Computer Science Canada

Will you get a GMail acount over a hotmail one?

Author:  Dan [ Thu Apr 01, 2004 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Will you get a GMail acount over a hotmail one?

google is going to have free e-mail soon with a hole gb of space! will you sing up? is it worth ditcing your hotmail for this? and how do u feal about google reading your e-mail to use with adds?

Author:  jonos [ Thu Apr 01, 2004 10:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

hell yeah i will, id rather have google adds than ms adds (even if their way reads my email) because ms probably uses subliminal messaging to braind wash people to use the msn tv shite and other stuff. and use the zone instead of gamespy, and whatnot. gotta love google, especially if it has really fast load times, hotmail takes a little too long sometimes.

Author:  zylum [ Thu Apr 01, 2004 11:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

are you sure they give you a full GB of space??? that's crazy Shocked

Author:  da_foz [ Fri Apr 02, 2004 12:00 am ]
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Wow, you guys jumped on that one pretty fast. Did you not also see the date at the top of the press release...?

Google really likes to anounce crazy stuff on April 1st.

Author:  zylum [ Fri Apr 02, 2004 12:18 am ]
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lmao, i guess i fell for that one Embarassed

Author:  jonos [ Fri Apr 02, 2004 6:56 am ]
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no guys, i think its real, the site is still up.

Author:  Catalyst [ Fri Apr 02, 2004 7:06 am ]
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it is real

Author:  Paul [ Sat Apr 03, 2004 1:31 pm ]
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woot! woot! I'd get one, but not over hotmail, I think this will pull many potential/current users away from other free emails, even hotmail, but not as much, cause theres still msn Razz I'd keep my hotmail account AND get that one.

Author:  Raugrist [ Sat Apr 03, 2004 1:39 pm ]
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Paul Bian wrote:
woot! woot! I'd get one, but not over hotmail, I think this will pull many potential/current users away from other free emails, even hotmail, but not as much, cause theres still msn Razz I'd keep my hotmail account AND get that one.

I'm pretty sure you can use MSN Messenger without using a hotmail account if you get a 'passport'. I'd definitely get one, does anybody know when they'll be available?

Author:  Tony [ Sat Apr 03, 2004 1:55 pm ]
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yes, you can defenatly use MSN Messanger with your 'passport' account. Dan and Darkness use their @compsci's for MSN

Author:  Dan [ Sat Apr 03, 2004 2:55 pm ]
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used to, sigh.....

Author:  Josh_VK [ Sat May 15, 2004 2:37 pm ]
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not that i like hotmail either but id rather google stay outa my info... lol

Author:  Amailer [ Sat May 15, 2004 2:44 pm ]
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You know, people don't read your emails... they are just scanned for words by some script that's all.. what's the big deal?

Author:  Josh_VK [ Sat May 15, 2004 2:45 pm ]
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Yeah true.. and it is a free gig of space.
i geuss its worth it

Author:  MyPistolsIn3D [ Mon May 24, 2004 7:15 pm ]
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Sure, ill prob get one, maybe only use it for big attachments and stuff though, a gB of space would be sweetness.

Author:  Amailer [ Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:21 am ]
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Posted Image, might have been reduced in size. Click Image to view fullscreen.
2GB Confused

Author:  Paul [ Wed Aug 04, 2004 11:22 am ]
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god damn it, I would say "no" now cause you can only send files up to the size of 10 megs...

Author:  rizzix [ Wed Aug 04, 2004 4:46 pm ]
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eh? its standardized... no email service provider will ever let u go beyond that limit.. unless they all agree to some new standard.

Author:  zomg [ Mon Nov 15, 2004 12:15 pm ]
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i dont kno... i think id still use my hotmail because all my contatcs are on that one and everyone knows who i am

but gmail has all that space so i'd probably use that one for web space or something rather than email.

and any way i got a rogers account (i never use) that has 2gb of space
i got it with rogers high speed(lol and i still have 9 more free 2gb accounts with rogers)

Author:  cool dude [ Fri Feb 11, 2005 8:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

i actually find gmail to be a lot better than hotmail because of the spam filters. i have gmail for a while now and i had never been sent spam! Smile i still have my hotmail account but i rarely use it although i do use it for msn. i could easily make my gmail account my msn but i don't really wanna do that.

P.S. if any one needs gmail invites PM me because i have 50 invites!

Author:  [Gandalf] [ Sat Feb 12, 2005 8:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

2gb is probably paid for... I am using both - I don't know how I'll switch from one to the other...

Will we be able to keep our beta gmail accounts when it goes public? I assume so, since otherwise would be stupid.

Author:  ssr [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 6:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

vs the good old hotmail
Ill stop using hotmail when google release a Google Messenger or something.
Its sooo easy to check ur email right on MSN. Very Happy Very Happy

Author:  Martin [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:13 pm ]
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Google Messenger...that's not a bad idea.

I'll bet that google'd do an awesome job with it.

Author:  Amailer [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

ssr wrote:
vs the good old hotmail
Ill stop using hotmail when google release a Google Messenger or something.
Its sooo easy to check ur email right on MSN. Very Happy Very Happy

... no its not.
I find it easier with gmail (thanks to the gmail notifier) XD

Author:  MihaiG [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:45 pm ]
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i like hotmail i can easily get ppls IPs Laughing Laughing Laughing *enable advanced headers** Rolling Eyes

Author:  Martin [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 8:34 pm ]
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You can do that with any email system, if the people don't use a proxy IP.

Author:  rizzix [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 10:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

ssr wrote:
vs the good old hotmail
Ill stop using hotmail when google release a Google Messenger or something.
Its sooo easy to check ur email right on MSN. Very Happy Very Happy

ok thats it. i have to stop such nonsensical thinking. You windowz users dont know how lucky you are, cuz apple created dashboard. Hence konfab revolted.. so take advantage and..

GO GET UR konfabulator!

Author:  Mazer [ Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:17 am ]
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This is good news indeed, thanks rizzix!

Author:  the_short1 [ Sat Feb 19, 2005 1:30 pm ]
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get a couple.. i have 3 accounts 2 strickly storage... their handy and fast..
-the scripts dont care about illigal stuff.. in fact.. i sent myself a serial from another email account.. and the google ad that was displayed had a VERY cool link to a serial site that has a serial i was looking for.. so yea.. their HANDY!

save ur contact list from ur hotmail MSN passport
register gmail account for passport
import contact list

\bam! gmails working with msn..

Author:  quick flash [ Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

I use hotmail mostly for msn messenger stuff, but i use Gmail for school files, I like Gmail cuz the gmail drive, and ive only ever got 1 spam, which actually went in spam

Author:  the_short1 [ Tue Feb 22, 2005 1:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

nie sig quick flash.
Gmail Search and Check << on that thing that rizzx posted.. OMFG OMFG!! THAT IS AWSOME ! ! ! U OWN MAN !! U OWN!

ok, but yea google should make a messenger.. it would definately kick msn's asss.. like common.. how many times has msn signed u off for no reason? crashed during a convo? simply failed to work?.. googles all about reliability, security, and shear greatness.. and im shure they will one day.. one day.. beat ms Razz

Author:  axej [ Mon May 30, 2005 6:39 pm ]
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im currently beta testing it and its not too great Sad
i lose about70% of my mail due to unknown reasons(i just don't recieve them especially when you email yourself an important project the morning before its due to print and find it gone Sad ) . i have fiends that experience these exact same problem.
plus, yahoo and hotmail are now upgrading all old accounts to 1Gb of friggin storage! Dance Claping Head Bang

Author:  Amailer [ Mon May 30, 2005 6:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Alright this is getting sorta anoying, your bringing up VERY old topics :S
And how is it not great? Its working prefectly... ahh Gmail is the good way Smile

Author:  Mazer [ Mon May 30, 2005 6:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Indeed. If only there were a news post (or two) pointing out that bringing up very old topics isn't a good thing. Oh wait, there are. And you actually posted in one of them.

And please, let's try to tone down the emoticon usage.

Author:  [Gandalf] [ Mon May 30, 2005 9:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Laughing Indeed Very Happy please stop posting on old, dead, and fairly pointless topics Surprised . *end useless emoticon use*

Anyways, does anyone know of a way to quickly forward all your hotmail messages to gmail? Damn hotmail probably thought of this sort of situation and doesn't have mass forwarding. Any way to at least quickly save all your emails to the computer? I would use gmail, but I have 600 emails in my hotmail account which I dont want to lose...

Author:  axej [ Mon May 30, 2005 9:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

im srry that i revitalized this thread because i didn't look at the date, but it appears that you have questions about this topic
edit=>srry aboot that im in apissy mood right now i'm stuck doing my geography cuminating Sad

Author:  lyam_kaskade [ Mon May 30, 2005 10:05 pm ]
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Couldn't you use an email client that downloads email to your computer (like Thunderbird or *shudder* Outlook Express).

Author:  the_short1 [ Tue May 31, 2005 11:51 am ]
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yea i just took and hour and forwarded 50 emails from hotmail to my gmail.. and i set up a filter on gmail that all emails from my old adress would be archived automatically and label "old Email"... hotmail of course doesnlt want you to switch.. hence the hard forwarding and increased space.. hahah.. . . still pathetic wihtout forwards and labels!.. . .heres a cool picture

yea.. i uploaded 3 full dvds to my gmail account using auto splits and sends all 70ish 9.5mb chunks... did during the night and while i was at school the next day.. .. only takes a few hours but im not going to do while im at home Very Happy...i got 450down, 65up..

i dont think the 3rd one fit.. grows 3mb/day so it will be goon enuf in a week or so.. . austin powers 1-3 is in another gmail account and it fit nicely 2230 ...also got LOTR trig 2gb each, 3 more gmail accounts.. awsome as hell! simpple!! im suggesting to gmail that they make size per email be (size of inbox / 100) so its always bigger too Very Happy... i got 50 invites.. why not?... o.. btw: i did all that with a filter in gmail to auto archive them and apply labels when from die2 etc.

Author:  RscMod [ Mon Jun 06, 2005 9:59 am ]
Post subject: 

cool dude wrote:

P.S. if any one needs gmail invites PM me because i have 50 invites!

My bud works with gmail he is incharge of 2mil+ Gmail Invites so 50 is nothing

Author:  the_short1 [ Mon Jun 06, 2005 12:10 pm ]
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yea.. well if you haev 50 invites.. make 50 accounts... bam you got 2500 invites.... i got 15 accounts right now.. . so.... yea.. anyways .. they refresh invites on my main account ever 2nd day.. the other accoutns every 10 days ish

Author:  Mazer [ Mon Jun 06, 2005 12:33 pm ]
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Guys, this is old. Can you actually think of anybody that doesn't have a GMail account and actually cares?

Author:  axej [ Mon Jun 06, 2005 3:09 pm ]
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no, not really. i don't need any invites anyways
