Computer Science Canada

Clearing A Certain Area

Author:  sensfan [ Thu Jan 12, 2006 2:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Clearing A Certain Area

Is there a way to clear a certain area, like a box.

Draw.FillBox (10,357,45,388,brightred)

How would you tell Turing to clear the screen but only within that area?

I've tried something as simple as drawing a black box overtop of it, but the box is in a loop (because it is changing colours back and forth) so it never clears.[/i]

Author:  MysticVegeta [ Thu Jan 12, 2006 2:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Please post the code because I would have suggested drawing a box over it.

Author:  Tony [ Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

sensfan -- if you're using processes... don't

Author:  Albrecd [ Thu Jan 12, 2006 4:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

You should be able to make the appearance of clearing a portion of the screen by drawing a white box over the area you want cleared. Just put:

Draw.FillBox (whateverX, whateverY, whateverX2, whateverY2, white)

wherever you want it to be cleared. (If your problem is that the other stuff is in a loop and being redrawn overtop of your cleared screen, just put the Draw.FillBox in the loop as well, after the other stuff.)

Please post the code
