Computer Science Canada

action script

Author:  Radiohead [ Tue Nov 25, 2003 9:39 am ]
Post subject:  action script

Ok"¦. I'm working on something and I need some advice..

Ok.. I have a button with an over action ( a short movie ) now.. how can I make it so that the button goes back to the up position after a runoff with the mouse half way in the short "over" movie

Basically .. I want it to animate back to the up position without completing the over movie of the button

How do I do it, obviously using action script

Author:  Tony [ Tue Nov 25, 2003 11:24 am ]
Post subject: 

well what you can do is have the animation with frames such as

1 2 3 4 5 (actionStop) 4 3 2 1

Your animation is 1 to 5 at which point it reaches and end and stops. Now when mouse is moved away, you can jump back to frame 1, or if you want to have an animation, jump to equivalent frame on other side of animation. (Such as if mouse away on frame 2, jump to frame 2 on right side)

Author:  Radiohead [ Tue Nov 25, 2003 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  a little slower this time

That is not what I mean

k.. example.. I have a button with a clip in the "over" position (a button has up, over, down, hit)

now the clip is .. about (for example ) 20 frames in which the button morphs using the "shape " transform, from lets say a square to a circle

now.. the finished button, when you run the mouse over it and run it off in less than the time it takes to play the clip

so you run the mouse of at 10 clips in the transformation.. now.. instead of the button going from one frame to another without any morphing back to the start position ( the square) I want it to morph from the shape it is in ( the half circle , half square ) back to the square

all this without the clip ending then jumping, or morphing back when the "over" clip ended

if this is to hard to understand ill make a flash presentation and show u what I mean

Author:  DanShadow [ Thu Jan 15, 2004 2:33 pm ]
Post subject: not to good with Flash...but if you have MX, create a graphic button. Have the normal as one color, have the over as another, the clicked as another, and the unclicked the same as normal. Or if you want it to change color only if its clicked, dont put anything in the mouseover box. I hope this helps.

Author:  Delta [ Thu Feb 05, 2004 1:57 am ]
Post subject: 

Ok Radio head... make this presentation so I can get a clearer view on what you are trying to say... because ya... its just not clicking in Confused
