Turing: |
var mainWin : int := Window.Open ("nooffscreenonly,graphics:600;600,nobuttonbar,position:center;center")
var bullet, bullet2 : flexible array 1 .. 0 of int
var direction, direction2 : string := "up"
var reply, map : string (1)
var pastx, pasty, pastx2, pasty2, count, count2 : int := 1
var recoil, recoil2, flag, flag2, cap, cap2, spawn, spawn2 : boolean := false
var win : int := 0
var chars : array char of boolean
var x1, y1 : int := 80
var x2, y2 : int := 520
process secure
if cap = false then
cap := true
for x : 1 .. 10000
delay (1)
count + = 1
if x2 >= 250 and x2 <= 350 and y2 >= 250 and y2 <= 350 then
cap := false
count := 1
end if
if x1 < 250 or x1 > 350 or y1 < 250 or y1 > 350 then
cap := false
count := 1
end if
if count = 10000 then
win := 1
end if
end for
end if
end secure
process secure2
if cap2 = false then
cap2 := true
for x : 1 .. 10000
delay (1)
count2 + = 1
if x1 >= 250 and x1 <= 350 and y1 >= 250 and y1 <= 350 then
cap2 := false
count2 := 1
end if
if x2 < 250 or x2 > 350 or y2 < 250 or y2 > 350 then
cap2 := false
count2 := 1
end if
if count2 = 10000 then
win := 2
end if
end for
end if
end secure2
process recharge
delay (600)
recoil := false
end recharge
process recharge2
delay (600)
recoil2 := false
end recharge2
process spawner
spawn := true
delay (1000)
spawn := false
end spawner
process spawner2
spawn2 := true
delay (1000)
spawn2 := false
end spawner2
process fire
if recoil = false then
pastx := x1
pasty := y1
recoil := true
fork recharge
if direction = "up" then
for i : y1 .. upper (bullet )
drawfilloval (pastx, i, 1, 1, red)
if whatdotcolour (pastx, i + 2) = 3 then
if map not= "1" and map not= "4" then
win := 1
if flag = true then
flag := false
end if
x2 := 520
y2 := 520
fork spawner2
end if
end if
delay (1)
end for
elsif direction = "right" then
for i : x1 .. upper (bullet )
drawfilloval (i, pasty, 1, 1, red)
if whatdotcolour (i + 2, pasty ) = 3 then
if map not= "1" and map not= "4" then
win := 1
if flag = true then
flag := false
end if
x2 := 520
y2 := 520
fork spawner2
end if
end if
delay (1)
end for
elsif direction = "left" then
for decreasing i : x1 .. upper (bullet )
drawfilloval (i - 2, pasty, 1, 1, red)
if whatdotcolour (i, pasty ) = 3 then
if map not= "1" and map not= "4" then
win := 1
if flag = true then
flag := false
end if
x2 := 520
y2 := 520
fork spawner2
end if
end if
delay (1)
end for
elsif direction = "down" then
for decreasing i : y1 .. upper (bullet )
drawfilloval (pastx, i, 1, 1, red)
if whatdotcolour (pastx, i - 2) = 3 then
if map not= "1" and map not= "4" then
win := 1
if flag = true then
flag := false
end if
x2 := 520
y2 := 520
fork spawner2
end if
end if
delay (1)
end for
end if
end if
end fire
process fire2
if recoil2 = false then
pastx2 := x2
pasty2 := y2
recoil2 := true
fork recharge2
if direction2 = "up" then
for i : y2 .. upper (bullet2 )
drawfilloval (pastx2, i, 1, 1, red)
if whatdotcolour (pastx2, i + 2) = 2 then
if map not= "1" and map not= "4" then
win := 2
if flag2 = true then
flag2 := false
end if
x1 := 80
y1 := 80
fork spawner
end if
end if
delay (1)
end for
elsif direction2 = "right" then
for i : x2 .. upper (bullet2 )
drawfilloval (i, pasty2, 1, 1, red)
if whatdotcolour (i + 2, pasty2 ) = 2 then
if map not= "1" and map not= "4" then
win := 2
if flag2 = true then
flag2 := false
end if
x1 := 80
y1 := 80
fork spawner
end if
end if
delay (1)
end for
elsif direction2 = "left" then
for decreasing i : x2 .. upper (bullet2 )
drawfilloval (i, pasty2, 1, 1, red)
if whatdotcolour (i - 2, pasty2 ) = 2 then
if map not= "1" and map not= "4" then
win := 2
if flag2 = true then
flag2 := false
end if
x1 := 80
y1 := 80
fork spawner
end if
end if
delay (1)
end for
elsif direction2 = "down" then
for decreasing i : y2 .. upper (bullet2 )
drawfilloval (pastx2, i, 1, 1, red)
if whatdotcolour (pastx2, i - 2) = 2 then
if map not= "1" and map not= "4" then
win := 2
if flag2 = true then
flag2 := false
end if
x1 := 80
y1 := 80
fork spawner
end if
end if
delay (1)
end for
end if
end if
end fire2
proc map1
drawbox (50, 50, 275, 275, 1)
drawbox (50, 550, 275, 325, 1)
drawbox (550, 50, 325, 275, 1)
drawbox (550, 550, 325, 325, 1)
drawfillbox (51, 51, 149, 124, yellow)
drawline (150, 275, 175, 275, 0)
drawline (150, 275, 150, 50, 1)
drawline (175, 275, 175, 50, 1)
for x : 1 .. 2
drawline (50, 50 + x * 75, 150, 50 + x * 75, 1)
drawline (275, 50 + x * 75, 175, 50 + x * 75, 1)
end for
for x : 1 .. 3
drawline (150, 0 + x * 75, 150, 25 + x * 75, 0)
drawline (175, 0 + x * 75, 175, 25 + x * 75, 0)
end for
drawline (275, 425, 275, 450, 0)
drawline (275, 425, 50, 425, 1)
drawline (275, 450, 50, 450, 1)
for x : 1 .. 2
drawline (50 + x * 75, 450, 50 + x * 75, 550, 1)
drawline (50 + x * 75, 425, 50 + x * 75, 325, 1)
end for
for x : 1 .. 3
drawline (25 + x * 75, 425, x * 75, 425, 0)
drawline (25 + x * 75, 450, x * 75, 450, 0)
end for
drawline (425, 325, 450, 325, 0)
drawline (425, 325, 425, 550, 1)
drawline (450, 325, 450, 550, 1)
drawfillbox (549, 549, 451, 476, black)
for x : 1 .. 2
drawline (325, 325 + x * 75, 425, 325 + x * 75, 1)
drawline (450, 325 + x * 75, 550, 325 + x * 75, 1)
end for
for x : 1 .. 3
drawline (425, 275 + x * 75, 425, 300 + x * 75, 0)
drawline (450, 275 + x * 75, 450, 300 + x * 75, 0)
end for
drawline (325, 150, 325, 175, 0)
drawline (325, 150, 550, 150, 1)
drawline (325, 175, 550, 175, 1)
for x : 1 .. 2
drawline (325 + x * 75, 150, 325 + x * 75, 50, 1)
drawline (325 + x * 75, 175, 325 + x * 75, 275, 1)
end for
for x : 1 .. 3
drawline (275 + x * 75, 150, 300 + x * 75, 150, 0)
drawline (275 + x * 75, 175, 300 + x * 75, 175, 0)
end for
end map1
proc map2
drawbox (100, 100, 500, 500, 1)
drawline (275, 100, 325, 100, 0)
drawline (275, 500, 325, 500, 0)
drawline (100, 275, 100, 325, 0)
drawline (500, 275, 500, 325, 0)
drawline (200, 300, 400, 300, 1)
drawline (300, 200, 300, 400, 1)
end map2
proc map3
for x : 1 .. 9
drawline (0 + x * 60, 0, 0 + x * 60, 600, 1)
drawline (0, 0 + x * 60, 600, 0 + x * 60, 1)
end for
for x : 0 .. 9
for y : 0 .. 9
drawline (20 + y * 60, 60 + x * 60, 40 + y * 60, 60 + x * 60, 0)
drawline (60 + x * 60, 40 + y * 60, 60 + x * 60, 20 + y * 60, 0)
end for
end for
drawfillbox (181, 181, 419, 419, 0)
end map3
proc map4
drawbox (250, 250, 350, 350, black)
drawline (0, 100, 100, 100, 1)
drawline (100, 0, 100, 80, 1)
drawbox (30, 150, 130, 400, 1)
drawbox (130, 0, 250, 145, 1)
drawbox (570, 450, 470, 200, 1)
drawbox (470, 600, 350, 455, 1)
drawline (500, 600, 500, 520, 1)
drawline (600, 500, 500, 500, 1)
end map4
put "Map 1 is Office Buildings (CTF), Map 2 is Arena, Map 3 is Grids, ", skip, "Map 4 is King of the Hill."
put "Which map would you like to play?" ..
getch (map )
exit when map = "1" or map = "2" or map = "3" or map = "4"
end loop
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
drawbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, 1)
if map = "1" then
elsif map = "2" then
elsif map = "3" then
end if
Input.KeyDown (chars )
if spawn = false then
if chars (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
direction := "up"
y1 + = 1
elsif chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
direction := "right"
x1 + = 1
elsif chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
direction := "left"
x1 - = 1
elsif chars (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
direction := "down"
y1 - = 1
end if
end if
if spawn2 = false then
if chars ('w') then
direction2 := "up"
y2 + = 1
elsif chars ('d') then
direction2 := "right"
x2 + = 1
elsif chars ('a') then
direction2 := "left"
x2 - = 1
elsif chars ('s') then
direction2 := "down"
y2 - = 1
end if
end if
if y1 + 6 >= maxy then
y1 - = 1
end if
if y1 - 6 <= 0 then
y1 + = 1
end if
if x1 + 6 >= maxx then
x1 - = 1
end if
if x1 - 6 <= 0 then
x1 + = 1
end if
if whatdotcolor (x1 + 6, y1 ) = 1 then
x1 - = 1
end if
if whatdotcolor (x1 - 6, y1 ) = 1 then
x1 + = 1
end if
if whatdotcolor (x1, y1 + 6) = 1 then
y1 - = 1
end if
if whatdotcolor (x1, y1 - 6) = 1 then
y1 + = 1
end if
if whatdotcolor (x1 + 6, y1 + 6) = 1 then
x1 - = 1
y1 - = 1
end if
if whatdotcolor (x1 - 6, y1 + 6) = 1 then
x1 + = 1
y1 - = 1
end if
if whatdotcolor (x1 + 6, y1 - 6) = 1 then
x1 - = 1
y1 + = 1
end if
if whatdotcolor (x1 - 6, y1 - 6) = 1 then
x1 + = 1
y1 - = 1
end if
if y2 + 6 >= maxy then
y2 - = 1
end if
if y2 - 6 <= 0 then
y2 + = 1
end if
if x2 + 6 >= maxx then
x2 - = 1
end if
if x2 - 6 <= 0 then
x2 + = 1
end if
if whatdotcolor (x2 + 6, y2 ) = 1 then
x2 - = 1
end if
if whatdotcolor (x2 - 6, y2 ) = 1 then
x2 + = 1
end if
if whatdotcolor (x2, y2 + 6) = 1 then
y2 - = 1
end if
if whatdotcolor (x2, y2 - 6) = 1 then
y2 + = 1
end if
if whatdotcolor (x2 + 6, y2 + 6) = 1 then
x2 - = 1
y2 - = 1
end if
if whatdotcolor (x2 - 6, y2 + 6) = 1 then
x2 + = 1
y2 - = 1
end if
if whatdotcolor (x2 + 6, y2 - 6) = 1 then
x2 - = 1
y2 + = 1
end if
if whatdotcolor (x2 - 6, y2 - 6) = 1 then
x2 + = 1
y2 - = 1
end if
if map = "1" then
if x2 >= 51 and x2 <= 149 and y2 >= 51 and y2 <= 124 then
flag := true
end if
if x1 >= 451 and x1 <= 599 and y1 >= 476 and y1 <= 599 then
flag2 := true
end if
end if
if map = "4" then
if x1 >= 250 and x1 <= 350 and y1 >= 250 and y1 <= 350 then
if x2 < 250 or x2 > 350 or y2 < 250 or y2 > 350 then
fork secure
drawfillbox (251, 251, 349, 349, yellow)
end if
end if
if x2 >= 250 and x2 <= 350 and y2 >= 250 and y2 <= 350 then
if x1 < 250 or x1 > 350 or y1 < 250 or y1 > 350 then
fork secure2
drawfillbox (251, 251, 349, 349, black)
end if
end if
end if
drawfilloval (x1, y1, 5, 5, 2)
if flag2 = true then
drawfilloval (x1, y1, 3, 3, black)
end if
drawfilloval (x2, y2, 5, 5, 3)
if flag = true then
drawfilloval (x2, y2, 3, 3, yellow)
end if
if spawn = false then
if chars ('/') then
if direction = "up" then
for i : y1 .. maxy
if whatdotcolor (x1, i ) = 1 then
new bullet, i
end if
new bullet, 0
end for
elsif direction = "right" then
for i : x1 .. maxx
if whatdotcolor (i, y1 ) = 1 then
new bullet, i
end if
new bullet, 0
end for
elsif direction = "left" then
for decreasing i : x1 .. 0
if whatdotcolor (i, y1 ) = 1 then
new bullet, i
end if
new bullet, 0
end for
elsif direction = "down" then
for decreasing i : y1 .. 0
if whatdotcolor (x1, i ) = 1 then
new bullet, i
end if
new bullet, 0
end for
end if
fork fire
end if
end if
if spawn2 = false then
if chars (' ') then
if direction2 = "up" then
for i : y2 .. maxy
if whatdotcolor (x2, i ) = 1 then
new bullet2, i
end if
new bullet2, 0
end for
elsif direction2 = "right" then
for i : x2 .. maxx
if whatdotcolor (i, y2 ) = 1 then
new bullet2, i
end if
new bullet2, 0
end for
elsif direction2 = "left" then
for decreasing i : x2 .. 0
if whatdotcolor (i, y2 ) = 1 then
new bullet2, i
end if
new bullet2, 0
end for
elsif direction2 = "down" then
for decreasing i : y2 .. 0
if whatdotcolor (x2, i ) = 1 then
new bullet2, i
end if
new bullet2, 0
end for
end if
fork fire2
end if
end if
if flag2 = true and flag = false and x1 >= 51 and x1 <= 149 and y1 >= 51 and y1 <= 124 then
cap := true
end if
if flag = true and flag2 = false and x2 >= 451 and x2 <= 549 and y2 >= 476 and y2 <= 549 then
cap2 := true
end if
delay (3)
if map not= "1" then
exit when win > 0
exit when cap = true or cap2 = true
end if
end loop
setscreen ("nooffscreenonly")
if cap = true then
win := 1
win := 2
end if
if win = 1 then
put "Player one has won."
put "Player two has won."
end if
put "Would you like to continue (y/n) "
getch (reply )
exit when reply = "y" or reply = "n"
end loop
if reply = "y" then
x1 := 80
y1 := 80
x2 := 520
y2 := 520
flag := false
flag2 := false
cap := false
cap2 := false
win := 0
end if
end loop
locate (17, 18)
put "Created by: Bruno Maillette 2011."
locate (18, 18)
put "Press any key to Exit" ..
getch (reply )
Window.Close (mainWin )
Now exits when done, has CTF, king of the hill and deathmatch
COMMENT ON PROCESSES AND I WILL GET ANGRY, i just want an opinion on the game and suggestions on what to add |