Computer Science Canada

c or c+ or c++????????????????

Author:  junglistdub [ Mon Jul 18, 2005 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  c or c+ or c++????????????????

Hi, I really want to get into the c programing language and I just wanted to know what is the best c or c+ or c++ program with I can type into, for an example WIN-OOT is for the turing language, if anyone knows plz post it in this topic, and if you know where i can get that software for c or c+ programing plz tell me or post a link thanks

Author:  md [ Mon Jul 18, 2005 8:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Given that you aren't even sure what the languages are (C/C++, there is no C+ that I'm aware of) I'd recomend avoiding them until you are more proficient in general. Try learning Ruby or Pascal, or a similar language first. Do a search for Ruby on the forums and you'll find one of wtd's excelent tutorials. C/C++ are hard to learn so it's best if you master the fundamentals in another language first.
