Computer Science Canada

Defining classes

Author:  bryce_21 [ Thu Mar 20, 2014 11:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Defining classes

create a class represents the grade distribution for giving course. Write methods to perform the following tasks.
Uses a random number generator to develop a set of 100 numbers representing a Gaussian distribution of grades with a mean of 70% and standard deviation of 10.
calculates and retruns the percentages of each letter grade as a whole number between 0 and 100.

need help asap tonight please and thank you.

Author:  DemonWasp [ Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:32 am ]
Post subject:  RE:Defining classes

We don't do homework for you, but we will help you when you get stuck. Also, 11:28pm on the Thursday before the assignment is due is probably a bad time to start.

What have you done so far?

Author:  bryce_21 [ Fri Mar 21, 2014 1:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Defining classes

so far on this project i know we have to use the random number generator function method to hold set of 100. The part the really tripping me is the representing a Gaussian distribution of grades with a mean of 70%

Author:  nullptr [ Fri Mar 21, 2014 2:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Defining classes

Java has a built-in way to accomplish what you're trying to do. A Google search for "java util random" should point you in the right direction.
