Computer Science Canada

programming, eh?

Author:  Tony [ Thu Nov 14, 2002 5:14 am ]
Post subject:  programming, eh?

hey guys... I've desided to finally put my programming skillz to where they belong... or atleast someplace where I can get some cash Wink

anyway, resume is no problem... and I got some great references... all I need now is a porfolio Confused So I've deside to make one...

I'm planning on making a website, showing my abilities in Illustrator, 3DSMAX, Flash... and ofcourse programming... Mostly a program I'm gonna make - Address Book...

well ya, I know its lame, but heck, it needs to look profesional and its the best I could come up with Confused

Anywho, I'll looking for some sujestions for the features of it... Such as - if you were to use an Address Book program, what would you want to see in it?

Author:  Dan [ Thu Nov 14, 2002 9:18 pm ]
Post subject:  he he he

you know what i whode like to see in an adress book a bution that whode send a virus or nuke some ones e-mail. Twisted Evil

but srelaeys i think that what whode make it good is if you coude send an e-mail from it by just typeing in the person name and not there e-mail. althog that coude be complacted good luck with that.

P.S. what job are you going for or looking for?

Author:  Tony [ Fri Nov 15, 2002 2:50 am ]
Post subject: 

well I think that its easy to send an e-mail on a click...

well atleast if they're using outlook Wink

I don't know about what kind of job it will turn out to be... Hopeing for something to do with programming... Like managing computers in a small store would be nice... Like come in on weekends, makes sure everything is running... writing some programs to manage stuff...

like databases, calculators, wizzards, etc...

what other kind of programming I can get part-time?
