Computer Science Canada

The Hobbit

Author:  Leo Crimson [ Sun Dec 23, 2012 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  The Hobbit

Here are my thoughts:


1. The changes made from the book material worked out decently, imo (eg. Thorin having beef with Azog, emotional bond forming between Bilbo and Thorin, etc.)
2. If I?m not mistaken, Witch-king cameo. Nice.
3. Saruman?s reference to Radagast getting high on ?shrooms. Nice.


1. A little too much
2. Too much CGI; would?ve been nice if they had done the sort of stuff in ROTK or at least Two Towers with real actors.
3. Way too much humour added with the Great Goblin/Goblin King and Misty goblins in general; didn?t make them intimidating at all.

Just what I can remember off the top of my head, might add more later.

Author:  Insectoid [ Sun Dec 23, 2012 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:The Hobbit

I agree with all your cons, and disagree with some your pros.

As for point 1, Azog didn't need to be there. He didn't add anything to the story. The Hobbit has an antagonist. It's got several. It was completely unnecessary, and the CGI made him look like a lifeless puppet, almost a cartoon.

Point 2- Well, yeah. No strong feelings either way. Didn't need to be there, but doesn't do any harm either.

Point 3- I thought that was just dumb. I hated that whole character. He was waaaay too over-the-top.

I really, really didn't like this movie. It was actually really boring. It was all either a bunch of dwarves lounging about smoking pipes, or ridiculous, absurd, over-the-top garbage.
the rabbit sled was so stupid
, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. This is what Jackson has fallen to?

Oh, and
the Great Goblin's death was absolutely pathetic. Humor is great & all, but this wasn't humor. This was dumb.

Author:  Zren [ Mon Dec 24, 2012 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hobbit

There was too much filler IMO.


Didn't like how the whole party unarmed themselves with the trolls, subsequently getting caught and would have killed them all instead of just Bilbo. Really, really stupid move that broke my suspension of disbelief. The party hadn't bonded deeply enough to do an All or Nothing approach.

The change with Biblo being the one to confuse the trolls was nice.

Don't remember how Rivendale went down in the books, but the whole Radaghast then Gandalf POV at the council was rather boring coming from knowing the sequels (too much infodumpedge). The rabbit sled was cool. I liked how they portrayed Gandalf overcoming fear. I wonder what watching The Hobbit first, then LotR would be like.

The storm giants were unnecessarily awesome.

The fact that Bilbo can fight with his dagger was unexpected, and weird. Loved the whole fighting to escape bit with the dwaves, even if my disbelief was high on the goblins never using bows. The whole choreography there was great though.

I noticed some continuency problems with the "glow" of sting (I totally forgot to even check with the other two blades).

Author:  Insectoid [ Mon Dec 24, 2012 5:02 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:The Hobbit

I hated the entire troll scene. Needlessly changed from the book. Literally the only bit that was the same was that the dwarves ran into some trolls, and the trolls got turned to stone. What was wrong with Tolkien's version?

To extend that, literally every confrontation began or ended in a battle. In the book there wasn't very much actual fighting. They turned an awesome adventure story into a crappy action film.

Character development was absurdly forced. Like, ridiculously forced. "Can you promise I will come back, Gandalf?" "No, but if you do, you will not be the same." No shit! Of course he's not! That's the whole premise of the book! Are we stupid? Do we need to be spoon-fed everything? And Thorin. God, I hated Thorin. Stare at the sky, get pissed off at Bilbo, and then give the most cliche line ever used in cinema? No thank you. It's not only a bad adaptation of the book, it's a bad movie all by itself. If this wasn't The Hobbit, and it wasn't Peter Jackson, I've no doubt it would be universally panned, except by Michael Bay's fanbase.


Author:  Raknarg [ Tue Dec 25, 2012 5:02 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:The Hobbit

... I thought the movie was cool...
