Computer Science Canada

How would you use a function for a calculator

Author:  rbb [ Tue May 20, 2003 10:18 am ]
Post subject:  How would you use a function for a calculator

import GUI in "%oot/lib/GUI"
View.Set ("graphics:290;230")

drawfill (100, 100, grey, grey)
colorback (grey)
color (black)

procedure b1
put "1"
end b1

procedure b2
put "2"
end b2

procedure b3
put "3"
end b3

procedure b4
put "4"
end b4

procedure b5
put "5"
end b5

procedure b6
put "6"
end b6

procedure b7
put "7"
end b7

procedure b8
put "8"
end b8

procedure b9
put "9"
end b9

procedure b10
put "/"
end b10

procedure b11
put "X"
end b11

procedure b12
put "+"
end b12

procedure b13
put "-"
end b13

procedure b14
put "0"
end b14

procedure b15
put "="
end b15

procedure b16
put "+/-"
end b16


var button1 : int := GUI.CreateButton (10, 100, 60, "1", b1)
var button2 : int := GUI.CreateButton (80, 100, 60, "2", b2)
var button3 : int := GUI.CreateButton (150, 100, 60, "3", b3)
var button4 : int := GUI.CreateButton (10, 70, 60, "4", b4)
var button5 : int := GUI.CreateButton (80, 70, 60, "5", b5)
var button6 : int := GUI.CreateButton (150, 70, 60, "6", b6)
var button7 : int := GUI.CreateButton (10, 40, 60, "7", b7)
var button8 : int := GUI.CreateButton (80, 40, 60, "8", b8)
var button9 : int := GUI.CreateButton (150, 40, 60, "9", b9)
var button10 : int := GUI.CreateButton (220, 100, 60, "/", b10)
var button11 : int := GUI.CreateButton (220, 70, 60, "X", b11)
var button12 : int := GUI.CreateButton (220, 40, 60, "-", b12)
var button13 : int := GUI.CreateButton (220, 10, 60, "+", b13)
var button14 : int := GUI.CreateButton (80, 10, 60, "0", b14)
var button15 : int := GUI.CreateButton (150, 10, 60, "=", b15)
var button16 : int := GUI.CreateButton (10, 10, 60, "+/-", b16)
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop

Author:  tum_twish [ Tue May 20, 2003 7:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

You can use it when making calculations (ie. add function)

Author:  rbb [ Wed May 21, 2003 10:01 am ]
Post subject:  I meant...

I meant how do you m,ake a function work, for example how would you make the add button add and teh subtract button subtract

Author:  Tony [ Wed May 21, 2003 2:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

well the easiest calculator will also have two text fields... for an addition function, it will take the values from both textfields and add then together, then return a value and place it into the 3rd text field. Similar with the rest
