Computer Science Canada

Simple Crosshair Movement- Help Needed

Author:  skatelhs [ Thu May 22, 2003 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Simple Crosshair Movement- Help Needed

so, im making a game ( Shocked ) for compsci class, grade 10, final evaluation.
Im doin somethin like that arcade game(like the ones in arcades), where you step on that thing and your character pops up, and you shoot. I'm not doin any poppin up actually, just people stop shooting you when you put your gun away. I'm not really too far along, I am just in the process of making the crosshair and noises. Heres the code I've got so far...
var x, y, button : int
    Mouse.Where (x, y, button)
    locatexy (maxx div 2, maxy div 2)
    %Making "Out of Bounds" Area for crosshair
    if y > 390 then
        y := 390
            y < 10 then
        y := 10
    end if
    if x > maxx then
        x := maxx
            x < 10 then
        x := 10
    end if
    %Triple-Thick Horizontal Line
    drawline (x - 30, y, x + 30, y, black)
    drawline (x - 30, y - 1, x + 30, y - 1, black)
    drawline (x - 30, y + 1, x + 30, y - 1, black)
    %Triple-Thick Vertical Line
    drawline (x, y - 30, x, y + 30, black)
    drawline (x - 1, y - 30, x - 1, y + 30, black)
    drawline (x + 1, y - 30, x + 1, y + 30, black)
    %Clearing Screen of Crosshair
    %Button-Click "Shooting"
    if button = 1 then
    %Gun Sound
        sound (20000, 20)
        sound (2000, 20)
        sound (1000, 20)
        sound (200, 20)
        locatexy (maxx div 2, maxy div 2)
    %Weird Laser Spirals   
        drawoval (x, y, 4, 4, red)
        delay (10)
        drawoval (x, y, 8, 8, red)
        delay (10)
        drawoval (x, y, 12, 12, red)
        delay (10)
        drawoval (x, y, 18, 18, red)
        delay (10)
    end if
    %Press X to draw your weapon
    var chars : array char of boolean
            Input.KeyDown (chars)
            if chars (KEY_ENTER) then
          end if
end loop
end loop

I had a few questions about it:
1) how do i get the loop to look un-crappy? Its so friggin sketchy you can barely see it.
2) does anyone have any suggestions on stuff that will make it better?
3) Whats with that last part:
var chars : array char of boolean
            Input.KeyDown (chars)
            if chars (KEY_ENTER) then
          end if
end loop

If i leave out the
part it doesnt ever take the "weapon" out, when i'm actually trying to make the program close when i press it? Also, how do i make it exit, say, when the key "x" is pressed, and weapon comes out when key "enter" is pressed (pretty much already like that, just dont understand how i got there)
any help would be much appreciated!

Author:  Blade [ Fri May 23, 2003 7:53 am ]
Post subject: 

ok. to make the weapon stay you you have to hold the enter key for now. so make a boolean variable to check to see whether its true (out) or false (holstered). make the loop look somethin like this
var holster : boolean := false
%Press X to draw your weapon
var chars : array char of boolean
if holster = false then
        Input.KeyDown (chars)
        if chars (KEY_ENTER) then
            holster := true
        end if
    end loop
elsif holster = true then
        Input.KeyDown (chars)
        if chars (KEY_ENTER) then
            holster := false
        end if
    end loop
end if

this is just saying if holster is false it wont ask to draw your weapon. but if its true then you can press enter to draw it. but if its true then press enter to holster it.
to get rid of the crappy flashy if you are using version 4 of turing then you can use in your setscreen or View.Set "offscreenonly"
ex: View.Set("offscreenonly") and View.Update to update your graphics to the screen.

Author:  skatelhs [ Fri May 23, 2003 8:10 am ]
Post subject: 

I have no clue, whats this offscreenonly and viewupdate stuff?

Author:  skatelhs [ Fri May 23, 2003 8:15 am ]
Post subject: 

also im getting some problems with yours, the "holster" in "holster := true and holster:=false, is highlighted and it says it wont be executed

Author:  Homer_simpson [ Fri May 23, 2003 2:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

this solves the crappy loop problem
View.Set ("offscreenonly")
var x, y, button : int := 0
    drawfillbox (x - 15, y - 1, x + 15, y + 1, white)
    drawfillbox (x - 1, y - 15, x + 1, y + 15, white)
    Mouse.Where (x, y, button)
    if button not= 0 then
        drawfillbox (x - 15, y - 1, x + 15, y + 1, 12)
        drawfillbox (x - 1, y - 15, x + 1, y + 15, 12)
        delay (10)
        drawfillbox (x - 15, y - 1, x + 15, y + 1, 9)
        drawfillbox (x - 1, y - 15, x + 1, y + 15, 9)
        delay (10)
    end if
end loop

i'll help u with the holster thing when i get home

Author:  Blade [ Fri May 23, 2003 2:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

yeah. i used yer's and added in the holster. i used getch because in this case Input.KeyDown was way too fast. you push the button and it goes off and on and off and on again. lol. it ran really slowly on my comp. maybe thats just cuz its a lil screwed and needs a reformat cuz i did something to it i wasn't supossed to Wink but here ya go.
View.Set ("offscreenonly")
var holster : boolean := false
var chars : string (1)
var x, y, button : int := 0
    if hasch then
        getch (chars)
        if ord (chars) = 10 & holster = false then
            holster := true
        elsif ord (chars) = 10 & holster = true then
            holster := false
        end if
    end if
    if holster = false then
        Mouse.Where (x, y, button)
        if button not= 0 then
            drawfillbox (x - 15, y - 1, x + 15, y + 1, 12)
            drawfillbox (x - 1, y - 15, x + 1, y + 15, 12)
            drawfillbox (x - 15, y - 1, x + 15, y + 1, 9)
            drawfillbox (x - 1, y - 15, x + 1, y + 15, 9)
        end if
    end if
end loop
