Computer Science Canada

Rebol FTP

Author:  destroy [ Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:26 am ]
Post subject:  Rebol FTP

Hello, I'm new in writing in Rebol and there is one thing I can't handle with. My code is working if I go through the local directories but I can't make it works in FTP directory.
Could you please tell where I'm wrong


my_path: copy system/options/path
files_data: []
feedback_data: []

do-update-files-data: func []
change-dir my_path
if exists? %../ [append files_data %../]
append files_data sort read my_path

update-text-list: func [current_list [object!]]
current_list/sld/data: 0
current_list/sn: 0
current_list/lc / max 1 length?
head current_list/lines
show current_list

do-change-folder: func [selected [file!]]
test_selection: to-file rejoin [my_path selected]
if dir? test_selection
my_path: copy test_selection
lab_path/text: clean-path my_path
show lab_path
clear files_data
update-text-list list_files


view layout [
label "Current Folder:"
lab_path: label to-string my_path 300x50 top
list_files: text-list data files_data
[do-change-folder value]
btn_quit: button "Quit" [quit]

Author:  btiffin [ Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Rebol FTP

Hey. A rebol. Very cool.

Check out

for some possible hints.

Just as a note, rebols complain quite a bit about the FTP scheme. It has bugs and even the gurus are not looking forward to being the one tasked with writing the FTP handler for the new REBOL/3. FTP is an overly detailed and some what ill-specced out internet protocol.

Welcome to REBOL land. It's handy.

If you want in on the inner discussions, check out It has instructions on getting in on the "by invitation only" REBOL communication channel. Worth the hassle, very helpful bunch, and the "by invite" method keeps the riffraff (usually) out of the very detailed discussions.


Author:  notchent [ Sat Aug 29, 2009 10:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rebol FTP

Hi Destroy Smile I didn't see any of your FTP code, so not sure what you're having trouble with. You can treat FTP folders much like local file folders, as long as you've got the username and password in the URL path. You can write and read files/folders, make-dir, use the editor function, change permissions with write/allow, etc. Maybe this will help:


REBOL [title: "FTP Tool"]

connect: does [
    either (to-string last p/text) = "/" [
    if error? try [
        f/data: sort append read to-url p/text "../" show f
        alert "That is not a valid FTP address, or the connection failed."
        editor to-url p/text
view center-face layout [
    p: field 600 "" [connect]
    btn "Connect" [connect]
    btn "Load URL" [
        config: to-file request-file/file %/c/ftp.cfg
        either exists? config [
            if (config <> %none) [
                my-urls: copy []
                foreach item read/lines config [append my-urls item]
                if error? try [
                    p/text: copy request-list "Select a URL:" my-urls
                ] [break]
            alert "First, save some URLs to that file..."
        show p focus p
    btn "Save URL" [
        url: request-text/title/default "URL to save:" p/text
        if url = none [break]
        config-file: to-file request-file/file/save %/c/ftp.cfg
        if (url <> none) and (config-file <> %none) [
            if not exists? config-file [
                write/lines config-file
            write/append/lines config-file to-url url
            alert "Saved"
    f: text-list 600x350 [
        either (to-string value) = "../" [
            for i ((length? p/text) - 1) 1 -1 [
                if (to-string (pick p/text i)) = "/" [
                    clear at p/text (i + 1) show p
                    f/data: sort append read to-url p/text "../" show f
            either (to-string last value) = "/" [
                p/text: rejoin [p/text value] show p
                f/data: sort append read to-url p/text "../" show f
                if ((request "Edit/view this file?") = true) [
                    either find [%.jpg %.png %.gif %.bmp] suffix? value [
                        view/new layout [
                            image load to-url join p/text value
                        editor to-url rejoin [p/text value]
    btn "Get Info" [
        p-file: to-url rejoin [p/text f/picked]
        alert rejoin ["Size: " size? p-file " Date: " modified? p-file]
    btn "Delete" [
        p-file: to-url request-text/title/default "File to delete:"
            join p/text f/picked
        if ((confirm: request "Are you sure?") = true) [delete p-file]
        f/data: sort append read to-url p/text "../" show f
        if confirm = true [alert "File deleted"]
    btn "Rename" [
        new-name: to-file request-text/title/default "New File Name:"
            to-string f/picked
        if ((confirm: request "Are you sure?") = true) [
            rename (to-url join p/text f/picked) new-name
        f/data: sort append read to-url p/text "../" show f
        if confirm = true [alert "File renamed"]
    btn "Copy" [
        new-name: to-url request-text/title/default "New Path:"
            (join p/text f/picked)
        if ((confirm: request "Are you sure?") = true) [
            write/binary new-name read/binary to-url join p/text f/picked
        f/data: sort append read to-url p/text "../" show f
        if confirm = true [alert "File copied"]
    btn "New File" [
        p-file: to-url request-text/title/default "New File Name:"
            join p/text "ENTER-A-FILENAME.EXT"
        if ((confirm: request "Are you sure?") = true) [
            write p-file ""
            ; editor p-file
        f/data: sort append read to-url p/text "../" show f
        if confirm = true [alert "Empty file created - click to edit."]
    btn "New Dir" [
        make-dir x: to-url request-text/title/default "New folder:" p/text
        alert "Folder created"
        p/text: x show p
        f/data: sort append read to-url p/text "../" show f
    btn "Download" [
        file: request-text/title/default "File:" (join p/text f/picked)
        l-file: next to-string (find/last (to-string file) "/")
        save-as: request-text/title/default "Save as..." to-string l-file
        write/binary (to-file save-as) (read/binary to-url file)
        alert "Download Complete"
    btn "Upload" [
        file: to-file request-file
        r-file: request-text/title/default "Save as..."
            join p/text (to-string to-relative-file file)
        write/binary (to-url r-file) (read/binary file)
        f/data: sort append read to-url p/text "../" show f
        alert "Upload Complete"
    btn "Chmod" [
        p-file: to-url request-text/default rejoin [p/text f/picked]
        chmod: to-block request-text/title/default "Permissions:"
            "read write execute"
        write/binary/allow p-file (read/binary p-file) chmod
        alert "Permissions changed"
    do [focus p]

HTH Smile

ps - You may be interested in having a peek at <a href=""></a>
