and cervantes , for making shorthair laugh

Author:  templest [ Tue Feb 17, 2004 7:45 am ]
Post subject: 

think u can find a better example then the one u currtly are....

say what!? Confused

BTW: Shorthair, I'm bored. No response? Shocked

Author:  templest [ Tue Feb 17, 2004 7:53 am ]
Post subject: 

OK, Maybe I was mistaken when I made the refference to where English originated from... but after some reaserch I have found this (supported by various sources):
English is descended from the language spoken by the Germanic tribes, the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes, that began populating the British Isles around 500 AD. These invaders pushed the original, Celtic-speaking inhabitants out of what is now England into Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, and Ireland. The various dialects spoken by these Germanic invaders formed what would eventually be called Old English. Old English lasted until 1100, shortly after the Norman conquest.


Where did English come from? The Germanic language of the Angulseaxans (Anglo-Saxons), who began arriving in the British Isles in the middle of the 5th century AD, developed independently of the original continental Ealdseaxe (Old Saxons), becoming what is called both Anglo-Saxon and Old English. English developed from there, more or less as follows:

450-1100 Anglo-Saxon/Old English

1100-1500 Middle English (Chaucer)

1500-1700 Early Modern (Shakespeare)

1700-1900 19th century (Industrial Revolution & Victorians)

1900-2000 Modern (Technology)

Even though my previous statement was untrue. I have corrected myself, and still managed to prove my point. That languaged evolve... And that your refference to that only words are added is purely untrue.

Now that we have all this out of the way.. FLAME ON!

Author:  jonos [ Tue Feb 17, 2004 8:12 am ]
Post subject: 

i think you're the only one who is still flaming in this topic

Author:  Dauntless [ Tue Feb 17, 2004 8:57 am ]
Post subject: 

Yeah templest, you're dumb.

how my posts end up owning yours. I use pics, appropriately, when they fit. Yours doesn't

Um....I can't even start on how dumb you sound. How do posts "own" posts... You sure are the almighty pic-using post-owning master of

Author:  shorthair [ Tue Feb 17, 2004 4:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Id flame some more but as the peopel say , you are the picture posting master , of compsci , i cant beat that , all i can do is post what i think is right , and whati know , nothing more nothing less wheter i am wright or wrong i dont know but thats all

Author:  Dauntless [ Tue Feb 17, 2004 4:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Basically shorthair, by comparison, you're just another normal non-pic-posting person like me. Or Knightmare. Except Knightmare is supernormal, but for other reasons.

Author:  shorthair [ Tue Feb 17, 2004 4:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well this war has come to an end , throw peralis battle , and fearsome meets, we have seen the end of an age ,the beggining of a way of life we have HOLD UP , that was such a retarded post , i cant belive i jsut said that , to hell with all that , i auto win becuase i say so and this is my post and you cant do anyhting about that , ( well mods can )

Author:  Dauntless [ Tue Feb 17, 2004 5:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Also, jonos...what the heck were you talking about? "clever word play"? Where was that?

Author:  Cervantes [ Tue Feb 17, 2004 6:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Shorthair wins.

Going from the poll's information, half the people that voted think that Shorthair shouldn't have to think before he flames.
Templest you tried to make a poll that no one could vote "no" to, but unfortunately for you, it failed horribly Razz Laughing Very Happy

Author:  TheXploder [ Tue Feb 17, 2004 6:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't know about that... I think this is a close one...

Author:  templest [ Wed Feb 18, 2004 10:08 am ]
Post subject: 

OK, Enough of my humerous attempt at flaming shorthair.. first off. That whole "owning" this is me being a teenager using internet-talk. (another example of evolving languaged perhaps?). When did all of this start off anyways? Perhaps when shorthair started flaming every single turing submission I've made.. EVER? I personally hate shorthair for being such an asshole, and me starting a flamewar with him is my attempt at making shorthair seem like an idiot, why? Because of the same fact, I hate him. As well, I've seen many of you use these same slang terms that I use on the internet. If not in this particular post, than in someo ther time. Don't tell me you haven't used this type of language some time or another, even as a joke. Now back to the whole fùck thing. You cannot honestly tell me you've never used that word. I'll laugh in your face and call you a liar. Shorthair to me is a little fùck-head that just because he's gotten on all the mod's good side, everyone tends to favour his comments. And you know what? I don't give a flying "fùck". Yes.. a fuck, that of which, is the flying kind. Rolling Eyes

I don't like you, and probably never will like you. And I wanted you to know that. Yep. More like not like.. Let's say.. loathe. I want to stab you in the neck with a dull pencil.

i auto win becuase i say so and this is my post and you cant do anyhting about that

You arrogant little b1tch.

In the words of.. who the fùck cares:

"I hope you die a million deaths, each one a thousand times more painful and prolonged than the last."

There's my flame... I have better things to do that waste my time on a whorish child that seems to indulge on the fact that he's on the cTeam and moderators love him. Wow, feel proud. As about the whole "owning" posts thing.. They always seem to.. check back to all of our previous debates... Specially the whole "Linux debate".

And back to the poll. For quite some time. That poll actually read 70% say yes.

In conclusion: Please, kill yourself.


Templest you tried to make a poll that no one could vote "no" to, but unfortunately for you, it failed horribly

That makes no sense. I clearly placed a "yes" and a "no" option. If it was ment to be completely one sided, then I would have made it so that no matter what, it would make him look bad. I'm a bit more clever than that. And you, my feeble-friend, should reconcider what you just said.

Author:  templest [ Wed Feb 18, 2004 10:39 am ]
Post subject: 

The following comment is so retarded, I have decided to make a post just for itself:

Yeah templest, you're dumb.

how my posts end up owning yours. I use pics, appropriately, when they fit. Yours doesn't

Um....I can't even start on how dumb you sound. How do posts "own" posts... You sure are the almighty pic-using post-owning master of

Let's see... where do we start. We all know about this emerging "leet talk" (or 1337 +/\7|<, spelt in it's own language). ANd not just that, because I did not even go further to spell everything in numbers and symbols. I said "own".. I think you are the one that is "dumb" because of the fact that you don't know what it means. hence "how can a post 'own' posts". So to satisfy your ignorance, I have created some reference to the definition of the phrase "own" and some of it's uses, and your ohh so inteligable, "how can a post 'own' a post" question.

first off:

That should cover what the meaning of the word "own" is.

Now, how can a post "own" another post? Let's see:

One of the definitions for the word "own" would be: To be better.

So if you look at it technically, I prove my intelectual superiority to shorthair, whenever I make a post.

As well, read the defenition of "ownage":

One of the definitions is:
A term often used in mainstream online multiplayer videogames in which a person performs considerably well. Derived from the term "I own you" in which the winning player (or team) displays superiority.

The example is "video games" but if you take that, and take it's context into a "flame war" which, in essence, is a game to see who can "own" someone else. It fits just perfectly.. dumbass.

Author:  jonos [ Wed Feb 18, 2004 12:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

im not even going to read all that, but whatever it may say, i respect your opinion.

Author:  shorthair [ Wed Feb 18, 2004 3:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Jonos by posting that message , and not reading his message you have now respected this opinion

I don't like you, and probably never will like you. And I wanted you to know that. Yep. More like not like.. Let's say.. loathe. I want to stab you in the neck with a dull pencil.

i auto win becuase i say so and this is my post and you cant do anyhting about that

You arrogant little ****.

In the words of.. who the **** cares:

"I hope you die a million deaths, each one a thousand times more painful and prolonged than the last."

you say i flame all ypur programs yet you have only submitted 2 , and in one of them i told you that you should not think so high of it becsaue there are still lots of problems with it , you take that as flaminig , ansl your encrytion , i didnt know it was a joke i have no clue how new you are so i cracked t , but tell me where i flamed you in that post and il give you all i got , i did not flame , i jsut said it was really really easy


Author:  jonos [ Wed Feb 18, 2004 4:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

ok, disregard my respecting the opinion of a homicidal maniac. i disagree with that. not only is it wrong for you to want to kill/stab someone, but to want to kill/stab someone you have probably not even met is just insane. i forget your reasons, but if you hate shorthair for flaming people, and don't want him to flame people, then you have become a damn hypocrite. why would you want to inflict pain upon another person just for flaming other people. im sure i have been flamed one way or another by shorthair, but i never took it personally, and i did not take it so seriously as to want to physically maim them. im sure other people feel the same way. i say freedom to flame if there is a good reason for doing so.

Author:  naoki [ Wed Feb 18, 2004 5:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

an odd, odd topic

look templest, if shorthair was seriously flaming someone, then report him to the mod overlooking the forum. the trigger-happy mods are more than happy to instill justice upon their land (cept dodge, who was sadly defanged).

please stop this silly nonesense, and try to get attention through a more constructive means

Author:  Dauntless [ Wed Feb 18, 2004 6:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well now that you've been self-affirmed, you can go on thinking that you've owned our posts. I know you're probably going to come back with some long definition, or whatever else you have in mind for me (and now that I've predicted that, you'll do something else), but man, you're pretty insecure to flame everybody that criticizes you. You flame, get a reply, then reply with long definitions of whatever the subject was, stating how you were correct and the person you were talking to was an imbecile, inferior to you, etc.

Also, you said something about my post being "ohh so inteligable"...Look up the word, definition man. It sounds like you're trying to say that my question wasn't intelligent...Intelligible means that you can't make out what I'm saying. Take a break buddy. For a 19-year old Spanish guy you sure spend alot of time telling us 16-year olds that you're smarter than us.

Author:  templest [ Wed Feb 18, 2004 7:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

For a 19-year old Spanish guy you sure spend alot of time telling us 16-year olds that you're smarter than us.

I never said that. I just said that that was part of the definition. And I don't like how you just came in here and said: "Yeah, your dumb.".

That really pissed me off, because you have no basis for your opinion.. except for my choice in words. Which in reality, are not a good basis at all to judge my intelligence level. Anyways.. I've vented out most of what I have to say. So I'm going to go play Counter-Strike.. and not even look back in this thread.

EDIT: Yes.. I really want to stab you in the throat. Just tell me where you live shorthair, and I'll come right up to your door, and shoot a pencil through your eye with a sling-shot. C'mon.. seriously. I was only kidding. Do you really think I would do something like that?...

Twisted Evil

Author:  jonos [ Wed Feb 18, 2004 7:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

If you were referring to me thinking you would do that, yes, your choice of words and your paragraph content leading up to it really did make you seem that angry.

Author:  Andy [ Thu Feb 19, 2004 9:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

wow... i leave u kids alone for 3 days and THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS??? thats it, you'll all goin down... however i will let this one remain unlocked... want to see the result of this... plus mazer will just unlock it nywayz

o and all your posts belong to me cuz ur in my world...

Author:  Dauntless [ Thu Feb 19, 2004 10:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ok Andy, ask Hacker Dan if I can be a mod now, said you would...I promise I'll behave with the dignity required of a person of authority...So ask him, k?

Author:  shorthair [ Thu Feb 19, 2004 10:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

What Do you want to be a mod of

Author:  Andy [ Thu Feb 19, 2004 10:05 pm ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Paul [ Thu Feb 19, 2004 10:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ah... looking at the list of posts, the spam mod locks all the interesting topics, or topics that are getting interesting...

Author:  jonos [ Thu Feb 19, 2004 10:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

why is there even a spam mod, because isn't spam not deserving of having to stay on topic, but if dodge can make it so, then he makes it so

Author:  Mazer [ Fri Feb 20, 2004 7:52 am ]
Post subject: 

I think it's beacuse dodge used to be legendary for spamming. And once in a while you'll have some fool posting something offensive/inappropriate in spam so you just gotta have some poor sap working full time in the spam section. In this case, that would be dodge. Wink

Author:  Paul [ Fri Feb 20, 2004 10:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Hehe, like the "frog goes a courtin" picture, on a school computer...

Author:  naoki [ Sat Feb 21, 2004 4:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Damn f***ing right! That picture should've stayed here forever! It should've been our mascot!

I should just look it up and pay for the painting so i can put it in my bedroom. That picture speaks volumes

Author:  Andy [ Sun Feb 22, 2004 2:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

ya i used to have the highest post ratio.. it was like 8 per day.... then u losers came
