Computer Science Canada

round 2 question 3 logic question

Author:  coolgod [ Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  round 2 question 3 logic question

I was just wondering for q3 what happens when 2 people at the school share the same id.
lets say case A. the same YYYYMMDDGZIP appears at store once and same drink.
case B the same YYYYMMDDGZIP appears at a store exactly twice
case c the same YYYYMMDDGZIP appears at store more than twice
what do we outfor for those cases.
Not sure if my logic is right but case A should be indeterminate.
Case be should be determinateable
and case 3 should be determinateable also?

Author:  Tony [ Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:19 am ]
Post subject:  RE:round 2 question 3 logic question

excellent question.

Case A is ambiguous. I think it appears in 1/5 of the test cases and assumes "determinable".

B and C are determinable.
