Computer Science Canada

results for [FP] '03/04

Author:  Tony [ Mon Jun 28, 2004 2:30 am ]
Post subject:  results for [FP] '03/04

And this concludes our first annual (we're doing this next year for sure) Final Project contest. Thanks go out to all who participated.

The staff marked all the submissions based on various aspects. The scores were averaged and top10 was formed:

    1st bugzpodder
    2nd TheZsterBunny
    3rd Bob565656
    4th lil_li
    5th alikhan
    6th zylum
    7th Kuntzy
    8th Boss_Duff
    9th Kingnoz
    10th the_short1

we also had a vote, and of those

    Most Artistic lil_li & Bob565656
    Best Analysis Kuntzy
    Best Design bugzpodder
    Best Coding zylum
    Most Thoughtful Boss_Duff
    Best Overall TheZsterBunny

All of top10 users will recieve email and bits.
PM desired email handle and a tempPass to Hacker Dan to have that set up. I gave out some bits.. umm... yeah Confused

Author:  TheZsterBunny [ Mon Jun 28, 2004 5:31 pm ]
Post subject: 





2:30 am!?!?!?!?!

Author:  Delos [ Mon Jun 28, 2004 7:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Congrads to all _winners_!

Author:  Tony [ Mon Jun 28, 2004 7:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

haha, yeah... great work on that vexed Wink

and that's 3:30 am... yeah... Hit Wall

Author:  Paul [ Mon Jun 28, 2004 8:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

wow, thats the equivilant of 2500 + bits. Shocked I gotta work hard next year, can u sell ur email if you already got one? lol

Author:  Tony [ Mon Jun 28, 2004 8:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

hah, paul Laughing we'll see about that in a year, but I promise you better prizes anyways Wink

Author:  Paul [ Mon Jun 28, 2004 8:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, is that a hint at the importance of bits? maybe we can switch them for T-Shirts...

Author:  the_short1 [ Mon Jun 28, 2004 8:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

YAY!!! TOP TEN@!!!!!!!!!!!!! was maybe anticipating 8ish.... but ok... good stuff.. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy GO PACMAN!

snakes and ladders.... hmmm...... ok..

even tho i did not try bugpoders.... i know it was wicked.... gj!
Go Zester! and Aikan < urs were GREAT too..

btw: now will all our topics be moved to Turing Submissions ?

Author:  the_short1 [ Mon Jun 28, 2004 9:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

when and how many bits ?

and i personally think Aiklan deserved 3rd or 4rth.... View.Clip use.. and AI.... was pretty dam good!

Author:  zylum [ Mon Jun 28, 2004 11:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

wow, i actually made it in the top 10... i thought mine sucked...

what do we get? Laughing

Author:  Dan [ Tue Jun 29, 2004 12:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: results for [FP] '03/04

tony wrote:

All of top10 users will recieve email and bits.
PM desired email handle and a tempPass to Hacker Dan to have that set up. I gave out some bits.. umm... yeah Confused


Author:  zylum [ Tue Jun 29, 2004 9:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

oh lol, i didnt read that far down Laughing

Author:  the_short1 [ Wed Jun 30, 2004 9:32 am ]
Post subject: 

100 bits for tenth! thx tony... thats a good amount of bits... and helped me stay ahead of bugz Razz

how much did first get? (or did we each get the same amount of bits?)

*yea i know how many bits u gave me cuz i have my bit log.. Razz

speaking of which.... dan are u going to make it public any time soon (like puting it in ur profile (the one with ur signature and avatqar etc)? or just wait till compsciv3 ?

Author:  Delos [ Wed Jun 30, 2004 9:58 am ]
Post subject: 

When shall all of these proceedings make their way to the front promised?

Author:  the_short1 [ Wed Jun 30, 2004 2:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

tropies for all ppl in the top ten would be wicked.... just thoguht of this and am busy rite now..... but ill draw a quicjk one later .....

also.. that would finally put some uses to items section!

Author:  Dan [ Wed Jun 30, 2004 6:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

the_short1 wrote:

speaking of which.... dan are u going to make it public any time soon (like puting it in ur profile (the one with ur signature and avatqar etc)? or just wait till compsciv3 ?

i was waiting for v3. Alougth there is a post in GD that has a link to it in the bits topic so poleop should be able to find it. In v3 i was plaing on making the profile page alot better and have a user contorl panel thing where they can see there own stats and set up options for there aoucnt. This is manily to do with some other updates but i was going to put the bits log in there.

Author:  Bob565656 [ Fri Jul 09, 2004 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  wow

lol, i wasnt expecting any of this. just wanted to market my game up a bit, and i get submitted into the [FP] and come 3rd lol. anywayz, thx a lot guys. I was thinking of working on monopoly turing game this summer. So in 2 months, ill b posting a great working game. im also gonna start learning C++ b4 university starts, so if anyone has any really good tutorials, feel free 2 share wit me Smile cyaz
